149 const String& storedColumnName,
164 const String& storedColumnName,
165 const String& scaleColumnName,
166 const String& offsetColumnName,
virtual DataManager * clone() const
Clone the engine object.
ScalarColumn< Float > * scaleColumn_p
virtual void getColumnSliceCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Slicer &slicer, Array< Float > &data)
Get a section of some arrays in the column.
Destructor is mandatory.
TableExprNode array(const TableExprNode &values, const TableExprNodeSet &shape)
Create an array of the given shape and fill it with the values.
Templated virtual column engine for a table array of any type.
CompressFloat & operator=(const CompressFloat &)
Assignment is not needed and therefore forbidden (so it is made private and not implemented).
virtual void addRowInit(rownr_t startRow, rownr_t nrrow)
Add rows to the table.
void putFullPart(rownr_t rownr, const Slicer &slicer, Array< Float > &fullArray, const Array< Float > &partArray, Float minVal, Float maxVal)
Fill the array part into the full array and put it using the given min/max values.
void scaleOnPut(Float scale, Float offset, const Array< Float > &array, Array< Short > &target)
Scale and/or offset array to target.
virtual String dataManagerName() const
Get the name given to the engine (is the virtual column name).
virtual void putArrayColumn(const Array< Float > &array)
Put an entire column.
Virtual column engine to scale a table float array.
virtual void getArray(rownr_t rownr, Array< Float > &array)
Get an array in the given row.
virtual void getSlice(rownr_t rownr, const Slicer &slicer, Array< Float > &array)
Get a section of the array in the given row.
virtual void putColumnSlice(const Slicer &slicer, const Array< Float > &array)
Put a section of all arrays in the column.
static void registerClass()
Register the class name and the static makeObject "constructor".
virtual void reopenRW()
Reopen the engine for read/write access.
virtual void putSlice(rownr_t rownr, const Slicer &slicer, const Array< Float > &array)
Put into a section of the array in the given row.
CompressFloat(const String &virtualColumnName, const String &storedColumnName, Float scale, Float offset=0)
Construct an engine to scale all arrays in a column with the given offset and scale factor...
virtual void create64(rownr_t initialNrrow)
Initialize the object for a new table.
Float getOffset(rownr_t rownr)
Get the offset value for this row.
void findMinMax(Float &minVal, Float &maxVal, const Array< Float > &array) const
Find minimum and maximum from the array data.
ScalarColumn< Float > * offsetColumn_p
virtual String dataManagerType() const
Return the type name of the engine (i.e.
void scaleColumnOnPut(const Array< Float > &array, Array< Short > &target)
Scale and/or offset array to target for the entire column.
virtual void getColumnSlice(const Slicer &slicer, Array< Float > &array)
Get a section of all arrays in the column.
Class holding the row numbers in a RefTable.
virtual void putArray(rownr_t rownr, const Array< Float > &array)
Put an array in the given row.
static DataManager * makeObject(const String &dataManagerType, const Record &spec)
Define the "constructor" to construct this engine when a table is read back.
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
virtual void putColumnSliceCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Slicer &slicer, const Array< Float > &data)
Put into a section of some arrays in the column.
virtual void getArrayColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, Array< Float > &data)
Get some array values in the column.
virtual void prepare()
Preparing consists of setting the writable switch and adding the initial number of rows in case of cr...
virtual void putArrayColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Array< Float > &data)
Put some array values in the column.
Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array.
uInt64 rownr_t
Define the type of a row number in a table.
virtual void getArrayColumn(Array< Float > &array)
Get an entire column.
virtual Record dataManagerSpec() const
Record a record containing data manager specifications.
void scaleOnGet(Float scale, Float offset, Array< Float > &array, const Array< Short > &target)
Scale and/or offset target to array.
Abstract base class for a data manager.
void makeScaleOffset(Float &scale, Float &offset, Float minVal, Float maxVal) const
Make scale and offset from the minimum and maximum of the array data.
static String className()
Return the name of the class.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
void putPart(rownr_t rownr, const Slicer &slicer, const Array< Float > &array, Float scale, Float offset)
Put a part of an array in a row using given scale/offset values.
void scaleColumnOnGet(Array< Float > &array, const Array< Short > &target)
Scale and/or offset target to array for the entire column.
Float getScale(rownr_t rownr)
Get the scale value for this row.