casacore::Aberration | Aberration class and calculations |
 casacore::AbstractAllocator< T > | |
  casacore::BaseAllocator< T, AlignedAllocator< T, ALIGNMENT > > | |
   casacore::AlignedAllocator< T, ALIGNMENT > | An allocator which allocates aligned memory |
  casacore::BaseAllocator< T, AlignedAllocator< T, CASA_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT > > | |
   casacore::AlignedAllocator< T > | |
    casacore::DefaultAllocator< T > | An aligned allocator with the default alignment |
  casacore::BaseAllocator< T, NewDelAllocator< T > > | |
   casacore::NewDelAllocator< T > | An allocator behaves like operator new[]/delete[] |
  casacore::BaseAllocator< T, Sub > | |
 casacore::AipsIO | AipsIO is the object persistency mechanism of Casacore |
 casacore::AipsIOCarray_global_functions_AipsIOCarray | Templated functions to get/put a C-style array from/into AipsIO |
 casacore::Aipsrc | Class to read the casa general resource files |
  casacore::AipsrcValue< T > | Class to read values from the Aipsrc general resource files |
  casacore::AipsrcValue< Bool > | Specialization of AipsrcValue for Bool |
  casacore::AipsrcVector< T > | Read multiple values from the Aipsrc resource files |
  casacore::AipsrcVector_Bool< Bool > | Specialization of AipsrcVector for Bool |
  casacore::AipsrcVector_String< String > | Specialization of AipsrcVector for String |
 casacore::AlignMemory | Referenced counted pointer for constant data |
 Alloc | |
  ao::uvector< Tp, Alloc > | A container similar to std::vector, but one that allows construction without initializing its elements |
  casacore::arrays_internal::Storage< T, Alloc > | This class emplements a static (but run-time) sized array |
 allocator | |
  ao::uvector< double > | |
  ao::uvector< unsigned char > | |
  ao::uvector< unsigned int > | |
  ao::uvector< value_t > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private | |
 casacore::AllocSpec< T > | Allocator specifier |
 casacore::Allocator_private::AllocSpec< T > | Allocator specifier |
 casacore::AppInfo | General information for applications |
 casacore::AppState | Base class for application state |
 casacore::AppStateSource | Allow configuration of casacore without environment variables |
 casacore::python::numpy::array_scalar_from_python< T > | Struct with static functions to convert a numpy array scalar to the templated type (e.g |
 casacore::ArrayAccessor< T, U > | Fast 1D accessor/iterator for nD array classes |
 casacore::ArrayBase | Non-templated base class for templated Array class |
  casacore::Array< Bool > | |
  casacore::Array< casacore::MVFrequency > | |
  casacore::Array< casacore::MVTime > | |
  casacore::Array< casacore::RigidVector< Double, 2 >, std::allocator< casacore::RigidVector< Double, 2 > > > | |
   casacore::Cube< casacore::RigidVector< Double, 2 > > | |
  casacore::Array< casacore::String > | |
  casacore::Array< Complex > | |
  casacore::Array< DComplex > | |
  casacore::Array< Double > | |
  casacore::Array< Double, std::allocator< Double > > | |
   casacore::Cube< Double > | |
   casacore::Matrix< Double > | |
   casacore::Vector< Double > | |
  casacore::Array< Float > | |
  casacore::Array< FType > | |
  casacore::Array< Int > | |
  casacore::Array< Int64 > | |
  casacore::Array< M > | |
  casacore::Array< MDirection > | |
  casacore::Array< MDoppler > | |
  casacore::Array< MEarthMagnetic > | |
  casacore::Array< MEpoch > | |
  casacore::Array< MFrequency > | |
  casacore::Array< MPosition > | |
  casacore::Array< MRadialVelocity > | |
  casacore::Array< recordType > | |
  casacore::Array< Short > | |
  casacore::Array< T > | |
  casacore::Array< T, std::allocator< T > > | |
   casacore::Matrix< T > | |
   casacore::Vector< T > | |
  casacore::Array< typename casacore::NumericTraits< FType >::ConjugateType > | |
  casacore::Array< uChar > | |
  casacore::Array< T, Alloc > | A templated N-D Array class with zero origin. Array<T, Alloc> is a templated, N-dimensional, Array class. The origin is zero, but by default indices are zero-based. This Array class is the base class for the Vector, Matrix, and Cube subclasses |
   casacore::Cube< T, Alloc > | A 3-D Specialization of the Array class |
   casacore::Matrix< T, Alloc > | A 2-D Specialization of the Array class |
   casacore::Vector< T, Alloc > | A 1-D Specialization of the Array class |
   casacore::Matrix< Bool > | |
   casacore::Matrix< casacore::GaussianBeam > | |
   casacore::Matrix< casacore::SquareMatrix< Complex, 2 > > | |
   casacore::Matrix< Complex > | |
   casacore::Matrix< Float > | |
   casacore::Matrix< FType > | |
   casacore::Matrix< Int > | |
   casacore::Matrix< Int64 > | |
   casacore::Vector< ArgType > | |
   casacore::Vector< AutoDiff< T > > | |
   casacore::Vector< AutoDiffA< T > > | |
   casacore::Vector< Bool > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::MDirection > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::MeasComet * > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::MFrequency > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::MPosition > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Quantum > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Quantum< Double > > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Double > > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Slicer * > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::SquareMatrix< Complex, 2 > > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::String > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Unit > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< Range > > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< typename casacore::LSQTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::BaseType >::base > > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< typename casacore::LSQTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::BaseType >::base > > | |
   casacore::Vector< casacore::Vector< typename casacore::LSQTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::BaseType >::base > > | |
   casacore::Vector< Domain > | |
   casacore::Vector< double > | |
   casacore::Vector< Float > | |
   casacore::Vector< FType > | |
   casacore::Vector< Int > | |
   casacore::Vector< Int64 > | |
   casacore::Vector< rownr_t > | |
    casacore::RowNumbers | |
   casacore::Vector< size_t > | |
   casacore::Vector< Type > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::ArgType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::BaseType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::ArgType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::BaseType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::ArgType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::BaseType > | |
   casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType > | |
   casacore::Vector< uInt > | |
 casacore::ArrayBaseAccessor< T > | Axis independent base for the ArrayAccessor classes |
  casacore::ArrayAccessor< T, Axis< U > > | Specialization for compile-time axes |
  casacore::ArrayAccessor< T, AxisN > | Specialization for run-time axes |
 ArrayCopy< T > | Copy/convert the array data as needed |
 casacore::python::numpy::ArrayCopy< T > | Copy/convert the array data as needed |
 ArrayCopy< Complex > | |
 casacore::python::numpy::ArrayCopy< Complex > | |
 ArrayCopy< DComplex > | |
 casacore::python::numpy::ArrayCopy< DComplex > | |
 ArrayCopy< String > | |
 casacore::python::numpy::ArrayCopy< String > | |
 casacore::ArrayFunctorBase< T, RES > | Basic class for math on Array objects |
  casacore::NFalseFunc< T, RES > | Logical functor to count the number of false elements |
  casacore::NTrueFunc< T, RES > | Logical functor to count the number of true elements |
 casacore::ArrayFunctorBase< T > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::AvdevFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::FractileFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::MadfmFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::MaxFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::MeanFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::MedianFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::MinFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::ProductFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::RmsFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::StddevFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::SumFunc< T, Alloc > | Define functors to perform a reduction function on an Array object |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::SumSqrFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::VarianceFunc< T, Alloc > | |
 casacore::ArrayFunctorBase< T, bool > | |
