44 class MSAntennaColumns;
RORecordFieldPtr< String > msNameField_p
Index to one or more columns in a table.
A Measure: position on Earth.
RORecordFieldPtr< String > telescopField_p
pointers to fields in record, only used if attached
RecordFieldPtr< Int > phasedIdKey_p
void fill(const Record &row)
fill - a new row is added only when necessary
RecordFieldPtr< String > mountKey_p
RecordFieldPtr< Double > dishDiameterKey_p
RORecordFieldPtr< Int > phasedArrayIdField_p
RecordFieldPtr< Bool > flagRowKey_p
Int antennaId()
get the current antenna ID
RORecordFieldPtr< String > mountField_p
fields which might exist if this SDFITS was converted from an MS using ms2sdfits
RORecordFieldPtr< Int > orbitIdField_p
void resetRow(const Record &row)
reset internals given indicated row, use the same MS
RORecordFieldPtr< String > stationField_p
RecordFieldPtr< String > stationKey_p
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet ANTENNA table.
RecordFieldPtr< Int > orbitIdKey_p
MSAntennaColumns * msAntCols_p
void clearRow()
cleanup things which depend on the row description being fixed
Access to an individual field in a record.
void initRow(Vector< Bool > &handledCols, const Record &row)
initialize the things which depend on the row
Int siteLongFldNum_p
telescope position might be a double or float, just remember its location
const MPosition & telescopePosition()
get the telescope position
RORecordFieldPtr< Array< Double > > offsetField_p
A class to provide easy access to MSAntenna columns.
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
RORecordFieldPtr< Array< Double > > positionField_p
String telescopeName()
get the telescope name
void addPhasedArrayIdColumn()
I expect these will never be used, nevertheless, put them here just in case I'm wrong.
A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements).
default ctor is not attached to a MS and hence is useless until attached
RecordFieldPtr< String > nameKey_p
RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > flagRowField_p
SDAntennaHandler & operator=(const SDAntennaHandler &other)
assignment operator, uses copy semantics
void clearAll()
cleanup everything
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
RORecordFieldPtr< Double > dishDiameterField_p
void attach(MeasurementSet &ms, Vector< Bool > &handledCols, const Record &row)
attach to a MS, mark the appropriate columns as handled given the
void initAll(MeasurementSet &ms, Vector< Bool > &handledCols, const Record &row)
initialize everything
Read-Only access to an individual field from a Record.