123 BaseSinkSource&
operator= (
const BaseSinkSource& BaseSinkSource);
long long Int64
Define the extra non-standard types used by Casacore (like proposed uSize, Size)
CountedPtr< TypeIO > itsTypeIO
This variable keeps a pointer to a TypeIO.
Bool isWritable() const
Is the SinkSource writable?
Define the possible seek options.
Int64 seek(Int64 offset, ByteIO::SeekOption=ByteIO::Begin)
This function sets the position on the given offset.
Bool isReadable() const
Is the SinkSource readable?
TypeIO & typeIO()
This functions returns a reference to itsTypeIO.
Bool isSeekable() const
Is the SinkSource seekable?
Shared base class for ByteSink and ByteSource.
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
Abstract base class for IO of data in a type-dependent format.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Seek from beginning of file.
virtual ~BaseSinkSource()
Bool isNull() const
Is the BaseSinkSource unusable?
BaseSinkSource & operator=(const BaseSinkSource &BaseSinkSource)
The assignment operator uses reference semantics.