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1 //# BitFlagsEngine.h: Templated virtual column engine to map bit flags to a Bool
2 //# Copyright (C) 2009
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
31 //# Includes
32 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
35 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
38  // <summary> Non-templated Helper class to handle the mask. </summary>
39  // <use visibility=local>
40  class BFEngineMask
41  {
42  public:
43  // Form the mask as given.
44  explicit BFEngineMask (uInt mask=0xffffffff);
46  // Form the mask from the given keywords defining the bits.
47  BFEngineMask (const Array<String>& keys, uInt defaultMask);
49  // Make the mask from the given keywords defining the bits.
50  void makeMask (const TableColumn& column);
52  // Form the read mask from the specification.
53  // If keywords are given, the mask is formed from them.
54  void fromRecord (const RecordInterface& spec, const TableColumn& column,
55  const String& prefix);
57  // Store the info in a Record.
58  void toRecord (RecordInterface& spec, const String& prefix) const;
60  // Get the mask.
61  uInt getMask() const
62  { return itsMask; }
64  // Get the mask keywords.
65  const Array<String>& getKeys() const
66  { return itsMaskKeys; }
68  private:
71  };
74  // <summary>
75  // Templated virtual column engine to map bit flags to a Bool.
76  // </summary>
78  // <use visibility=export>
80  // <reviewed reviewer="Gareth Hunt" date="94Nov17" tests="">
81  // </reviewed>
83  // <prerequisite>
84  //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
85  // <li> VirtualColumnEngine
86  // <li> VirtualArrayColumn
87  // </prerequisite>
89  // <synopsis>
90  // BitFlagsEngine is a virtual column engine which maps an integer column
91  // containing flag bits to a Bool column. It can be used in a MeasurementSet
92  // to have multiple flag categories, yet use all existing software that
93  // deals with the Bool FLAG column.
94  //
95  // The engine support read as well as write access.
96  // For both cases a mask can be defined telling which bits have to be taken
97  // into account. For example, when writing to the Bool FLAG column, the data
98  // in the bitflags column twill be or-ed with the bits as defined in the
99  // writemask. Similary when reading FLAG, only the bits of the readmask are
100  // taken into account.
101  //
102  // The masks can be defined in two ways:
103  // <ul>
104  // <li> The mask can be given directly as an integer value.
105  // The default write mask is 1 (thus only bit 0), while the default
106  // read mask is all bits.
107  // <li> Symbolic names for mask bits can be defined as keywords in the
108  // flagbits column. They define the bit value, not the bit number.
109  // It makes it possible to combine bits in a keyword.
110  // The keywords are stored in a subrecord of keyword FLAGSETS.
111  // Example of keyword and their values could be:
112  // <br>RFI=1, CAL=2, CLIP=4, OTHER=8, RFICAL=3
113  // <br>Note that in this example RFICAL is defined such that it
114  // contains RFI and CAL.
115  // </ul>
116  // A mask can be set at construction time, but it can be changed at runtime
117  // using the <src>setProperties</src> function.
118  // The masks are kept in special keywords (which are different from the
119  // keywords defining the flag bits), so it is possible to change a mask
120  // by changing those keywords before opening a table. However, that is
121  // not recommended.
122  //
123  // BitFlagsEngine is known to the table system for data types uChar, Short,
124  // and Int.
125  // </synopsis>
127  // <motivation>
128  // The FLAG_CATEGORY defined the Measurement does not work because adding
129  // an extra flag means resizing the entire array which is slow.
130  // This class makes it possible to use an integer column to store flags
131  // and map it directly to a Bool column.
132  // </motivation>
134  // <example>
135  // <srcblock>
136  // // Create the table description and 2 columns with indirect arrays in it.
137  // // The Int column will be stored, while the Bool will be used as virtual.
138  // TableDesc tableDesc ("", TableDesc::Scratch);
139  // tableDesc.addColumn (ArrayColumnDesc<Int> ("BitBlags"));
140  // tableDesc.addColumn (ArrayColumnDesc<Bool> ("FLAG"));
141  //
142  // // Create a new table using the table description.
143  // SetupNewTable newtab (tableDesc, "", Table::New);
144  //
145  // // Create the engine and bind the FLAG column to it.