  casacore::AllFunc< T > | Logical functor to test if all elements are true |
  casacore::AnyFunc< T > | Logical functor to test if any elements are true |
 casacore::ArrayInitPolicies | |
 casacore::ArrayInitPolicy | A global enum used by some Array/Block constructors |
 casacore::ArrayIO_global_functions_Array_binary_IO | Global functions to read/write binary arrays from/to a file |
 casacore::ArrayIO_global_functions_Array_IO | Input/output operators for Arrays |
 casacore::ArrayKey | An ArrayKey is a unique combination of observation ID and array ID Negative values are allowed to indicate all values of the particular ID are desired |
 casacore::ArrayLogical_global_functions_Array_logical_operations | Logical operations for Arrays |
 casacore::ArrayMath_global_functions_Array_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for Arrays |
 casacore::ArrayOpsDiffShapes_global_functions_OpsDiff_functions | Operations for 2 Arrays with possibly different shapes |
 casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations | Mathematical and logical operations for Array parts |
 casacore::ArrayPositionIterator | Iterate an IPosition through the shape of an Array |
  casacore::ArrayIterator< T, std::allocator< T > > | |
   casacore::MatrixIterator< T > | |
  casacore::ArrayIterator< T, Alloc > | Iterate an Array cursor through another Array |
   casacore::MatrixIterator< T, Alloc > | Iterate a Matrix cursor through another Array |
   casacore::VectorIterator< T, Alloc > | Iterate an Vector cursor through another Array |
 casacore::ArrayQuantColumn< T > | Provides read/write access to Array Quantum columns in Tables |
 casacore::ArrayQuantColumn< Double > | |
 casacore::ArrayQuantColumn< Float > | |
 casacore::ArrayUtil_global_functions_concatenateArray | Concatenate two Arrays |
 casacore::ArrayUtil_global_functions_partialFuncHelper | Helper function for partialX functions |
 casacore::ArrayUtil_global_functions_reorderArray | Reorder the axes of an array |
 casacore::ArrayUtil_global_functions_reorderArrayHelper | Helper function for function reorderArray |
 casacore::ArrayUtil_global_functions_reverseArray | Reverse the order of one or more axes of an array |
 casacore::ArrayUtil_global_functions_stringToVector | Split a std::string into its elements |
 casacore::LSQFit::AsReal | |
 casacore::assert_< t > | Utility class for Assert macros |
 casacore::AutoDiff< T > | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
  casacore::AutoDiffA< T > | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
  casacore::AutoDiffX< T > | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
 casacore::AutoDiffIO_global_functions_AutoDiff_IO_operations | Implements all IO operators and functions for AutoDiff |
 casacore::AutoDiffMath_global_functions_AutoDiff_mathematical_operations | Implements all mathematical operators and functions for AutoDiff |
 casacore::AxesMapping | Info about mapping array axes to another order |
 casacore::AxesSpecifier | Specification of axes to keep or remove |
 B1 | |
  casacore::arrays_internal::Storage< T, Alloc >::conjunction< B1 > | |
  casacore::arrays_internal::Storage< T, Alloc >::disjunction< B1 > | |
 casacore::BaseColumn | Abstract base class for a table column |
  casacore::ConcatColumn | A column in a concatenated table |
   casacore::ConcatScalarColumn< T > | A typed column in a concatenated table |
  casacore::PlainColumn | Base class for a column in a plain table |
   casacore::ArrayColumnData | Access to a table column containing arrays |
   casacore::ScalarColumnData< T > | Access to a table column containing scalars |
   casacore::ScalarRecordColumnData | Access to a table column containing scalar records |
  casacore::RefColumn | A column in a reference table |
 casacore::BaseColumnDesc | An abstract base class for table column descriptions |
  casacore::ArrayColumnDescBase | Abstract base class for description of table array columns |
   casacore::ArrayColumnDesc< T > | Templated class for description of table array columns |
  casacore::ScalarColumnDesc< T > | Templated class to define columns of scalars in tables |
  casacore::ScalarRecordColumnDesc | Class to define columns of scalar records in tables |
  casacore::SubTableDesc | Description of columns containing tables |
 casacore::BaseCompare | Abstract base class for comparing two objects |
  casacore::CompareAlwaysTrue | Comparison class that is always true |
  casacore::CompareIntervalInt< T > | Integer comparison class with intervals |
  casacore::CompareIntervalReal< T > | Real comparison class with intervals |
  casacore::CompareNoCase | Case-insensitive string comparison class |
  casacore::MSInterval | Small helper class to specify an 'interval' comparison |
  casacore::ObjCompare< T > | Compare two objects |
 casacore::BaseEngine | Abstract base class for the TaQL UDF conversion engines |
  casacore::MeasEngine< M > | Templated base class for the TaQL UDF conversion engines |
  casacore::MeasEngine< MDirection > | |
   casacore::DirectionEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Direction conversions |
  casacore::MeasEngine< MDoppler > | |
   casacore::DopplerEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Doppler conversions |
  casacore::MeasEngine< MEarthMagnetic > | |
   casacore::EarthMagneticEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF EarthMagnetic conversions |
  casacore::MeasEngine< MEpoch > | |
   casacore::EpochEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Epoch conversions |
  casacore::MeasEngine< MFrequency > | |
   casacore::FrequencyEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Frequency conversions |
  casacore::MeasEngine< MPosition > | |
   casacore::PositionEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Position conversions |
  casacore::MeasEngine< MRadialVelocity > | |
   casacore::RadialVelocityEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF RadialVelocity conversions |
 casacore::Array< T, Alloc >::BaseIteratorSTL | See the function begin() and end() for a detailed description of the STL iterator capability |
  casacore::Array< T, Alloc >::ConstIteratorSTL | |
  casacore::Array< T, Alloc >::IteratorSTL | |
 casacore::BaseSinkSource | Shared base class for ByteSink and ByteSource |
  casacore::ByteSink | Class for write-only access to data in a given format |
   casacore::ByteSinkSource | Class for read/write access to data in a given format |
  casacore::ByteSource | Class for read-only access to data in a given format |
   casacore::ByteSinkSource | Class for read/write access to data in a given format |
 casacore::BaseSlicesFunctor | Abstract baseclass for slices functors |
  casacore::GetCellSlices | Functor to get irregular array slices from a cell |
  casacore::GetColumnSlices | Functor to get irregular array slices from a column |
  casacore::PutCellSlices | Functor to put irregular array slices into a cell |
  casacore::PutColumnSlices | Functor to get irregular array slices from a column |
 casacore::BaseTable | Abstract base class for tables |
  casacore::ConcatTable | Class to view a concatenation of tables as a single table |
  casacore::MemoryTable | Class for a table held in memory |
  casacore::NullTable | Class indicating a null Table object |
  casacore::PlainTable | Class defining a plain regular table |
  casacore::RefTable | Class for a table as a view of another table |
 casacore::BaseTableIterator | Base class for table iterator |
 casacore::BasicFITS_global_functions_ReadFITS | Read a FITS file from a Casacore array |
 casacore::BasicFITS_global_functions_WriteFITS | Write a FITS file to a Casacore array |
 casacore::BFEngineMask | Non-templated Helper class to handle the mask |
 binary_function | |
  casacore::Atan2< L, R, RES > | Functor to apply atan2 |
  casacore::BitAnd< T > | Functor for bitwise and of (integer) values |
  casacore::BitFlagsEngine< StoredType >::BoolToFlags | Functor to convert Bools to flags using a mask |
  casacore::BitOr< T > | Functor for bitwise or of (integer) values |
  casacore::BitXor< T > | Functor for bitwise xor of (integer) values |
  casacore::Divides< L, R, RES > | Functor to divide variables of possibly different types |
  casacore::FloorMod< L, R, RES > | Functor to take modulo of variables of possibly different types using the floor modulo (% as used in Python) |
  casacore::Fmod< L, R, RES > | Functor to apply fmod |
  casacore::IPositionComparator | Allows a way for IPosition to be used as keys in a std::map |
  casacore::MakeComplex< L, R, RES > | Functor to form a complex number from the left and right value |
  casacore::MakeComplexImag< L, R, RES > | Functor to form a complex number from the left value and the imaginary part of the right value |
