48 template<
class T>
class Quantum;
Bool isOffsetArray() const
Returns True if the offset is variable and is stored in an ArrayMeasColumn, i.e., offsets are stored ...
void resetRefCode(uInt refCode)
Reset the refCode, offset, or units.
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
Bool isOffsetArray() const
Returns True is the offset is variable and it is an ArrayMeasColumn.
const String & refColumnName() const
Returns the name of the ref code column when the ref code is variable.
Bool isOffsetVariable() const
Returns True if the offset is variable.
virtual TableMeasDescBase * clone() const
Clone the object.
TableMeasType itsMeasType
Main interface class to a read/write table.
const String & refType(uInt refCode) const
Translates the refCode for the descriptors measure type.
Definition of a Measure in a Table.
const Measure & getOffset() const
Returns a reference to the offset.
void resetOffset(const Measure &offset)
const String & type() const
Returns the descriptors measure type as a String.
void initTabRef(const MeasureHolder &measHolder)
Set the initial reference codes and types in the table.
void resetUnits(const Vector< Unit > &units)
const String & columnName() const
Return the name of its variable reference code column.
const String & type() const
Returns the descriptor's measure type as a String.
const TableMeasRefDesc & getRefDesc() const
Returns a reference to its measure reference descriptor.
uInt refCode(const String &refString) const
Returns the reference code for this object given a string.
Physical quantities within reference frame.
const Measure & getOffset() const
Return the fixed Measure offset.
virtual ~TableMeasDescBase()
static TableMeasDescBase * reconstruct(const Table &tab, const String &columnName)
Reconstructs the object for the given table and column name.
TableMeasValueDesc itsValue
const String & columnName() const
Get the name of the underlying column.
Definition of a Measure Reference in a Table.
Bool hasOffset() const
Returns True if the reference has an offset.
static Bool hasMeasures(const TableColumn &column)
Does this column contain table measures?
Null constructor.
TableMeasDescBase & operator=(const TableMeasDescBase &that)
Assignment operator.
A holder for Measures to enable record conversions.
Bool isOffsetVariable() const
Returns True if the offset is variable.
uInt getRefCode() const
Return the reference code.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Read/write access to a table column.
uInt getRefCode() const
Return the reference code.
const String & offsetColumnName() const
Get the name of the offset column.
void writeIfOld(const Table &)
Make the descriptor persistent if there was no refcode vector.
Definition of a Measure column in a Table.
void setMeasUnits(const Measure &meas, const Vector< Quantum< Double > > &val, const Vector< Unit > &units)
Set the measure and possible units.
void resetOffset(const Measure &offset)
void resetRefCode(uInt refCode)
Reset the refCode or offset.
const String & offsetColumnName() const
Return the name of the Measure offset column.
const String & columnName() const
Get the name of the underlying column.
Definition of a Measure Value in a Table.
Bool isRefCodeVariable() const
Returns True if the reference varies per row.
Bool isRefCodeVariable() const
Is the reference variable?
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
const Vector< Unit > & getUnits() const
Return the Units of the Measure values.
Define the structure of a Casacore table.
uInt refCode(const String &refString) const
Returns the reference code for this object given a string.
const String & refType(uInt refCode) const
Translates the refCode for the descriptors measure type.
void write(TableDesc &)
Makes the descriptor persistent.
Bool hasOffset() const
Returns True if an offset has been defined.