40 class RecordInterface;
126 Double &referenceFrequency,
ostream-like interface to creating log messages.
static Bool specsysFromFrame(String &specsys, MFrequency::Types referenceFrame)
Construct a SPECSYS keyword value from the given referenceFrame This returns False if the reference f...
static Bool frameFromSpecsys(MFrequency::Types &refFrame, String &specsys)
static Bool tagFromFrame(String &tag, Int &velref, MFrequency::Types referenceFrame)
Construct a reference frame tag from the given referenceFrame An appropriate velref value is also con...
static Bool frameFromTag(MFrequency::Types &referenceFrame, const String &tag, Int velref=-1)
Convert a reference frame tag (typically found as the characters after the first 4 characters in a ct...
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Types of known MDopplers Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo in th...
static Bool fromFITSHeader(Int &spectralAxis, Double &referenceChannel, Double &referenceFrequency, Double &deltaFrequency, Vector< Double > &frequencies, MFrequency::Types &refFrame, MDoppler::Types &velocityPreference, Double &restFrequency, LogIO &logger, const RecordInterface &header, char prefix= 'c', Bool oneRelative=True)
Get information about the spectral axis from a record containing the FITS axis information.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Abstract base class for Record classes.
Types of known MFrequencies Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo in...
static Bool toFITSHeader(String &ctype, Double &crval, Double &cdelt, Double &crpix, String &cunit, Bool &haveAlt, Double &altrval, Double &altrpix, Int &velref, Double &restfreq, String &specsys, LogIO &logger, Double refFrequency, Double refChannel, Double freqIncrement, MFrequency::Types referenceFrame, Bool preferVelocity=True, MDoppler::Types velocityPreference=MDoppler::OPTICAL, Bool preferWavelength=False, Bool airWavelength=False, Bool useDeprecatedCtypes=False)
Nearly the inverse of fromFITSHeader.
A class with static functions to help deal with FITS spectral axes.
static Double refractiveIndex(const Double &lambda_um)
The refractive index of air (argument can be vacuum wavelength or airwavelength) according to Greisen...