Pointing offset as polynomial in time Double(2,NUM_POLY+1) - rad - DIRECTION.
On source flag - true if on source Bool.
Antenna pointing direction (e.g.
The POINTING table colums with predefined meaning.
Offset from source as polynomial in time Double(2,NUM_POLY+1) - rad - DIRECTION. ...
"True" keywords are defined.
Time midpoint for interval.
Number of required columns
Not a column, but just a final enum specifying the number of enums.
Time origin for the directions and rates.
Enums for the MeasurementSet POINTING table.
Time interval Double - s.
Track flag - true if on position Bool.
Keywords with a predefined meaning.
"True" columns are defined.
Not a keyword, but just a final enum specifying the number of enums.
Target direction Double(2,NUM_POLY+1) - rad - DIRECTION.
Over the top flag - true if antenna has been driven over the top Bool.
Polynomial order for *_DIR columns Int.