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1 //# TiledStMan.h: Base class for Tiled Storage Managers
2 //# Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
41 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
43 //# Forward Declarations
44 class TSMColumn;
45 class TSMDataColumn;
46 class TSMCube;
47 class TSMFile;
48 class TableDesc;
49 class Record;
51 // <summary>
52 // Base class for Tiled Storage Manager classes
53 // </summary>
55 // <use visibility=export>
57 // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="before2004/08/25" tests="">
58 // </reviewed>
60 // <prerequisite>
61 //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
62 // <li> Description of Tiled Storage Manager in module file
63 // <linkto module=Tables:TiledStMan>Tables.h</linkto>
64 // <li> <linkto class=DataManager>DataManager</linkto>
65 // <li> <linkto class=TSMColumn>TSMColumn</linkto>
66 // <li> <linkto class=ROTiledStManAccessor>ROTiledStManAccessor</linkto>
67 // for a discussion of the maximum cache size
68 // </prerequisite>
70 // <synopsis>
71 // TiledStMan is the base class for Tiled Storage Managers.
72 // A tiled storage manager is capable of storing a hypercolumn
73 // (as defined by <linkto file="TableDesc.h#defineHypercolumn">
74 // TableDesc::defineHypercolumn</linkto>)
75 // in one or more hypercubes.
76 // <br>It is not necessary to define a hypercolumn. If not defined,
77 // it is assumed that all columns bound to this storage manager are
78 // data columns. At least one of the columns must have a fixed
79 // dimensionality and is used to determine the hypercube dimnensionality.
80 // <br>The general concept of these storage managers is explained in the
81 // <linkto module="Tables:TiledStMan">Tables module description</linkto>.
82 // <p>
83 // TiledStMan contains all common functions for the different tiled
84 // storage managers. In particular, it contains functions
85 // to check if the definitions of the shapes of hypercubes, coordinates, and
86 // data cells are consistent.
87 // It also contains various data members and functions to make them
88 // persistent by writing them into an AipsIO stream.
89 // </synopsis>
91 // <motivation>
92 // This base class contains the common functionality of all
93 // tiled storage managers. The base class is still abstract.
94 // Only concrete tiled storage managers derived from it can
95 // be instantiated.
96 // <p>
97 // Tiled storage managers make access to array data possible with
98 // more or less the same efficiency for access along different axes.
99 // </motivation>
101 //# <todo asof="$DATE:$">
102 //# A List of bugs, limitations, extensions or planned refinements.
103 //# </todo>
106 class TiledStMan : public DataManager
107 {
108 public:
109  // Create a TiledStMan.
110  TiledStMan();
112  // Create a TiledStMan storage manager.
113  // The given maximum cache size (in MibiByte) is persistent,
114  // thus will be reused when the table is read back. Note that the class
115  // <linkto class=ROTiledStManAccessor>ROTiledStManAccessor</linkto>
116  // allows one to overwrite the maximum cache size temporarily.
117  // Its description contains a discussion about the effects of
118  // setting a maximum cache.
119  TiledStMan (const String& hypercolumnName, uInt maximumCacheSizeMiB);
121  virtual ~TiledStMan();
123  // Get the name given to the storage manager.
124  // This is the name of the hypercolumn.
125  virtual String dataManagerName() const;
127  void setDataManagerName (const String& newHypercolumnName);
129  // Return a record containing data manager specifications.
130  virtual Record dataManagerSpec() const;
132  // Get data manager properties that can be modified.
133  // It is only MaxCacheSize (the maximum cache size in MibiByte).
134  // It is a subset of the data manager specification.
135  virtual Record getProperties() const;
137  // Modify data manager properties.
138  // Only MaxCacheSize can be used. It is similar to function setCacheSize
139  // with <src>canExceedNrBuckets=False</src>.
140  virtual void setProperties (const Record& spec);
142  // Set the flag to "data has changed since last flush".
143  void setDataChanged();
145  // Derive the tile shape from the hypercube shape for the given
146  // number of pixels per tile. It is tried to get the same number
147  // of tiles for each dimension.
148  // When a weight vector is given, the number of tiles for a dimension
149  // is proportional to the weight.
