45 class MVRadialVelocity;
Int nrow_p
Number of rows.
Double getStart() const
Get the start of the table (in MJD)
MeasComet & operator=(const MeasComet &other)
Copy assign.
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
Position for comets and other solar system bodies.
Construct using the aipsrc value (measures.comet.file)
Bool msgDone_p
Message given.
Vector< RORecordFieldPtr< Double > > rfp_p
These may be initialized inside the c'tors, but the order here is unimportant:
Main interface class to a read/write table.
Bool getExtras()
Try to read mean_rad_p and temperature_p, returning whether or not it was successful.
Bool getDisk(MVDirection &returnValue, Double date) const
Get the local on-disk direction.
MeasComet * clone() const
Create a clone.
Double getTemperature(const Bool squawk)
Return the temperature in K, or -1 if the table does not have it.
MJD (must be first in list)
Comet table has posrefsys defined *Bool hasPosrefsys() const
String name_p
Name of comet.
Bool measFlag_p
Measured data readable.
Bool fillMeas(Double utf) const
Fill Table lines.
Bool getRadVel(MVRadialVelocity &returnValue, Double date) const
Get the velocity from a comet table, interpolated for date(in MJD(TDB)).
Bool measured_p
Measured data present.
Double getMeanRad(const Bool squawk)
Return the mean radius in AU, or -1 if the table does not have it.
Types of known MDirections Warning: The order defines the order in the translation matrix FromTo in ...
Double getEnd() const
Get the end of the table (in MJD)
Vector< Double > ldat_p[2]
Last read data (measlow - meashigh)
Internal value for MRadialVelocity.
Types of known data.
MVPosition getRelPosition(const uInt index) const
Helper functions for accessing ldat_p.
MDirection::Types getType() const
Get the direction type.
Readonly access to a table row.
ROTableRow row_p
Row descriptions.
MDirection::Types getPosrefsysType() const
Get the posrefsys dir type.
MDirection::Types mtype_p
Type of coordinates.
Double dmjd_p
Increment in rows.
void closeMeas()
Close the Comet tabls only.
Double mjdl_p
Last MJD in list.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
MDirection::Types posrefsystype_p
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
MVDirection getDiskLongLat(const uInt index) const
Double mjd0_p
First MJD in list - 1.0 * dmjd_p.
Bool haveTriedExtras_p
which isn't.
Bool haveDiskLongLat_p
Whether or not the sub-observer longitude and latitude are available.
const String & getName() const
Get the name of the comet.
String getTablePath()
Convenience function that returns the absolute path to the ephemeris table connected to the MeasComet...
static Double get_Quantity_keyword(const TableRecord &ks, const String &kw, const Unit &unit, Bool &success)
Convenience function that returns ks[kw] in units of unit, setting success.
Int nelements() const
Get number of entries.
Table tab_p
Initialized in the "initialization list" of the c'tors, so maintain order:
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Vector of three direction cosines.
const MVPosition & getTopo() const
Get the topo position.
Bool initMeas(const String &which, const Table *tabin=0)
Initialise table from the name given.
Int lnr_p[2]
Lines in memory.
Bool ok() const
Is it a valid comet class (i.e.
MVPosition topo_p
Position on Earth.
TableExprNode date(const TableExprNode &node)