MVDirection rin_p
Re-typed input position.
A Measure: position on Earth.
void set(const MDirection::Ref &in)
Set or reset part of the machine.
Double getLOSField()
Return data.
EarthField class model calculations.
Vector< Double > pl_p
Field position.
EarthField fldc_p
Earth field calculator.
Container for Measure frame.
MVEarthMagnetic fld_p
Magnetic field.
Double getLong()
Longitude (rad)
Double posl_p
Distance to Earth centre.
A Measure: instant in time.
void copy(const EarthMagneticMachine &other)
Copy data members.
Calculates magnetic field in a direction.
MVDirection in_p
Input position.
MVPosition pos_p
Observatory position.
Construct an empty machine (probably not usable unles set() used)
Double los_p
Line-of-sight field.
void reCalculate()
Recalculate the machinery.
A 3D Earth magnetic field vector.
MDirection::Convert conv_p
Conversion engine.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
EarthMagneticMachine & operator=(const EarthMagneticMachine &other)
Copy assignments.
Bool fex_p
Extension calculated.
Double operator()()
Return line-of-sight field (nT or given units) (from previous calculate if no direction or height giv...
void calculate()
Calculate field.
void init()
Initialise machinery.
MVPosition sub_p
Position sub-point.
Vector of three direction cosines.
MDirection::Ref inref_p
Input direction reference.
const MVPosition & getPosition()
Position point.
const MVEarthMagnetic & getField()
Field (in nT, in ITRF)
Int cumf_p
Cumulative filled fields.
Double subl_p
Distance squared to sub-point.