150  // <br>After the initial guess it tries to optimize it by trying
151  // to waste as little space as possible, while trying to keep as close
152  // to the initial guess. The given tolerance (possibly per axis)
153  // gives the minimum and maximum possible length of a tile axis
154  // (minimum = initial_guess*tolerance; maximum = initial_guess/tolerance).
155  // The heuristic is such that a tile axis length dividing the cube length
156  // exactly is always favoured.
157  // The test program <src>tTiledStMan</src> can be used to see how
158  // the algorithm works out for a given tile size and cube shape.
159  // <group>
161  Double tolerance = 0.5,
162  uInt64 maxNrPixelsPerTile = 4*1024*1024);
163  static IPosition makeTileShape (const IPosition& hypercubeShape,
164  const Vector<double>& weight,
165  const Vector<double>& tolerance,
166  uInt64 maxNrPixelsPerTile = 4*1024*1024);
167  // </group>
169  // Set the maximum cache size (in MiB) in a non-persistent way.
170  virtual void setMaximumCacheSize (uInt nMiB);
172  // Get the current maximum cache size (in MiB (MibiByte)).
173  uInt maximumCacheSize() const;
175  // Get the current cache size (in buckets) for the hypercube in
176  // the given row.
177  uInt cacheSize (rownr_t rownr) const;
179  // Get the hypercube shape of the data in the given row.
180  const IPosition& hypercubeShape (rownr_t rownr) const;
182  // Get the tile shape of the data in the given row.
183  const IPosition& tileShape (rownr_t rownr) const;
185  // Get the bucket size (in bytes) of the hypercube in the given row.
186  uInt64 bucketSize (rownr_t rownr) const;
188  // Can the tiled storage manager handle changing array shapes?
189  // The default is no (but TiledCellStMan can).
190  virtual Bool canChangeShape() const;
192  // Can the tiled storage manager access an entire column.
193  // TiledColumnStMan can always do that.
194  // The others might be able to do it (for this time).
195  // The default implementation returns True if there is only 1 hypercube.
196  virtual Bool canAccessColumn() const;
198  // The data manager supports use of MultiFile.
199  virtual Bool hasMultiFileSupport() const;
201  // Calculate the cache size (in buckets) for accessing the hypercube
202  // containing the given row. It takes the maximum cache size into
203  // account (allowing an overdraft of 10%).
204  // It uses the given axisPath (i.e. traversal order) to determine
205  // the optimum size. A window can be specified to indicate that only
206  // the given subset of the hypercube will be accessed.
207  // <br>
208  // The length of the slice and window arguments and <src>axisPath</src>
209  // must be less or equal to the dimensionality of the hypercube.
210  // The non-specified <src>windowStart</src> parts default to 0.
211  // The non-specified <src>windowLength</src> parts default to
212  // the hypercube shape.
213  // The non-specified <src>sliceShape</src> parts default to 1.
214  // <br>
215  // Axispath = [2,0,1] indicates that the z-axis changes most rapidly,
216  // thereafter x and y. An axis can occur only once in the axisPath.
217  // The non-specified <src>axisPath</src> parts get the natural order.
218  // E.g. in the previous example axisPath=[2] defines the same path.
219  // <br>When forceSmaller is False, the cache is not resized when the
220  // new size is smaller.
221  // <br>A flag is set indicating that the TSMDataColumn
222  // access functions do not need to size the cache.
223  uInt calcCacheSize (rownr_t rownr, const IPosition& sliceShape,
224  const IPosition& windowStart,
225  const IPosition& windowLength,
226  const IPosition& axisPath) const;
228  // Set the cache size using the <src>calcCacheSize</src>
229  // function mentioned above.
230  void setCacheSize (rownr_t rownr, const IPosition& sliceShape,
231  const IPosition& windowStart,
232  const IPosition& windowLength,
233  const IPosition& axisPath,
234  Bool forceSmaller);
236  // Set the cache size for accessing the hypercube containing the given row.
237  // When the give cache size exceeds the maximum cache size with more
238  // than 10%, the maximum cache size is used instead.
239  // <br>When forceSmaller is False, the cache is not resized when the
240  // new size is smaller.
241  // <br>A flag is set indicating that the TSMDataColumn
242  // access functions do not need to size the cache.
243  void setCacheSize (rownr_t rownr, uInt nbuckets, Bool forceSmaller);
245  // Sets the cache size using the hypercube instead of the row number.