  casacore::MakeComplexReal< L, R, RES > | Functor to form a complex number from the real part of the left value and the right value |
  casacore::MakeComplexRealImag< L, R, RES > | Functor to form a complex number from the real part of the left value and the imaginary part of the right value |
  casacore::Max< L, R, RES > | Functor to get maximum of two values |
  casacore::Min< L, R, RES > | Functor to get minimum of two values |
  casacore::Minus< L, R, RES > | Functor to subtract variables of possibly different types |
  casacore::Modulo< L, R, RES > | Functor to take modulo of (integer) variables of possibly different types in the C way |
  casacore::Multiplies< L, R, RES > | Functor to multiply variables of possibly different types |
  casacore::Near< L, R > | Functor to test if two values are relatively near each other |
  casacore::NearAbs< L, R > | Functor to test for if two values are absolutely near each other |
  casacore::Plus< L, R, RES > | Functor to add variables of possibly different types |
  casacore::Pow< T, E, RES > | Functor to apply pow |
  casacore::SumAbsDiff< T, Accum > | Functor to add absolute diff of right and base value to left |
  casacore::SumSqr< T, Accum > | Functor to add square of right to left |
  casacore::SumSqrDiff< T, Accum > | Functor to add squared diff of right and base value to left |
  casacore::SumSqrDiff< std::complex< T > > | Specialize for complex values |
 casacore::BinarySearch_global_functions_binarysearch | Binary search a sorted, linear, data structure |
 casacore::BitVector | Bit vectors of any size |
 casacore::BitVectorHelper | Helper class for BitVector |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::BiweightData | |
 casacore::BiweightStatisticsData | |
 casacore::Block_internal_IsFundamental< T > | |
 casacore::Block_internal_IsPointer< T > | |
 casacore::BlockIO |
  casacore::BlockInput | Fixed-length blocked sequential input base class |
   casacore::FitsDiskInput | FITS input from disk |
   casacore::FitsStdInput | FITS input from standard input |
   casacore::FitsTape9Input | FITS input from 9-track tape |
  casacore::BlockOutput | Fixed-length blocked sequential output base class |
   casacore::FitsDiskOutput | FITS output to disk |
   casacore::FitsStdOutput | FITS output to standard output |
   casacore::FitsTape9Output | FITS output to 9-track tape |
 casacore::BlockIO_global_functions_BlockIO | IO functions for Block |
 casacore::BlockTrace | Simple 1-D array |
  casacore::Block< Bool > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::Array< T > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::BaseCompare > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::IPosition > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::LatticeExprNode > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::LoggerHolder > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::MeasurementSet > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::MeasValue * > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::MSTableIndex > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Bool > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Bool > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Complex > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< DComplex > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Double > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Float > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Int > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Short > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< uChar > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::String > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Complex > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< DComplex > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Double > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Float > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Int > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Short > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< uChar > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Bool > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Complex > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< DComplex > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Double > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Float > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Int > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Short > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< uChar > > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::String > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Complex > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< DComplex > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Double > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Float > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Int > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Short > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< uChar > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::ROTableRow > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::String > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::Table > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::TableExprNode > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::TableRecord > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::Vector< Bool > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::Vector< casacore::String > > | |
  casacore::Block< casacore::Vector< T > > | |
  casacore::Block< Domain > | |
  casacore::Block< Double > | |
  casacore::Block< Int > | |
  casacore::Block< Int64 > | |
  casacore::Block< Range > | |
  casacore::Block< rownr_t > | |
  casacore::Block< S > | |
  casacore::Block< typename casacore::NumericTraits< FType >::ConjugateType > | |
  casacore::Block< uInt > | |
  casacore::Block< void * > | |
  casacore::Block< T > | Simple 1-D array |
 casacore::BucketBase | Abstract base class for Bucket classes |
  casacore::BucketBuffered | Use buffered file IO for buckets in a part of a file |
  casacore::BucketMapped | Use file mapping for buckets in a part of a file |
 casacore::BucketCache | Cache for buckets in a part of a file |
 casacore::BucketCache_global_functions_BucketCache_CallBack | Define the type of the static read and write function |
 casacore::BucketFile | File object for BucketCache |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< T2 > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< Allocator::value_type > | |
  casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocatorImpl< Allocator > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< Bool > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::Array< T > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::BaseCompare > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::IPosition > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::LatticeExprNode > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::LoggerHolder > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::MeasurementSet > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::MeasValue * > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::MSTableIndex > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Bool > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Bool > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Complex > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< DComplex > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Double > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Float > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Int > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Short > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< uChar > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::String > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Complex > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< DComplex > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Double > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Float > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Int > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Short > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RecordFieldPtr< uChar > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Bool > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Complex > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< DComplex > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Double > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Float > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Int > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Short > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< uChar > > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::String > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Complex > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< DComplex > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Double > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Float > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Int > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Short > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< uChar > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::ROTableRow > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::String > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::Table > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::TableExprNode > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::TableRecord > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::Vector< Bool > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::Vector< casacore::String > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< casacore::Vector< T > > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< Domain > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< Double > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< Int > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< Int64 > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< Range > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< rownr_t > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< S > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< T > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< typename casacore::NumericTraits< FType >::ConjugateType > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< uInt > | |
 casacore::Allocator_private::BulkAllocator< void * > | |
 casacore::ByteIO | Abstract base class for IO on a byte stream |
  casacore::FilebufIO | Class for buffered IO on a file |
   casacore::RegularFileIO | Class for IO on a regular file |
  casacore::FiledesIO | Class for unbuffered IO on a file |
   casacore::MMapfdIO | Memory-mapped IO on a file |
    casacore::MMapIO | Memory-mapped IO on a file |
  casacore::MemoryIO | Class for IO to a memory buffer |
  casacore::MFFileIO | Class for IO on a virtual file in a MultiFileBase |
  casacore::StreamIO | Class for IO on connection oriented socket |
  casacore::TapeIO | Class for IO on a tape device |
 dyscostman::BytePacker | Class for bit packing of values into bytes |
 dyscostman::ThreadedDyscoColumn< DataType >::CacheItem | |
 casacore::CanonicalConversion | LDOUBLE is 8 bytes on SUN, but 16 bytes canonical |
 casacore::python::casa_array_from_python | |
 casacore::python::casa_array_to_list< T > | |
 casacore::python::casa_array_to_python< T > | Convert Array to Python |
 casacore::python::casa_iposition_to_list | |
 casacore::python::casa_record_from_python | |
 casacore::python::casa_record_to_python | A class to convert a (Table)Record to/from Python objects |
 casacore::python::casa_string_from_python_str | Convert a String object from python |
 casacore::python::casa_string_to_python_str | Convert a String object to python |
 casacore::python::casa_value_from_python | |
 casacore::python::casa_value_to_python | A class to convert a ValueHolder to/from Python objects |
 casacore::python::casa_vector_to_list< T > | |
 casacore::CasaErrorTools | |
 casacore::Casarc | |
 casacore::CasarcCleanup | |
 casacore::CASATask | Task interface |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::ChauvenetData | |
 casacore::ChebyshevEnums | Define enums for Chebyshev classes |
 casacore::Choice | Class to ask a user a choice |
 casacore::StatisticsDataset< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator >::ChunkData | Holds information about a data chunk |
 casacore::ClassicalStatisticsData | Non-templated data related to ClassicalStatistics class |
 casacore::CleanEnums | Lists the different types of Convolutions that can be done |
 casacore::CLInterpolator2D< T > | Abstract base class for interpolator used by CurvedLattice2D |
  casacore::CLIPNearest2D< T > | Arbitrarily shaped 1-dim lattice crosscut |
 casacore::ColumnCache | A caching object for a table column |
 casacore::ColumnDesc | Envelope class for the description of a table column |
 casacore::ColumnDescSet | Set of table column descriptions |
 casacore::ColumnSet | Class to manage a set of table columns |
 casacore::ColumnsIndex | Index to one or more columns in a table |
 casacore::ColumnsIndexArray | Index to an array column in a table |
 casacore::ColumnSlicer | |
 casacore::MSMetaData::ColumnStats | |
 casacore::Combinatorics | Combinatorics related functions |
 casacore::Compare_global_functions_ObjCompareFunc | Signature of comparison functions |
 casacore::LSQFit::Complex | |
 casacore::Complex_global_functions_Complex_desc | Single and double precision complex numbers |
 Complexfwd_global_functions_Complexfwd | Forward declaration complex classes |
 casacore::CompositeNumber | This class generates composite numbers |
 casacore::ConcatRows | Class holding the row numbers in a ConcatTable |
 casacore::ConcatRowsIter | Class to iterate through a ConcatRows object |
 casacore::LSQFit::Conjugate | |
 casacore::ConstFitsKeywordList | List of read-only FITS keywords |
 casacore::ConstHashMapIter< key, val > | |
  casacore::HashMapIter< key, val > | Step through a non-const HashMap |
 casacore::ConstMapIter< key, value > | Const associative array iterator |
  casacore::MapIter< key, value > | Associative array iterator |
 casacore::ConvEnums | Lists the different types of Convolutions that can be done |
 casacore::Conversion | A class with general conversion definitions |
 casacore::python::convert_casa_iposition | Register the IPosition conversion |
 casacore::python::convert_casa_record | Register the Record conversion |
 casacore::python::convert_casa_string | Register the String conversion |
 casacore::python::convert_casa_valueholder | Register the ValueHolder conversion |
 casacore::python::convert_casa_vector< T > | Register the casacore::Vector conversions |
 casacore::python::convert_std_vector< T > | Register the std::vector conversions |
 casacore::ConvertScalar_global_functions_Scalar_conversion | Templated functions to convert scalars from one type to another |
 casacore::Convolver< FType > | Forward Declarations |
 casacore::Coordinate | Interface for converting between world and pixel coordinates |
  casacore::CoordinateSystem | Interconvert pixel and world coordinates |
  casacore::DirectionCoordinate | Interconvert pixel positions and directions (e.g. RA/DEC) |
  casacore::LinearCoordinate | Interconvert between pixel and a linear world coordinate |
  casacore::QualityCoordinate | Interconvert between pixel and Quality value |
  casacore::SpectralCoordinate | Interconvert pixel and frequency values |
  casacore::StokesCoordinate | Interconvert between pixel and Stokes value |
  casacore::TabularCoordinate | Table lookup 1-D coordinate, with interpolation |
 casacore::CoordinateUtil | Functions for creating default CoordinateSystems |
 casacore::Copy_global_functions_copy | Copy methods |
 casacore::Copy_global_functions_test | Test routines |
 casacore::Copy_global_functions_throw | Copy objects from one C-style array to another |
 casacore::CopyRecordToRecord | Copies fields between Records, possibly to fields with another name |
 casacore::CopyRecordToTable | Copies fields from a Record to columns of a Table |
 casacore::CountedPtr< t > | Referenced counted pointer for constant data |
