32 #error "Stack.h is deprecated; use -DBUILD_DEPRECATED=ON to use it"
151 elem ret = (*tmp).
164 return((*topOfStack).val());}
169 return((*topOfStack).val());}
182 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Stack.tcc>
t & val()
The val() member function will return a reference to the contents of the current node.
Link< elem > * topOfStack
Pointer to the top of the stack.
void push(const elem &e)
Add an element to the top of the stack.
void throw_empty_Stack_error(const char *msg=0)
Stack< elem > & operator=(const Stack< elem > &other)
Create a stack which is a copy of other.
void pop()
Remove the top element from the top of the stack.
This class, Stack<t>, defines an implementation of a stack using the doubly linked list primitive...
Bool empty() const
Check to see if the stack is empty.
This creates an empty stack.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Link< t > * unlink(Link< t > *=0)
This function unlinks a given element of the list.
elem & top()
Retreive the top element on the stack.
const Double e
e and functions thereof:
elem popVal()
Remove the top element from the top of the stack, and return it.