246  // Useful for iterating over all hypercubes.
247  void setHypercubeCacheSize (uInt hypercube, uInt nbuckets, Bool forceSmaller);
249  // Determine if the user set the cache size (using setCacheSize).
250  Bool userSetCache (rownr_t rownr) const;
252  // Empty the caches used by the hypercubes in this storage manager.
253  // It will flush the caches as needed and remove all buckets from them
254  // resulting in a possibly large drop in memory used.
255  // It also clears the userSetCache flag.
256  void emptyCaches();
258  // Show the statistics of all caches used.
259  void showCacheStatistics (ostream& os) const;
261  // Get the length of the data for the given number of pixels.
262  // This can be used to calculate the length of a tile.
263  uInt64 getLengthOffset (uInt64 nrPixels, Block<uInt>& dataOffset,
264  Block<uInt>& localOffset,
265  uInt& localTileLength) const;
267  // Get the number of coordinate vectors.
268  uInt nrCoordVector() const;
270  // Get the nr of rows in this storage manager.
271  rownr_t nrow() const;
273  // Does the storage manager allow to add rows? (yes)
274  Bool canAddRow() const;
276  // Get the default tile shape.
277  // By default it returns a zero-length IPosition.
278  virtual IPosition defaultTileShape() const;
280  // Return the number of hypercubes.
281  uInt nhypercubes() const;
283  // Test if only one hypercube is used by this storage manager.
284  // If not, throw an exception. Otherwise return the hypercube.
285  virtual TSMCube* singleHypercube();
287  // Get the given hypercube.
288  // <group>
289  const TSMCube* getTSMCube (uInt hypercube) const;
290  TSMCube* getTSMCube (uInt hypercube);
291  // </group>
293  // Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored.
294  // <group>
295  const TSMCube* getHypercube (rownr_t rownr) const;
296  virtual TSMCube* getHypercube (rownr_t rownr) = 0;
297  // </group>
299  // Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored.
300  // It also returns the position of the row in that hypercube.
301  virtual TSMCube* getHypercube (rownr_t rownr, IPosition& position) = 0;
303  // Make the correct TSMCube type (depending on tsmOption()).
304  TSMCube* makeTSMCube (TSMFile* file, const IPosition& cubeShape,
305  const IPosition& tileShape,
306  const Record& values, Int64 fileOffset=-1);
308  // Read a tile and convert the data to local format.
309  void readTile (char* local, const Block<uInt>& localOffset,
310  const char* external, const Block<uInt>& externalOffset,
311  uInt nrpixels);
313  // Write a tile after converting the data to external format.
314  void writeTile (char* external, const Block<uInt>& externalOffset,
315  const char* local, const Block<uInt>& localOffset,
316  uInt nrpixels);
318  // Get the TSMFile object with the given sequence number.
319  TSMFile* getFile (uInt sequenceNumber);
321  // Open the storage manager for an existing table.
322  virtual rownr_t open64 (rownr_t nrrow, AipsIO&);
324  // Resync the storage manager with the new file contents.
325  virtual rownr_t resync64 (rownr_t nrrow);
327  // Reopen all files used in this storage manager for read/write access.
328  virtual void reopenRW();
330  // The data manager will be deleted (because all its columns are
331  // requested to be deleted).
332  // So clean up the things needed (e.g. delete files).
333  virtual void deleteManager();
335  // Create a column in the storage manager on behalf of a table column.
336  // <group>
337  // Create a scalar column.
338  DataManagerColumn* makeScalarColumn (const String& name, int dataType,
339  const String& dataTypeID);
340  // Create a direct array column.
341  DataManagerColumn* makeDirArrColumn (const String& name, int dataType,
342  const String& dataTypeID);
343  // Create an indirect array column.
344  DataManagerColumn* makeIndArrColumn (const String& name, int dataType,
345  const String& dataTypeID);
346  // </group>
348  // The TiledStMan wants to do reallocateColumn.
349  Bool canReallocateColumns() const;
351  // Reallocate the column object if it is part of this data manager.
352  // It returns a pointer to the new column object.
353  // It is used to remove the indirection of the TSMColumn objects
354  // resulting in only one iso. two virtual column calls to get the data.
357  // Set the shape and tile shape of a hypercube.
