A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
Int itemsize() const
data characteristics
BlockOutput & make_output(const char *, const FITS::FitsDevice &, int, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
OFF_T datasize() const
return the datasize of the current HDU.
virtual void errmsg(FitsErrs, const char *)
set error message that belongs to one of the enumerated types
Bool isafits() const
is it a valid fits file (SIMPLE==T).
FITS::ValueType m_data_type
FITS::HDUType hdutype() const
Header Data Unit type (e.g.
Bool required_keys_only()
int write(FITS::HDUType, char *, Int, char)
write N bytes from address
void setfptr(fitsfile *ffp)
FitsOutput(const char *, const FITS::FitsDevice &, int=10, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
FitsKeyCardTranslator & getkc()
get FitsKeyCardTranslator
FITS::ValueType datatype() const
int write_sp(char *rec)
write a special record.
FitsStdOutput(int, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
FITS::FitsRecType rectype() const
the FITS record type
error return code.
void(* FITSErrorHandler)(const char *errMessage, FITSError::ErrorLevel severity)
Define a typedef for the handler function signature for convenience.
Types of FITS Header-Data Units.
Bool eof() const
test if end of file has been reached
OFF_T currsize() const
for input, size of remaining data for output, size of data written
FITS output to 9-track tape.
FITS I/O Error message types.
fixed-length blocked sequential output base class
int hdu_complete()
check if the current hdu is done.
virtual void errmsg(FitsErrs, const char *)=0
set error message that belongs to one of the enumerated types
FitsKeyCardTranslator m_kc
fitsfile * getfptr() const
get the fitsfile pointer
Bool isextend() const
see if there may be FITS extensions present (EXTENT==T)
Bool m_required_keys_only
Supported FITS Physical Devices.
OFF_T m_curr_size
for input, size of remaining data for output, size of data written uInt m_curr_size; ...
void set_data_info(FitsKeywordList &kwl, FITS::HDUType t, FITS::ValueType dt, OFF_T ds, Int is)
used by PrimaryArray, BinaryTabelExtention etc to work with the constructor without keyword list...
FitsTape9Output(const char *, int, int=10, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
OFF_T m_data_size
uInt m_data_size;
int fitsrecsize() const
record size, in bytes, of a FITS block.
FITS::FitsRecType m_rec_type
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Types of FITS Records.
int write_all(FITS::HDUType, char *, char)
write all data from address
int write_hdr(FitsKeywordList &, FITS::HDUType, FITS::ValueType, OFF_T, Int)
Special interface to class HeaderDataUnit.
FitsDiskOutput(const char *, int, int=1, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
OFF_T m_skipHDU_size
for size of the last HDU skipped
int recno() const
number of logical records read/written
fixed-length sequential blocked FITS output
FITS output to standard output.
linked list of FITS keywords
translator between Keyword lists and fixed FITS cars
OFF_T getskipsize() const
get the size of the last skipped HDU
int blockno() const
number of physical blocks read/written
static void defaultHandler(const char *errMessage, ErrorLevel severity)
The default error handler.