Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS ANTENNA subtable.
Vector< Int > stationIds_p
Vector< Int > matchStationRegexOrPattern(const String &pattern, const Bool regex=False)
Look up ANTENNA_ID's for a given antenna station.
Vector< Int > matchAntennaRegexOrPattern(const String &pattern, const Bool regex=False)
Look up ANTENNA_ID's for a given a regular expression or pattern.
Vector< Int > matchAntennaNameAndStation(const String &name, const String &station)
Look up ANTENNA_ID's for a given antenna and station name pair.
Vector< Int > matchAntennaName(const String &name)
Look up ANTENNA_ID's for a given antenna name, or set of antenna names.
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet ANTENNA table.
Vector< Int > antennaIds_p
Vector cache of antenna id's.
TableExprNode pattern(const TableExprNode &node)
MSAntennaColumns msAntennaCols_p
ANTENNA subtable column accessor.
virtual ~MSAntennaIndex()
Null destructor.
Vector< Int > matchId(const Vector< Int > &sourceId)
A class to provide easy access to MSAntenna columns.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
TableExprNode regex(const TableExprNode &node)
Functions for regular expression matching and pattern matching.
Vector< Int > matchStationName(const String &station)
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Default constructor.