358  // By default it throws an "impossible" exception.
359  virtual void setShape (rownr_t rownr, TSMCube* hypercube,
360  const IPosition& shape,
361  const IPosition& tileShape);
363  // Check the shape to be set for a hypercube.
364  // It checks if it matches predefined (fixed shape) columns
365  // and the shape of already defined coordinate columns.
366  void checkCubeShape (const TSMCube* hypercube,
367  const IPosition& cubeShape) const;
369  // Get the data type of the coordinate column with the given name.
370  // An exception is thrown when the column is unknown.
371  int coordinateDataType (const String& columnName) const;
373  // Initialize the new coordinates for the given cube.
374  void initCoordinates (TSMCube* hypercube);
376  // Get pointer to data column object.
377  const TSMDataColumn* getDataColumn (uInt colnr) const
378  { return dataCols_p[colnr]; }
380 protected:
381  // Set the persistent maximum cache size (in MiB).
382  void setPersMaxCacheSize (uInt nMiB);
384  // Get the bindings of the columns with the given names.
385  // If bound, the pointer to the TSMColumn object is stored in the block.
386  // If mustExist is True, an exception is thrown if the column
387  // is not bound.
388  // It returns the number of bound columns.
389  uInt getBindings (const Vector<String>& columnNames,
390  PtrBlock<TSMColumn*>& colSet,
391  Bool mustExist) const;
393  // Function setup calls this function to allow the derived class
394  // to check specific information. In case of errors, an exception
395  // should be thrown.
396  // By default it does nothing.
397  virtual void setupCheck (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
398  const Vector<String>& dataNames) const;
400  // Get the table description needed for the hypercolumn description.
401  virtual const TableDesc& getDesc() const;
403  // Check if values are given in the record for all columns in
404  // the block. Also check if the data types are correct.
405  // An exception is thrown if something is incorrect.
406  void checkValues (const PtrBlock<TSMColumn*>& colSet,
407  const Record& values) const;
409  // Check if the coordinate values are correct.
410  // This calls checkValues and checks if their shapes match the
411  // hypercube shape.
412  // An exception is thrown if invalid.
413  void checkCoordinates (const PtrBlock<TSMColumn*>& coordColSet,
414  const IPosition& cubeShape,
415  const Record& values) const;
417  // Check if the shapes of FixedShape data and coordinate columns match.
418  // An exception is thrown if not.
419  void checkShapeColumn (const IPosition& shape) const;
421  // Check if the cube shape matches that of defined coordinates.
422  void checkCoordinatesShapes (const TSMCube* hypercube,
423  const IPosition& cubeShape) const;
425  // Check if the hypercube to be added is correctly defined.
426  void checkAddHypercube (const IPosition& cubeShape,
427  const Record& values) const;
429  // Make a new TSMCube object.
430  TSMCube* makeHypercube (const IPosition& cubeShape,
431  const IPosition& tileShape,
432  const Record& values);
434  // Get the index of the hypercube with the given id-values.
435  // If not found, -1 is returned.
436  Int getCubeIndex (const Record& idValues) const;
438  // Determine how many rows need to be added for an extension
439  // (in the last dimension) of a hypercube with the given shape.
440  rownr_t addedNrrow (const IPosition& shape, uInt incrInLastDim) const;
442  // Flush the caches of all hypercubes.
443  // If data have put and fsync is set, fsync all files.
444  Bool flushCaches (Bool fsync);
446  // Let a derived class read the header info.
447  // This is used by the open and resync function.
448  virtual void readHeader (rownr_t nrrow, Bool firstTime) = 0;
450  // Create the TSM header file.
451  // It creates an AipsIO object for it.
454  // Open the TSM header file.
455  // It creates an AipsIO object for it.
458  // Write the data into the header file.
459  // The given number of TSMCube objects have to be written.
460  void headerFilePut (AipsIO& headerFile, uInt64 nrCube);
462  // Read the data from the header file.
463  // When done for the first time, setup() is called to initialize
464  // the various variables (using the extraNdim variable).
465  // It returns the version of the AipsIO object in the header.
466  uInt headerFileGet (AipsIO& headerFile, rownr_t tabNrrow, Bool firstTime,
467  Int extraNdim);
469  // Close the header file.
470  // It deletes the AipsIO object.
