39 class LELLattCoordBase;
CountedPtr< LELLattCoordBase > coords_p
The pointer to the underlying object.
Envelope class to handle Lattice Coordinates in LEL.
const LELLattCoordBase & coordinates() const
Return the underlying letter object.
LELCoordinates & operator=(const LELCoordinates &that)
Assignment (reference semantics).
Define the possible comparison results.
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Bool hasCoordinates() const
Does the class have true coordinates? It returns False if this is a null object.
The base letter class for lattice coordinates in LEL.
Bool isNull() const
Is the coordinates a null object?
Int compare(const LELCoordinates &other) const
Check how the coordinates of this and that compare.