 casacore::CountedPtr< AccumType > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< CASA_STATP > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::Array< Bool > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::BaseCompare > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::Block< Bool > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::Block< Double > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::Block< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::Block< U > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::ByteIO > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::ClassicalQuantileComputer< CASA_STATP > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::ColumnSet > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::CoordinateSystem > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::DataConversion > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::HDF5DataSet > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::HDF5File > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::HDF5Group > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::Lattice< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LatticeBase > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LatticeIterInterface< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LattStatsProgress > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELInterface< Bool > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELInterface< Complex > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELInterface< DComplex > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELInterface< Double > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELInterface< F > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELInterface< Float > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELInterface< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LELLattCoordBase > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LoggerHolderRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LogSink::LsiIntermediate > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::LogSinkInterface > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::MaskedLattice< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::MeasRef::RefRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::MeasurementSet > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::MSColumns > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::MSInterval > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::MSSelectionErrorHandler > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::PGPlotterInterface > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::ProgressMeter > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::RecordDescRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::RecordRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::RO_LatticeIterator< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::RO_MaskedLatticeIterator< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::SetupNewTableRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TableDesc > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TableExprGroupFuncBase > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TableExprGroupResult > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TableMeasDescBase > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TableRecordRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TempLattice< AccumType > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TempLatticeImpl< Complex > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TempLatticeImpl< Float > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TempLatticeImpl< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TempLatticeImpl< typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::ConjugateType > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TiledFileAccess > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TypeIO > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::ValueHolderRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::WrapperBase< T > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< ColumnHolder > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< std::pair< AccumType, AccumType > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< std::pair< CASA_STATP, CASA_STATP > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< T > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< TableExprNodeRep > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr< vector< casacore::TableExprId > > | |
 casacore::CountedPtr_global_functions_dereference_error | Act on dereference error |
 casacore::COWPtr< T > | Copy-On-Write-Pointer class - allows control of copy based on constness |
 casacore::COWPtr< casacore::RecordDescRep > | |
 casacore::COWPtr< casacore::RecordRep > | |
 casacore::COWPtr< casacore::TableRecordRep > | |
 casacore::MSMIndColumn::Data | |
 casacore::DataConversion | Abstract base class with functions to convert any format |
  casacore::CanonicalDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert canonical format |
  casacore::IBMDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert IBM format |
  casacore::LECanonicalDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert little endian canonical format |
  casacore::ModcompDataConversion | A DataConversion class to convert between Modcomp format |
  casacore::RawDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to copy without conversion |
  casacore::VAXDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert VAX format |
 casacore::DataManager | Abstract base class for a data manager |
  casacore::Adios2StMan | |
  casacore::ISMBase | Base class of the Incremental Storage Manager |
   casacore::IncrementalStMan | The Incremental Storage Manager |
  casacore::MSMBase | Base class for memory-based table storage manager class |
   casacore::MemoryStMan | Memory-based table storage manager class |
   casacore::StManAipsIO | AipsIO table storage manager class |
  casacore::SSMBase | Base class of the Standard Storage Manager |
   casacore::StandardStMan | The Standard Storage Manager |
  casacore::TiledStMan | Base class for Tiled Storage Manager classes |
   casacore::TiledCellStMan | Tiled Cell Storage Manager |
   casacore::TiledColumnStMan | Tiled Column Storage Manager |
   casacore::TiledDataStMan | Tiled Data Storage Manager |
   casacore::TiledFileHelper | Helper class for tiled access to an array in a file |
   casacore::TiledShapeStMan | Tiled Data Storage Manager using the shape as id |
  casacore::VirtualColumnEngine | Abstract base class for virtual column handling |
   casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< Bool, StoredType > | |
    casacore::BitFlagsEngine< StoredType > | Templated virtual column engine to map bit flags to a Bool |
   casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< Complex, Int > | |
    casacore::CompressComplex | Virtual column engine to scale a table Complex array |
     casacore::CompressComplexSD | Virtual column engine to scale a table Complex array for Single Dish data |
   casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< Float, Short > | |
    casacore::CompressFloat | Virtual column engine to scale a table float array |
   casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< VirtualType, StoredType > | Templated virtual column engine for a table array of any type |
    casacore::MappedArrayEngine< VirtualType, StoredType > | Templated virtual column engine to map the data type of a table array |
    casacore::RetypedArrayEngine< VirtualType, StoredType > | Virtual column engine to retype and reshape arrays |
    casacore::ScaledArrayEngine< VirtualType, StoredType > | Templated virtual column engine to scale a table array |
    casacore::ScaledComplexData< VirtualType, StoredType > | Templated virtual column engine to scale a complex table array |
   casacore::DerivedMSCal | Virtual column engine to return derived MS values |
   casacore::ForwardColumnEngine | Virtual column engine forwarding to other columns |
    casacore::ForwardColumnIndexedRowEngine | Virtual column engine forwarding to other columns/rows |
   casacore::VACEngine< T > | Base virtual column for an array column with any type |
   casacore::VirtualTaQLColumn | Virtual scalar column using TaQL |
   casacore::VSCEngine< T > | Base virtual column for a scalar column with any type |
  dyscostman::DyscoStMan | The main class for the Dysco storage manager |
 casacore::DataManager_global_functions_DataManagerCtor | Define the type of the static construction function |
 casacore::DataManagerColumn | Abstract base class for a column in a data manager |
  casacore::ForwardColumn | Virtual column forwarding to another column |
   casacore::ForwardColumnIndexedRow | Virtual column forwarding to another row/column |
  casacore::StManColumnBase | Base table column storage manager class |
   casacore::Adios2StManColumn | |
    casacore::Adios2StManColumnT< std::string > | |
     casacore::Adios2StManColumnString | |
    casacore::Adios2StManColumnT< T > | |
   casacore::ISMColumn | A Column in the Incremental Storage Manager |
    casacore::ISMIndColumn | A column of Incremental storage manager for indirect arrays |
   casacore::MSMColumn | Column in the Memory table storage manager class |
    casacore::MSMDirColumn | Memory storage manager for table arrays |
    casacore::MSMIndColumn | Mmeory storage manager for variable shaped table arrays |
    casacore::StManColumnAipsIO | AipsIO table column storage manager class |
     casacore::StManColumnArrayAipsIO | AipsIO storage manager for direct table arrays |
     casacore::StManColumnIndArrayAipsIO | AipsIO storage manager for indirect table arrays |