146  // BitFlagsEngine<Int> flagsEngine("FLAG", "BitFlags");
147  // newtab.bindColumn ("FLAG", flagsEngine);
148  // // Create the table.
149  // Table table (newtab);
150  //
151  // // Store a 3-D array (with dim. 2,3,4) into each row of the column.
152  // // The shape of each array in the column is implicitly set by the put
153  // // function. This will also set the shape of the underlying Int array.
154  // ArrayColumn data (table, "virtualArray");
155  // Array<Bool> someArray(IPosition(4,2,3,4));
156  // someArray = True;
157  // for (rownr_t i=0, i<10; i++) { // table will have 10 rows
158  // table.addRow();
159  // data.put (i, someArray)
160  // }
161  // </srcblock>
162  // The underlying integer array will be stored according to the writemask
163  // which defaults to 1.
164  // </example>
166  // <templating arg=StoredType>
167  // <li> only suited for built-in integer data types
168  // </templating>
170  template<typename StoredType> class BitFlagsEngine : public BaseMappedArrayEngine<Bool, StoredType>
171  {
172  //# Make members of parent class known.
173  public:
175  protected:
181  public:
182  // Construct an engine to map integer arrays in a column to Bool arrays.
183  // StoredColumnName is the name of the column where the integer
184  // data will be put and must have data type StoredType.
185  // The virtual column using this engine must have data type Bool.
186  // <br>A mask can be given that specifies which bits to use in the mapping
187  // from StoredType to Bool. Similarly a mask can be given defining which
188  // bits to set when mapping from Bool to StoredType.
189  BitFlagsEngine (const String& virtualColumnName,
190  const String& storedColumnName,
191  StoredType readMask=StoredType(0xffffffff),
192  StoredType writeMask=1);
194  // Construct an engine to map integer arrays in a column to Bool arrays.
195  // StoredColumnName is the name of the column where the scaled
196  // data will be put and must have data type StoredType.
197  // The virtual column using this engine must have data type Bool.
198  // <br>A mask can be given that specifies which bits to use in the mapping
199  // from StoredType to Bool. Similarly a mask can be given defining which
200  // bits to set when mapping from Bool to StoredType.
201  // The masks are given using the values of keywords in the stored column.
202  // Each keyword should be an integer defining one or more bits and can be
203  // seen as a symbolic name. The keyword values are or-ed to form the mask.
204  // The keywords are stored in a subrecord of keyword FLAGSETS.
205  BitFlagsEngine (const String& virtualColumnName,
206  const String& storedColumnName,
207  const Array<String>& readMaskKeys,
208  const Array<String>& writeMaskKeys);
210  // Construct from a record specification as created by dataManagerSpec().
211  BitFlagsEngine (const Record& spec);
213  // Destructor is mandatory.
214  ~BitFlagsEngine();
216  // Return the type name of the engine (i.e. its class name).
217  virtual String dataManagerType() const;
219  // Get the name given to the engine (is the virtual column name).
220  virtual String dataManagerName() const;
222  // Record a record containing data manager specifications.
223  virtual Record dataManagerSpec() const;
225  // Get data manager properties that can be modified.
226  // These are ReadMask, WriteMask, ReadMaskKeys, and WriteMaskKeys.
227  // It is a subset of the data manager specification.
228  virtual Record getProperties() const;
230  // Modify data manager properties.
231  // These are ReadMask, WriteMask, ReadMaskKeys, and/or WriteMaskKeys.
232  // Mask keys should be given as an array of strings giving the keyword
233  // names defining mask bits (similar to the constructor). Mask keys are
234  // only used if not empty.
235  virtual void setProperties (const Record& spec);
237  // Return the name of the class.
238  // This includes the names of the template arguments.
239  static String className();
241  // Register the class name and the static makeObject "constructor".
242  // This will make the engine known to the table system.
243  // The automatically invoked registration function in
244  // contains BitFlagsEngine<Int>.
245  // Any other instantiation of this class must be registered "manually"
246  // (or added to
247  static void registerClass();
249  private:
250  // Copy constructor is only used by clone().
251  // (so it is made private).
254  // Assignment is not needed and therefore forbidden
255  // (so it is made private and not implemented).
258  // Clone the engine object.
259  DataManager* clone() const;
261  // Initialize the object for a new table.
