195 const String& oldParentName);
const String & tableName() const
Get the name of the table.
Bool conform(const TableKeyword &that) const
Test if the table in other conforms this table keyword.
void setTableAttributes(const TableAttr &attr)
Set the table attributes.
Keyword value representing a table.
Main interface class to a read/write table.
void setRW()
Set the keyword to read/write access.
String tableName(const TableAttr &parentAttr) const
Bool isFixed() const
Has the table a fixed description name? It has when its description name is not empty.
void set(const String &name, const TableAttr &parentAttr)
Set the name of the table and the writable switch.
void flush(Bool fsync) const
Flush and optionally fsync the table.
void renameTable(const String &newParentName, const String &oldParentName)
Rename the table if its path contains the old parent table name.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
void close() const
Close the table.
Class to hold table lock options.
TableKeyword & operator=(const TableKeyword &that)
Assignment (leaves tableDescName_p untouched).
TableKeyword(const String &tableDescName)
Construct a TableKeyword with the given tableDescName.
Table table(const TableLock *lockOptions=0) const
Get the table.
Bool isMultiUsed(Bool checkSubTables) const
Is the table in use in another process? If checkSubTables is set, it is also checked if a subtable is...
const String & name() const
Get info.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Some attributes of a table.
const TableAttr & tableAttributes() const
Get the table attributes.
Bool empty() const
Test for empty.