   casacore::SSMColumn | A Column in the Standard Storage Manager |
    casacore::SSMDirColumn | A Direct Array Column in the Standard Storage Manager |
     casacore::SSMIndStringColumn | An Indirect String Array Column in the Standard Storage Manager |
    casacore::SSMIndColumn | A column of Standard storage manager for indirect arrays |
   casacore::StManColumn | Base table column storage manager class |
   casacore::TSMColumn | A column in the Tiled Storage Manager |
    casacore::TSMCoordColumn | A coordinate column in Tiled Storage Manager |
    casacore::TSMDataColumn | A data column in Tiled Storage Manager |
    casacore::TSMIdColumn | An id column in Tiled Storage Manager |
   dyscostman::DyscoStManColumn | Base class for columns of the DyscoStMan |
    dyscostman::ThreadedDyscoColumn< DataType > | A column for storing compressed values in a threaded way, tailored for the data and weight columns that use a threaded approach for encoding |
    dyscostman::ThreadedDyscoColumn< float > | |
     dyscostman::DyscoWeightColumn | A column for storing compressed complex values with an approximate Gaussian distribution |
    dyscostman::ThreadedDyscoColumn< std::complex< float > > | |
     dyscostman::DyscoDataColumn | A column for storing compressed complex values with an approximate Gaussian distribution |
  casacore::VirtualArrayColumnBase | Templated base class for virtual array column |
   casacore::VirtualArrayColumn< T > | |
    casacore::VACEngine< T > | Base virtual column for an array column with any type |
   casacore::VirtualArrayColumn< Bool > | |
    casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< Bool, StoredType > | |
   casacore::VirtualArrayColumn< Complex > | |
    casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< Complex, Int > | |
   casacore::VirtualArrayColumn< Double > | |
    casacore::AzElColumn | Azimuth/elevation derived from TIME, etc |
    casacore::HaDecColumn | Hourangle/declination derived from TIME, etc |
    casacore::ItrfColumn | Pointing ITRF coordinate derived from TIME, etc |
    casacore::UVWJ2000Column | UVW J2000 derived from TIME, etc |
   casacore::VirtualArrayColumn< Float > | |
    casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< Float, Short > | |
   casacore::VirtualArrayColumn< VirtualType > | |
    casacore::BaseMappedArrayEngine< VirtualType, StoredType > | Templated virtual column engine for a table array of any type |
  casacore::VirtualScalarColumnBase | Templated base class for virtual scalar column |
   casacore::VirtualScalarColumn< T > | |
    casacore::VSCEngine< T > | Base virtual column for a scalar column with any type |
   casacore::VirtualScalarColumn< Double > | |
    casacore::HourangleColumn | Hourangle derived from TIME, etc |
    casacore::LASTColumn | Local sidereal time derived from TIME, etc |
    casacore::ParAngleColumn | Parallactic angle derived from TIME, etc |
  casacore::VirtualTaQLColumn | Virtual scalar column using TaQL |
 casacore::DataManInfo | Class with static functions to manipulate a datamanager record |
 TimeBlockBuffer< data_t >::DataRow | |
 casacore::DataType_global_functions_DataType | Data types (primarily) in the table system |
 casacore::python::default_policy | Default operations on all containers for conversion from Python container to C++ one |
  casacore::python::casa_reversed_variable_capacity_policy | |
  casacore::python::casa_variable_capacity_policy | |
  casacore::python::stl_variable_capacity_policy | Operations on containers that have variable capacity for conversion from Python container to C++ one |
 casacore::DefaultValue_global_functions_defval | A templated function which sets a variable to a default value |
 casacore::CountedPtr< t >::Deleter< T > | Helper class to make deletion of object optional |
 casacore::DFTServer< T > | Class containing methods for doing n-D slow Fourier transforms |
 dyscostman::StochasticEncoder< ValueType >::Dictionary | |
 casacore::DirectoryIterator | Traverse the contents of a directory |
 casacore::DOos | DO for accessing os-specific functions |
 casacore::Dummy_Constants_class | Mathematical and numerical constants |
 casacore::DynBuffer | Store data in dynamically allocated buffers |
 casacore::DynLib | Class to handle loading of dynamic libraries |
 casacore::EarthField | EarthField class model calculations |
 casacore::EarthMagneticMachine | Calculates magnetic field in a direction |
 dyscostman::ThreadedDyscoColumn< DataType >::EncodingThreadFunctor | |
 casacore::EnvironmentVariable | This class allows for getting enviroment variables |
 casacore::Euler | Vector of Euler rotation angles |
 exception | |
  casacore::AipsError | Base class for all Casacore library errors |
   casacore::AbortError | Exception which halts execution |
   casacore::AllocError | Allocation errors |
   casacore::DataManError | Base error class for table data manager |
    casacore::DataManInternalError | Internal table data manager error |
    casacore::DataManInvDT | Table DataManager error; invalid data type |
    casacore::DataManInvOper | Table DataManager error; invalid operation |
    casacore::DataManUnknownCtor | Table DataManager error; invalid data manager |
    casacore::DataManUnknownVirtualColumn | Table DataManager error; unknown virtual column |
    casacore::TSMError | Table DataManager error; error in TiledStMan |
    dyscostman::DyscoStManError | Represents a runtime exception that occured within the DyscoStMan |
   casacore::DFTError | Error class for DFTServer class |
   casacore::DuplError | Duplicate key errors |
    casacore::duplError< t > | Duplicate key errors where the bad key is returned |
   casacore::EmptyStackError | Error class for the Stack class |
   casacore::FunctionFactoryError | |
    casacore::InvalidSerializationError | |
     casacore::FieldNotFoundError | |
    casacore::UnrecognizedFunctionError | |
   casacore::HDF5Error | Base error class for HDF5 wrapper classes |
   casacore::IndexError | Base class for all indexing errors |
    casacore::indexError< t > | Index errors returning the bad index |
   casacore::InitError | Initialization error, typically of static data shared between objects |
   casacore::IterError | Iteration error class |
    casacore::InvalidIterError | Invalide iteration error class |
    casacore::IterBoundaryError | Iteration Boundary error class |
    casacore::IterInitError | Iteration initialization error |
   casacore::JsonError | |
   casacore::MathFuncError | Error class for MathFunc class |
   casacore::MSSelectionError | |
    casacore::MSSelectionAntennaError |
     casacore::MSSelectionAntennaParseError |
    casacore::MSSelectionArrayError |
     casacore::MSSelectionArrayParseError | |
     casacore::MSSelectionArrayWarning | |
    casacore::MSSelectionFeedError |
     casacore::MSSelectionFeedParseError | |
    casacore::MSSelectionFieldError |
     casacore::MSSelectionFieldParseError |
     casacore::MSSelectionFieldWarning |
    casacore::MSSelectionNullExpr |
    casacore::MSSelectionNullSelection |
    casacore::MSSelectionNullTEN |
    casacore::MSSelectionObservationError |
     casacore::MSSelectionObservationParseError | |
     casacore::MSSelectionObservationWarning | |
    casacore::MSSelectionPolnError |
     casacore::MSSelectionPolnParseError | |
     casacore::MSSelectionPolnWarning | |
    casacore::MSSelectionScanError |
     casacore::MSSelectionScanParseError | |
     casacore::MSSelectionScanWarning | |
    casacore::MSSelectionSpwError |
     casacore::MSSelectionSpwParseError | |
     casacore::MSSelectionSpwWarning | |
    casacore::MSSelectionStateError |
     casacore::MSSelectionStateParseError | |
     casacore::MSSelectionStateWarning | |
    casacore::MSSelectionTimeError |
     casacore::MSSelectionTimeParseError | |
    casacore::MSSelectionUvDistError |
     casacore::MSSelectionUvDistParseError | |
   casacore::SortError | Generic Sort exception |
    casacore::SortInvDT | Invalid data type used for this sort key |
    casacore::SortInvIncr | Invalid increment used for this sort key |
    casacore::SortInvOpt | Invalid sort option given to routine dosort |
    casacore::SortNoData | No data array given to Sort constructor |
   casacore::SystemCallError | Exception for an error in a system call |
   casacore::TableError | Base error class for storage manager |
    casacore::TableArrayConformanceError | Table error; non-conformant array |
    casacore::TableConformanceError | Table error; table length conformance error |
    casacore::TableDescNoName | Table error; no name given to table description |
    casacore::TableDuplFile | Table error; table (description) already exists |