262  // It defines the keywords containing the engine parameters.
263  void create64 (rownr_t initialNrrow);
265  // Preparing consists of setting the writable switch and
266  // adding the initial number of rows in case of create.
267  // Furthermore it reads the keywords containing the engine parameters.
268  void prepare();
270  // Get an array in the given row.
271  // This will scale and offset from the underlying array.
272  void getArray (rownr_t rownr, Array<Bool>& array);
274  // Put an array in the given row.
275  // This will scale and offset to the underlying array.
276  void putArray (rownr_t rownr, const Array<Bool>& array);
278  // Get a section of the array in the given row.
279  // This will scale and offset from the underlying array.
280  void getSlice (rownr_t rownr, const Slicer& slicer, Array<Bool>& array);
282  // Put into a section of the array in the given row.
283  // This will scale and offset to the underlying array.
284  void putSlice (rownr_t rownr, const Slicer& slicer,
285  const Array<Bool>& array);
287  // Get an entire column.
288  // This will scale and offset from the underlying array.
289  void getArrayColumn (Array<Bool>& array);
291  // Put an entire column.
292  // This will scale and offset to the underlying array.
293  void putArrayColumn (const Array<Bool>& array);
295  // Get some array values in the column.
296  // This will scale and offset from the underlying array.
297  virtual void getArrayColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
298  Array<Bool>& data);
300  // Put some array values in the column.
301  // This will scale and offset to the underlying array.
302  virtual void putArrayColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
303  const Array<Bool>& data);
305  // Get a section of all arrays in the column.
306  // This will scale and offset from the underlying array.
307  void getColumnSlice (const Slicer& slicer, Array<Bool>& array);
309  // Put a section of all arrays in the column.
310  // This will scale and offset to the underlying array.
311  void putColumnSlice (const Slicer& slicer, const Array<Bool>& array);
313  // Get a section of some arrays in the column.
314  // This will scale and offset from the underlying array.
315  virtual void getColumnSliceCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
316  const Slicer& slicer,
317  Array<Bool>& data);
319  // Put into a section of some arrays in the column.
320  // This will scale and offset to the underlying array.
321  virtual void putColumnSliceCells (const RefRows& rownrs,
322  const Slicer& slicer,
323  const Array<Bool>& data);
325  // Map bit flags array to Bool array.
326  // This is meant when reading an array from the stored column.
327  void mapOnGet (Array<Bool>& array,
328  const Array<StoredType>& stored);
330  // Map Bool array to bit flags array.
331  // This is meant when writing an array into the stored column.
332  void mapOnPut (const Array<Bool>& array,
333  Array<StoredType>& stored);
335  // Functor to and an array and mask and convert to Bool.
336  struct FlagsToBool : public std::unary_function<StoredType,Bool>
337  {
338  explicit FlagsToBool(StoredType readMask) : itsMask(readMask) {}
339  Bool operator() (StoredType value) const
340  { return (value & itsMask) != 0; }
341  private:
342  StoredType itsMask;
343  };
344  // Functor to convert Bools to flags using a mask.
345  // By default only bit 0 is set.
346  // Flag bits not affected are kept.
347  struct BoolToFlags : public std::binary_function<Bool,StoredType,StoredType>
348  {
349  explicit BoolToFlags(StoredType writeMask) : itsMask(writeMask) {}
350  StoredType operator() (Bool flag, StoredType value) const
351  { return (flag ? value&itsMask : value); }
352  private:
353  StoredType itsMask;
354  };
356  public:
357  // Define the "constructor" to construct this engine when a
358  // table is read back.
359  // This "constructor" has to be registered by the user of the engine.
360  // If the engine is commonly used, its registration can be added
361  // to the registerAllCtor function in
362  // That function gets automatically invoked by the table system.
363  static DataManager* makeObject (const String& dataManagerType,
364  const Record& spec);
366  private:
369  StoredType itsReadMask;
370  StoredType itsWriteMask;
371  Bool itsIsNew; //# True = new table
372  };
378 #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/BitFlagsEngine.tcc>
380 #endif
DataManager * clone() const
Clone the engine object.
