Main interface class to a read/write table.
Engine for TaQL UDF RadialVelocity conversions.
virtual void setup(const Table &, const TaQLStyle &)
Setup the object.
EpochEngine itsEpochEngine
virtual Double getDouble(const TableExprId &id)
Get the value.
Engine for TaQL UDF Position conversions.
Abstract base class for a user-defined TaQL function.
DopplerEngine itsDopplerEngine
MRadialVelocity::Types itsRefType
Create for the given function type.
DirectionEngine itsDirectionEngine
Class with static members defining the TaQL style.
Engine for TaQL UDF Epoch conversions.
Engine for TaQL UDF Direction conversions.
Types of known MRadialVelocity Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo...
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Bool tryDoppler(uInt &argnr)
Try if the value is given as Doppler.
TaQL UDFs for RadialVelocity conversions.
static UDFBase * makeRADVEL(const String &)
Function to create an object.
The identification of a TaQL selection subject.
PositionEngine itsPositionEngine
Engine for TaQL UDF Doppler conversions.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
virtual MArray< Double > getArrayDouble(const TableExprId &id)
RadialVelocityEngine itsEngine