    casacore::TableGramError | Table grammar error; invalid table command |
    casacore::TableInternalError | Internal table error |
    casacore::TableInvColumnDesc | Table error; invalid column description |
    casacore::TableInvDT | Table error; invalid data type |
    casacore::TableInvExpr | Table error; invalid select expression |
    casacore::TableInvHyperDesc | Table error; invalid hypercolumn description |
    casacore::TableInvLogic | Table error; invalid logical operation |
    casacore::TableInvOper | Table error; invalid operation |
    casacore::TableInvOpt | Table error; invalid table (description) option |
    casacore::TableInvSort | Table error; invalid sort |
    casacore::TableInvType | Table error; table type mismatch |
    casacore::TableNoDatFile | Table error; table.dat file not found |
    casacore::TableNoDir | Table error; path is not a directory |
    casacore::TableNoFile | Table error; table (description) not found |
    casacore::TableParseError | Table error; invalid table command |
    casacore::TableUnknownDesc | Table error; unknown column description |
    casacore::TableVectorNonConform | Table error; non-conformant table vectors |
 casacore::FuncExprData::ExprCompState | The compilation state descriptor |
 casacore::FuncExprData::ExprOperator | The operator description: code; priority; # of arguments; # of arguments used up (or produced for functions) |
 casacore::ExtendSpecifier | Specification of new and stretched lattice axes |
 casacore::ExternalLockSync | Class to hold table lock data |
 casacore::Fallible< T > | Mark a value as valid or invalid |
 casacore::Fallible_global_functions_invalid_access | Throw exception on access of an invalid object This function gets called when an invalid object is accessed. It just throws an exception. Since we have inline functions, let's keep the throw out of them to keep them from moving out of line |
 false_type | |
  casacore::arrays_internal::Storage< T, Alloc >::disjunction<> | Used by template code above These are already in C++17, but currently only using C++11.. |
 casacore::FFTEnums | Lists the different types of FFT's that can be done |
 casacore::FFTPack | C++ interface to the Fortran FFTPACK library |
 casacore::FFTServer< T, S > | A class with methods for Fast Fourier Transforms |
 casacore::FFTServer< FType, typename casacore::NumericTraits< FType >::ConjugateType > | |
 casacore::FFTW | C++ interface to the FFTWw library |
 casacore::File | Class to get file information and a base for other file classes |
  casacore::Directory | Get information about, and manipulate directories |
  casacore::RegularFile | Manipulate and get information about regular files |
  casacore::SymLink | Get information about, and manipulate symbolic links |
 casacore::FileLocker | Class to handle file locking |
 casacore::Fit2D | Fit 2-D objects to 2-D Lattices or Arrays |
 casacore::FitGaussian< T > | Multidimensional fitter class for Gaussians |
 casacore::FITS | Static functions and enumerations |
 casacore::FITS2_global_functions_ReadFITSin | Helper function for ReadFITS and WriteFITS |
 casacore::FitsBase | Helper class |
  casacore::FitsField< TYPE > | Helper class
Note: Note that FitsField does not allocate space for the data; Space is external to FitsField and its address is set via the setaddr function;
   casacore::FitsArray< TYPE > | FITS array of given type |
  casacore::FitsField< FitsBit > | Helper class |
   casacore::FitsArray< FitsBit > | FITS array of FitsBit type
Note: We must specify a FitsArray<FitsBit> as a specialization;
  casacore::FitsField< char > | |
  casacore::FitsField< fitsType > | |
 casacore::FitsBit | Helper class for FITS Binary Tables |
 casacore::FITSCoordinateUtil | |
 casacore::FITSDateUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS dates |
 casacore::FITSError | Default FITS error handling function, typdef, and enumeration |
 casacore::FITSExtInfo | Class FitsKeywordList; |
 casacore::FITSFieldCopier | Virtual base class for copying RORecordFields to FitsFields |
  casacore::ArrayFITSFieldCopier< recordType, fitsType > | A FITSFieldCopier for copying Array RecordFields to FitsFields |
  casacore::ScalarFITSFieldCopier< recordType, fitsType > | A FITSFieldCopier for copying scalar non-string RecordFields to FitsFields |
  casacore::StringFITSFieldCopier | A FITSFieldCopier for copying String RecordFields to FitsFields |
  casacore::VariableArrayFITSFieldCopier< recordType, fitsType > | |
 casacore::FitsFPUtil | Utility functions for floating point values |
 casacore::FITSGroupWriter | Simplified interface to create and write to FITS random groups |
 casacore::FITSHistoryUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS History cards |
 casacore::FITSImgParser | Class for handling FITS Image extensions |
 casacore::FitsIO | Sequential FITS I/O |
  casacore::FitsInput | Fixed-length sequential blocked FITS input |
  casacore::FitsOutput | Fixed-length sequential blocked FITS output |
 casacore::FitsKeyCardTranslator | Translator between Keyword lists and fixed FITS cars |
 casacore::FitsKeyword | FITS keyword |
 casacore::FitsKeywordList | Linked list of FITS keywords |
 casacore::FITSKeywordUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS Keywords |
 casacore::FitsLogical | FITS helper class |
 casacore::FitsNameResult | Analyse the name of a header card |
 casacore::FitsParse | Parse a header card |
 casacore::FITSReader | |
 casacore::FITSSpectralUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS spectral axes |
 casacore::FITSTableWriter | Simplified interface to create and write to a FITS Binary Table |
 casacore::FITSTabular | Simplified interface to FITS tables with Casacore Look and Feel |
  casacore::FITSMultiTable | View multiple FITS files as a single table |
  casacore::FITSTable | Attach a FITSTabular to a binary or ASCII table |
   casacore::SDFITSTable | SDFITSTable is a FITSTable which follows the Single Dish FITS Convention |
  casacore::FITSTimedTable | |
 casacore::FitsVADesc | Variable Length Array Descriptor |
 casacore::FitsValueResult | Analyse the value of a header card |
 casacore::FittingProxy | This class gives Proxy to Fitting connection |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData::FitToHalfData< AccumType > | |
 casacore::FitToHalfStatisticsData | Various data for FitToHalfStatistics |
 casacore::FittingProxy::FitType | Class to aid in distributing different fitters |
 casacore::MVAngle::Format | Format structure |
 casacore::MVTime::Format | Format structure |
 casacore::FrequencyAligner< T > | Aligns spectra in frequency space |
 casacore::python::from_python_sequence< ContainerType, ConversionPolicy > | Conversion of Python sequence to C++ container |
 casacore::FuncExprData | Data and enumerations for functional expressions |
 casacore::FuncExprData_global_functions_output | Output function |
 casacore::FuncExpression | An expression executable as function |
 casacore::FuncExpression_global_functions_execute | Execute function |
 casacore::FuncExpression_global_functions_output | Output function |
 casacore::FuncId | Function ID, for use by MathFunc class |
 casacore::FunctionHolder< T >::FuncStat | Structure to hold functional status |
 casacore::Function_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::Functional< Domain, Range > | Map a domain object into a range object via operator() |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< AutoDiff< T > >::ArgType, AutoDiff< T > > | |
  casacore::Function< AutoDiff< T >, AutoDiff< T > > | |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< AutoDiff< T > >::ArgType, U > | |
  casacore::Function< AutoDiff< T > > | |
   casacore::CombiParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::CombiFunction_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of CombiFunction for AutoDiff |
   casacore::CompoundParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::CompoundFunction_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial AutoDiff specialization of CompoundFunction |
   casacore::ConstantNDParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::ConstantND_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of ConstantND for AutoDiff |
   casacore::Gaussian2DParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::Gaussian2D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Gaussian2D for AutoDiff |
   casacore::Gaussian3DParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::Gaussian3D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Gaussian3D for AutoDiff |
   casacore::HyperPlaneParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::HyperPlane_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of HyperPlane for AutoDiff |
