40 class AccumType,
class DataIterator,
class MaskIterator=
const Bool *,
41 class WeightsIterator=DataIterator
49 class AccumType2,
class DataIterator2,
class MaskIterator2,
50 class WeightsIterator2
81 template <
class DataIterator2,
class MaskIterator2,
class WeightsIterator2>
84 AccumType, DataIterator2, MaskIterator2, WeightsIterator2
132 #include <casacore/scimath/StatsFramework/StatisticsAlgorithmFactory.tcc>
StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::FitToHalfData< AccumType > _fitToHalfData
Double _hf
hinges-fences f factor
void configureChauvenet(Double zscore=-1, Int maxIterations=-1)
configure to use Chauvenet's criterion
void configureHingesFences(Double f)
configure to use hinges-fences algorithm
Record toRecord() const
create a record from the current configuration that can be used to create another object using the fr...
StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::BiweightData _biweightData
which section of data to use, greater than or less than the center value
StatisticsData::ALGORITHM _algorithm
implemented algorithms
choice of center point based on the corresponding statistics from the entire distribution of data...
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
StatisticsData::ALGORITHM algorithm() const
static StatisticsAlgorithmFactory< CASA_STATP > fromRecord(const Record &r)
create an object from a record
StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::ChauvenetData _chauvData
void configureClassical()
CountedPtr< StatisticsAlgorithm< CASA_STATP > > createStatsAlgorithm() const
Create a pointer to an object of a class derived from StatisticsAlgorithm that reflects the current c...
void configureFitToHalf(FitToHalfStatisticsData::CENTER centerType=FitToHalfStatisticsData::CMEAN, FitToHalfStatisticsData::USE_DATA useData=FitToHalfStatisticsData::LE_CENTER, AccumType centerValue=0)
configure to use fit to half algorithm.
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Provides a single interface for creation of stats algorithm objects.
StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::ChauvenetData chauvenetData() const
Throws an exception if the current configuration is not relevant to the Chauvenet/zscore algorithm...
upon construction, the object is configured to use the classical stats algorithm
const Double c
Fundamental physical constants (SI units):
StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::BiweightData biweightData() const
Throws an exception if the current configuration is not relevant to the Biweight algorithm.
void copy(StatisticsAlgorithmFactory< AccumType, DataIterator2, MaskIterator2, WeightsIterator2 > &other) const
copy the data from this object to an object with different template types.
Double hingesFencesFactor() const
Throws an exception if the current configuration is not relevant to the hinges-fences algorithm...
StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::FitToHalfData< AccumType > fitToHalfData() const
Throws an exception if the current configuration is not relevant to the fit-to-half algorithm...
void configureBiweight(Int maxIter=3, Double c=6.0)