471  void headerFileClose (AipsIO* headerFile);
473  // Set up the TiledStMan variables from the table description.
474  // The argument specifies the number of extra dimensions for the
475  // hypercube compared to the data array (usually 0 or 1).
476  // It is only used if no hypercolumn definition exists.
477  // -1 means that the hypercolumn definition has to be present.
478  void setup (Int extraNdim=-1);
480  // Create a TSMFile object and store its pointer at the given index
481  // in the block.
482  void createFile (uInt index);
484  // Convert the scalar data type to an array data type.
485  // This function is temporary and can disappear when the ColumnDesc
486  // classes use type TpArray*.
487  int arrayDataType (int dataType) const;
490  //# Declare all data members.
491  // The name of the hypercolumn.
493  // The number of rows in the columns.
495  // The assembly of all columns.
497  // The assembly of all data columns.
500  // The assembly of all id columns.
502  // The assembly of all coordinate columns.
504  // The assembly of all TSMFile objects.
505  // The first file is for all non-extensible cubes, while the others
506  // are for one file per extensible cube.
508  // The assembly of all TSMCube objects.
510  // The persistent maximum cache size (in MiB) for a hypercube.
512  // The actual maximum cache size for a hypercube (in MiB).
514  // The dimensionality of the hypercolumn.
516  // The number of vector coordinates.
518  // The fixed cell shape.
520  // Has any data changed since the last flush?
523 private:
524  // Forbid copy constructor.
525  TiledStMan (const TiledStMan&);
527  // Forbid assignment.
529 };
533  { return maxCacheSize_p; }
536  { return nrCoordVector_p; }
538 inline rownr_t TiledStMan::nrow() const
539  { return nrrow_p; }
542  { return cubeSet_p.nelements(); }
545  { dataChanged_p = True; }
547 inline const TSMCube* TiledStMan::getTSMCube (uInt hypercube) const
548  { return const_cast<TiledStMan*>(this)->getTSMCube (hypercube); }
550 inline const TSMCube* TiledStMan::getHypercube (rownr_t rownr) const
551  { return const_cast<TiledStMan*>(this)->getHypercube (rownr); }
554 {
555  persMaxCacheSize_p = nMiB;
556  maxCacheSize_p = nMiB;
557 }
564 #endif
A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array&lt;T&gt; objects.
Definition: IPosition.h:118
DataManagerColumn * makeDirArrColumn(const String &name, int dataType, const String &dataTypeID)
Create a direct array column.
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > idColSet_p
The assembly of all id columns.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:501
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > colSet_p
The assembly of all columns.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:496
long long Int64
Define the extra non-standard types used by Casacore (like proposed uSize, Size)
Definition: aipsxtype.h:38
Bool canReallocateColumns() const
The TiledStMan wants to do reallocateColumn.
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
virtual TSMCube * singleHypercube()
Test if only one hypercube is used by this storage manager.
Bool canAddRow() const
Does the storage manager allow to add rows? (yes)
rownr_t addedNrrow(const IPosition &shape, uInt incrInLastDim) const
Determine how many rows need to be added for an extension (in the last dimension) of a hypercube with...
rownr_t nrow() const
Get the nr of rows in this storage manager.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:538
virtual Bool canChangeShape() const
Can the tiled storage manager handle changing array shapes? The default is no (but TiledCellStMan can...
TSMCube * makeTSMCube(TSMFile *file, const IPosition &cubeShape, const IPosition &tileShape, const Record &values, Int64 fileOffset=-1)
Make the correct TSMCube type (depending on tsmOption()).
TiledStMan & operator=(const TiledStMan &)
Forbid assignment.
uInt nrdim_p
The dimensionality of the hypercolumn.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:515
void checkCubeShape(const TSMCube *hypercube, const IPosition &cubeShape) const
Check the shape to be set for a hypercube.
DataManagerColumn * makeIndArrColumn(const String &name, int dataType, const String &dataTypeID)
Create an indirect array column.
virtual Bool hasMultiFileSupport() const
The data manager supports use of MultiFile.
Tiled hypercube in a table.
Definition: TSMCube.h:105
AipsIO is the object persistency mechanism of Casacore.
