199 const Table *tabin = 0);
220 const Table *tabin = 0);
static Bool findTab(Table &tab, const Table *tabin, const String &rc, const String &dir, const String &name)
A helper function for getTable() which is conceivably usable outside it, for finding a table in the s...
static Bool handle_keywords(Double &dt, String &vs, const TableRecord &ks, const Table &tab)
A helper function for getTable() which is not likely usable outside it.
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
Types of known data.
static const String tp[N_Files]
File names.
static uInt notable_reg
Use no table.
static uInt predicttime_reg
Check prediction interval.
Main interface class to a read/write table.
static void closeTables()
Make sure all static tables are closed that were opened with getTable (like JPL, IERS).
static void openNote(CLOSEFUN fun)
Notify that a table has successfully been opened with getTable()
static Double dateNow
Current date.
MJD (must be first in list)
static Vector< Double > ldat[N_Files][N_Types]
Read data (meas - predict)
static uInt sizeNote
Size of close notification list.
Interface to IERS tables.
MeasIERS & operator=(const MeasIERS &other)
Copy assign, NOT defined.
Default constructor, NOT defined.
Readonly access to a table row.
static Bool getTable(Table &table, TableRecord &kws, ROTableRow &row, RORecordFieldPtr< Double > rfp[], String &vs, Double &dt, Int N, const String rfn[], const String &name, const String &rc, const String &dir, const Table *tabin=0)
Find and open table tab, using the rc variable, the dir and the name.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
static uInt nNote
Number of close notifications.
static uInt forcepredict_reg
Force prediction.
static std::once_flag theirCallOnceFlag
Object to ensure safe multi-threaded lazy single initialization.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
static CLOSEFUN * toclose
Tables notifying that they should be closed.
static void closeMeas()
Close the set of IERS tables only.
void(* CLOSEFUN)()
Define the function pointer to be called to close files.
static void initMeas()
Destructor, NOT defined and not declared to stop warning ~MeasIERS();.
TableExprNode date(const TableExprNode &node)