Non-templated Helper class to handle the mask.
virtual Record getProperties() const
Get data manager properties that can be modified.
static DataManager * makeObject(const String &dataManagerType, const Record &spec)
Define the &quot;constructor&quot; to construct this engine when a table is read back.
Templated virtual column engine to map bit flags to a Bool.
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.
TableExprNode array(const TableExprNode &values, const TableExprNodeSet &shape)
Create an array of the given shape and fill it with the values.
Definition: ExprNode.h:1929
Templated virtual column engine for a table array of any type.
StoredType operator()(Bool flag, StoredType value) const
Array< String > itsMaskKeys
void mapOnGet(Array< Bool > &array, const Array< StoredType > &stored)
Map bit flags array to Bool array.
virtual String dataManagerType() const
Return the type name of the engine (i.e.
static String className()
Return the name of the class.
void getArrayColumn(Array< Bool > &array)
Get an entire column.
BitFlagsEngine< StoredType > & operator=(const BitFlagsEngine< StoredType > &)
Assignment is not needed and therefore forbidden (so it is made private and not implemented).
Functor to convert Bools to flags using a mask.
void toRecord(RecordInterface &spec, const String &prefix) const
Store the info in a Record.
Bool operator()(StoredType value) const
virtual void setProperties(const Record &spec)
Modify data manager properties.
virtual String dataManagerName() const
Get the name given to the engine (is the virtual column name).
void makeMask(const TableColumn &column)
Make the mask from the given keywords defining the bits.
void fromRecord(const RecordInterface &spec, const TableColumn &column, const String &prefix)
Form the read mask from the specification.
void putSlice(rownr_t rownr, const Slicer &slicer, const Array< Bool > &array)
Put into a section of the array in the given row.
Class holding the row numbers in a RefTable.
Definition: RefRows.h:85
void prepare()
Preparing consists of setting the writable switch and adding the initial number of rows in case of cr...
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: Record.h:180
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
BFEngineMask(uInt mask=0xffffffff)
Form the mask as given.
Read/write access to a table column.
Definition: TableColumn.h:98
A templated N-D Array class with zero origin. Array&lt;T, Alloc&gt; is a templated, N-dimensional, Array class. The origin is zero, but by default indices are zero-based. This Array class is the base class for the Vector, Matrix, and Cube subclasses.
Definition: Array.h:156
virtual void getColumnSliceCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Slicer &slicer, Array< Bool > &data)
Get a section of some arrays in the column.
void putColumnSlice(const Slicer &slicer, const Array< Bool > &array)
Put a section of all arrays in the column.
void getArray(rownr_t rownr, Array< Bool > &array)
Get an array in the given row.
void putArray(rownr_t rownr, const Array< Bool > &array)
Put an array in the given row.
Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array.
Definition: Slicer.h:288
Destructor is mandatory.
BitFlagsEngine(const String &virtualColumnName, const String &storedColumnName, StoredType readMask=StoredType(0xffffffff), StoredType writeMask=1)
Construct an engine to map integer arrays in a column to Bool arrays.
void putArrayColumn(const Array< Bool > &array)
Put an entire column.
uInt64 rownr_t
Define the type of a row number in a table.
Definition: aipsxtype.h:46
uInt getMask() const
Get the mask.
Abstract base class for a data manager.
Definition: DataManager.h:220
void mapOnPut(const Array< Bool > &array, Array< StoredType > &stored)
Map Bool array to bit flags array.
virtual void getArrayColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, Array< Bool > &data)
Get some array values in the column.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
void create64(rownr_t initialNrrow)
Initialize the object for a new table.
Abstract base class for Record classes.
Functor to and an array and mask and convert to Bool.
static void registerClass()
Register the class name and the static makeObject &quot;constructor&quot;.
virtual void putColumnSliceCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Slicer &slicer, const Array< Bool > &data)
Put into a section of some arrays in the column.
virtual Record dataManagerSpec() const
Record a record containing data manager specifications.
const Array< String > & getKeys() const
Get the mask keywords.
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
virtual void putArrayColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Array< Bool > &data)
Put some array values in the column.
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
void getColumnSlice(const Slicer &slicer, Array< Bool > &array)
Get a section of all arrays in the column.
void getSlice(rownr_t rownr, const Slicer &slicer, Array< Bool > &array)
Get a section of the array in the given row.