Definition: AipsIO.h:168
Abstract base class for a column in a data manager.
virtual void setupCheck(const TableDesc &tableDesc, const Vector< String > &dataNames) const
Function setup calls this function to allow the derived class to check specific information.
unsigned long long uInt64
Definition: aipsxtype.h:39
void initCoordinates(TSMCube *hypercube)
Initialize the new coordinates for the given cube.
void setCacheSize(rownr_t rownr, const IPosition &sliceShape, const IPosition &windowStart, const IPosition &windowLength, const IPosition &axisPath, Bool forceSmaller)
Set the cache size using the calcCacheSize function mentioned above.
PtrBlock< TSMDataColumn * > dataCols_p
The assembly of all data columns.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:498
virtual Bool canAccessColumn() const
Can the tiled storage manager access an entire column.
Base class for Tiled Storage Manager classes.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:106
virtual rownr_t open64(rownr_t nrrow, AipsIO &)
Open the storage manager for an existing table.
const IPosition & tileShape(rownr_t rownr) const
Get the tile shape of the data in the given row.
Bool flushCaches(Bool fsync)
Flush the caches of all hypercubes.
int coordinateDataType(const String &columnName) const
Get the data type of the coordinate column with the given name.
void showCacheStatistics(ostream &os) const
Show the statistics of all caches used.
Bool userSetCache(rownr_t rownr) const
Determine if the user set the cache size (using setCacheSize).
void checkAddHypercube(const IPosition &cubeShape, const Record &values) const
Check if the hypercube to be added is correctly defined.
const IPosition & hypercubeShape(rownr_t rownr) const
Get the hypercube shape of the data in the given row.
virtual void setProperties(const Record &spec)
Modify data manager properties.
DataManagerColumn * makeScalarColumn(const String &name, int dataType, const String &dataTypeID)
Create a column in the storage manager on behalf of a table column.
void createFile(uInt index)
Create a TSMFile object and store its pointer at the given index in the block.
A data column in Tiled Storage Manager.
Definition: TSMDataColumn.h:96
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > coordColSet_p
The assembly of all coordinate columns.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:503
void setDataManagerName(const String &newHypercolumnName)
IPosition fixedCellShape_p
The fixed cell shape.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:519
void headerFileClose(AipsIO *headerFile)
Close the header file.
uInt nrCoordVector_p
The number of vector coordinates.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:517
virtual Record dataManagerSpec() const
Return a record containing data manager specifications.
uInt nrCoordVector() const
Get the number of coordinate vectors.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:535
virtual void reopenRW()
Reopen all files used in this storage manager for read/write access.
AipsIO * headerFileCreate()
Create the TSM header file.
virtual const TableDesc & getDesc() const
Get the table description needed for the hypercolumn description.
TSMFile * getFile(uInt sequenceNumber)
Get the TSMFile object with the given sequence number.
void checkCoordinatesShapes(const TSMCube *hypercube, const IPosition &cubeShape) const
Check if the cube shape matches that of defined coordinates.
uInt nhypercubes() const
Return the number of hypercubes.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:541
double Double
Definition: aipstype.h:55
virtual void setShape(rownr_t rownr, TSMCube *hypercube, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &tileShape)
Set the shape and tile shape of a hypercube.
DataManagerColumn * reallocateColumn(DataManagerColumn *column)
Reallocate the column object if it is part of this data manager.
PtrBlock< TSMFile * > fileSet_p
The assembly of all TSMFile objects.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:507
uInt persMaxCacheSize_p
The persistent maximum cache size (in MiB) for a hypercube.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:511
uInt calcCacheSize(rownr_t rownr, const IPosition &sliceShape, const IPosition &windowStart, const IPosition &windowLength, const IPosition &axisPath) const
Calculate the cache size (in buckets) for accessing the hypercube containing the given row...
uInt headerFileGet(AipsIO &headerFile, rownr_t tabNrrow, Bool firstTime, Int extraNdim)
Read the data from the header file.
void checkValues(const PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > &colSet, const Record &values) const
Check if values are given in the record for all columns in the block.
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: Record.h:180
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
uInt64 bucketSize(rownr_t rownr) const
Get the bucket size (in bytes) of the hypercube in the given row.
Bool dataChanged_p
Has any data changed since the last flush?
