41 class MSSysCalColumns;
RORecordFieldPtr< Double > timeField_p
RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > phaseDiffFlagField_p
TableExprNode time(const TableExprNode &node)
default ctor is not attached to a MS and hence is useless until attached
void clearAll()
cleanup everything
void initRow(Vector< Bool > &handledCols, const Record &row)
intialize the row related stuff
void fill(const Record &row, Int antennaId, Int feedId, Int spectralWindowId, Double time, Vector< Double > timeRange, uInt numReceptors)
fill - a new row is added as necessary, there is no lookback to see if a row could be reused...
void attach(MeasurementSet &ms, Vector< Bool > &handledCols, const Record &row)
attach to a MS, mark fields in row as handled
RORecordFieldPtr< Double > intervalField_p
fields which come from a previous incarnation as a MS
RORecordFieldPtr< Array< Float > > tcalField_p
A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SYSCAL table.
void clearRow()
cleanup row-related stuff
RORecordFieldPtr< Float > phaseDiffField_p
void resetRow(const Record &row)
reset internals given indicated row, use the same MS
A class to provide easy access to MSSysCal columns.
RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > tcalFlagField_p
void initAll(MeasurementSet &ms, Vector< Bool > &handledCols, const Record &row)
initialize everything
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
RORecordFieldPtr< Array< Float > > tsysField_p
RORecordFieldPtr< Array< Float > > trxField_p
A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements).
SDSysCalHandler & operator=(const SDSysCalHandler &other)
assignment operator, uses copy semantics
RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > tsysFlagField_p
MSSysCalColumns * msSysCalCols_p
RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > trxFlagField_p