Definition: TiledStMan.h:521
void setDataChanged()
Set the flag to &quot;data has changed since last flush&quot;.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:544
static IPosition makeTileShape(const IPosition &hypercubeShape, Double tolerance=0.5, uInt64 maxNrPixelsPerTile=4 *1024 *1024)
Derive the tile shape from the hypercube shape for the given number of pixels per tile...
Create a TiledStMan.
virtual String dataManagerName() const
Get the name given to the storage manager.
uInt64 getLengthOffset(uInt64 nrPixels, Block< uInt > &dataOffset, Block< uInt > &localOffset, uInt &localTileLength) const
Get the length of the data for the given number of pixels.
void writeTile(char *external, const Block< uInt > &externalOffset, const char *local, const Block< uInt > &localOffset, uInt nrpixels)
Write a tile after converting the data to external format.
String hypercolumnName_p
The name of the hypercolumn.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:492
const TSMDataColumn * getDataColumn(uInt colnr) const
Get pointer to data column object.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:377
void setPersMaxCacheSize(uInt nMiB)
Set the persistent maximum cache size (in MiB).
Definition: TiledStMan.h:553
File object for Tiled Storage Manager.
Definition: TSMFile.h:81
void setHypercubeCacheSize(uInt hypercube, uInt nbuckets, Bool forceSmaller)
Sets the cache size using the hypercube instead of the row number.
void headerFilePut(AipsIO &headerFile, uInt64 nrCube)
Write the data into the header file.
A drop-in replacement for Block&lt;T*&gt;.
Definition: Block.h:814
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape...
Definition: ExprNode.h:1987
Int getCubeIndex(const Record &idValues) const
Get the index of the hypercube with the given id-values.
virtual void setMaximumCacheSize(uInt nMiB)
Set the maximum cache size (in MiB) in a non-persistent way.
uInt cacheSize(rownr_t rownr) const
Get the current cache size (in buckets) for the hypercube in the given row.
const TSMCube * getTSMCube(uInt hypercube) const
Get the given hypercube.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:547
uInt64 rownr_t
Define the type of a row number in a table.
Definition: aipsxtype.h:46
void setup(Int extraNdim=-1)
Set up the TiledStMan variables from the table description.
PtrBlock< TSMCube * > cubeSet_p
The assembly of all TSMCube objects.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:509
AipsIO * headerFileOpen()
Open the TSM header file.
void checkCoordinates(const PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > &coordColSet, const IPosition &cubeShape, const Record &values) const
Check if the coordinate values are correct.
Abstract base class for a data manager.
Definition: DataManager.h:220
virtual IPosition defaultTileShape() const
Get the default tile shape.
virtual void deleteManager()
The data manager will be deleted (because all its columns are requested to be deleted).
rownr_t nrrow_p
The number of rows in the columns.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:494
uInt maximumCacheSize() const
Get the current maximum cache size (in MiB (MibiByte)).
Definition: TiledStMan.h:532
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
virtual rownr_t resync64(rownr_t nrrow)
Resync the storage manager with the new file contents.
Define the structure of a Casacore table.
Definition: TableDesc.h:190
PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > dataColSet_p
Definition: TiledStMan.h:499
void checkShapeColumn(const IPosition &shape) const
Check if the shapes of FixedShape data and coordinate columns match.
TSMCube * makeHypercube(const IPosition &cubeShape, const IPosition &tileShape, const Record &values)
Make a new TSMCube object.
void readTile(char *local, const Block< uInt > &localOffset, const char *external, const Block< uInt > &externalOffset, uInt nrpixels)
Read a tile and convert the data to local format.
void emptyCaches()
Empty the caches used by the hypercubes in this storage manager.
uInt getBindings(const Vector< String > &columnNames, PtrBlock< TSMColumn * > &colSet, Bool mustExist) const
Get the bindings of the columns with the given names.
const TSMCube * getHypercube(rownr_t rownr) const
Get the hypercube in which the given row is stored.
Definition: TiledStMan.h:550
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
int arrayDataType(int dataType) const
Convert the scalar data type to an array data type.
virtual void readHeader(rownr_t nrrow, Bool firstTime)=0
Let a derived class read the header info.
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
uInt maxCacheSize_p
The actual maximum cache size for a hypercube (in MiB).
Definition: TiledStMan.h:513
virtual Record getProperties() const
Get data manager properties that can be modified.