   casacore::PoissonParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::PoissonFunction_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of PoissonFunction for AutoDiff |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< AutoDiffA< T > >::ArgType, AutoDiffA< T > > | |
  casacore::Function< AutoDiffA< T >, AutoDiffA< T > > | |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > >::ArgType, U > | |
  casacore::Function< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > > | |
   casacore::CompoundParam< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > > | |
    casacore::CompoundFunction< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > > | |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< Domain >::ArgType, Range > | |
  casacore::Function< Domain, Range > | |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< Double >::ArgType, Double > | |
  casacore::Function< Double, Double > | |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< T >::ArgType, T > | |
  casacore::Function< T, T > | |
   casacore::Function1D< T > | |
    casacore::ChebyshevParam< T > | Parameter handling for Chebyshev polynomial parameters |
     casacore::ChebyshevParamModeImpl< T > | A ChebyshevParam with the get/setMode implementation |
      casacore::Chebyshev< T > | A function class that defines a Chebyshev polynomial |
       casacore::MarshallableChebyshev< T > | A Chebyshev function class that supports serialization |
    casacore::EvenPolynomialParam< T > | Parameter handling for even polynomials |
     casacore::EvenPolynomial< T > | A one dimensional odd polynomial class |
    casacore::Gaussian1DParam< T > | Parameter handling for one dimensional Gaussian class |
     casacore::Gaussian1D< T > | A one dimensional Gaussian class |
    casacore::Lorentzian1DParam< T > | Parameter handling for one dimensional Lorentzian class |
     casacore::Lorentzian1D< T > | A one dimensional Lorentzian class |
    casacore::OddPolynomialParam< T > | Parameter handling for odd polynomials |
     casacore::OddPolynomial< T > | A one dimensional odd polynomial class |
    casacore::PolynomialParam< T > | Parameter handling for one-dimensional polynomials |
     casacore::Polynomial< T > | A one dimensional polynomial class |
    casacore::PowerLogarithmicPolynomialParam< T > | Parameter handling for one-dimensional power logarithmic polynomials |
     casacore::PowerLogarithmicPolynomial< T > | A one dimensional power logarithmic polynomial class of form y = c_0 * x**(c_1 + c_2*ln(x) + c_3*ln(x)**2 +... c_n*ln(x)**(n-1)) |
    casacore::SimButterworthBandpass< T > | Class for evaluating a Butterworth filter transfer function |
     casacore::MarshButterworthBandpass< T > | A Butterworth function class that supports serialization |
    casacore::Sinusoid1DParam< T > | Parameter handling for one dimensional Sinusoid class |
     casacore::Sinusoid1D< T > | A one dimensional Sinusoid class |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< T >::ArgType, U > | |
  casacore::Function< T, U > | Numerical functional interface class |
   casacore::Function1D< T, U > | Numerical functional interface class for 1 dimension |
   casacore::Function1D< AutoDiff< T > > | |
    casacore::ChebyshevParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::ChebyshevParamModeImpl_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of ChebyshevParamModeImpl for AutoDiff |
    casacore::EvenPolynomialParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::EvenPolynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of EvenPolynomial for AutoDiff |
    casacore::Gaussian1DParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::Gaussian1D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Gaussian1D for AutoDiff |
    casacore::Lorentzian1DParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::Lorentzian1D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Lorentzian1D for AutoDiff |
    casacore::OddPolynomialParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::OddPolynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of OddPolynomial for AutoDiff |
    casacore::PolynomialParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::Polynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Polynomial for AutoDiff |
    casacore::PowerLogarithmicPolynomialParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::PowerLogarithmicPolynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of PowerLogarithmicPolynomial for AutoDiff |
    casacore::Sinusoid1DParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
     casacore::Sinusoid1D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Sinusoid1D for AutoDiff |
   casacore::Function1D< AutoDiffA< T > > | |
    casacore::ChebyshevParam< AutoDiffA< T > > | |
     casacore::ChebyshevParamModeImpl_PSA< AutoDiffA< T > > | Partial specialization of ChebyshevParamModeImpl for AutoDiff |
   casacore::Function1D< Domain, Range > | |
    casacore::Interpolate1D< Domain, Range > | Interpolate in one dimension |
   casacore::Function1D< Double > | |
    casacore::PolynomialParam< Double > | |
     casacore::Polynomial< Double > | |
   casacore::Function1D< Double, Double > | |
    casacore::Interpolate1D< Double, Double > | |
  casacore::Function< T > | |
   casacore::CombiParam< T > | Parameters for a linear combination of function objects |
    casacore::CombiFunction< T > | Form a linear combination of function objects |
   casacore::CompiledParam< T > | Parameters for a compiled string function object |
    casacore::CompiledFunction< T > | Form a linear combination of function objects |
   casacore::CompoundParam< T > | Parameters for sum of parameterized Functions |
    casacore::CompoundFunction< T > | Sum of a collection of Functions which behaves as one Function object |
   casacore::ConstantNDParam< T > | Parameter handling for a constant function in a space of arbitrary dimensionality |
    casacore::ConstantND< T > | A constant function |
   casacore::DiracDParam< T > | A one dimensional Dirac delta function |
    casacore::DiracDFunction< T > | A one dimensional Dirac delta function |
   casacore::Gaussian2DParam< T > | Parameter handling for 2 dimensional Gaussian class |
    casacore::Gaussian2D< T > | A two dimensional Gaussian class |
   casacore::GaussianNDParam< T > | A Multi-dimensional Gaussian parameter handling |
    casacore::GaussianND< T > | A Multi-dimensional Gaussian functional |
   casacore::GNoiseParam< T > | A one dimensional normal distribution |
    casacore::GNoiseFunction< T > | A one dimensional normal distribution |
   casacore::HyperPlaneParam< T > | Parameter handling for a hyper plane function |
    casacore::HyperPlane< T > | A hyper plane function |
   casacore::KaiserBParam< T > | A one dimensional Kaiser-Bessel function |
    casacore::KaiserBFunction< T > | A one dimensional Kaiser-Bessel function |
   casacore::PoissonParam< T > | A one dimensional Poisson function |
    casacore::PoissonFunction< T > | A one dimensional Poisson function |
   casacore::SincParam< T > | A one dimensional sin(x)/x |
    casacore::SincFunction< T > | A one dimensional sin(x)/x |
   casacore::SPolynomialParam< T > | Parameter handling for scaled 1-D polynomials |
    casacore::SPolynomial< T > | A one dimensional scaled polynomial class |
   casacore::UnaryParam< T > | Parameter handling for one dimensional unary function |
    casacore::UnaryFunction< T > | A one dimensional unary function |
   casacore::WrapperParam< T > | Parameter handling for wrapped function objects |
    casacore::FunctionWrapper< T > | Construct nD function objects from C++ functions |
   casacore::Gaussian3DParam< T > | |
    casacore::Gaussian3D< T > | A three dimensional Gaussian class |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< Type >::ArgType, U > | |
  casacore::Function< Type > | |
   casacore::Gaussian3DParam< Type > | Parameter handling for 3 dimensional Gaussian class |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType >::ArgType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType > | |
  casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType >::ArgType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType > | |
  casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::Functional< FunctionTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType >::ArgType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType > | |
  casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::Functional< uInt, Range > | |
  casacore::SampledFunctional< Range > | A base class for indexing into arbitrary data types |
 casacore::Functional< uInt, T > | |
  casacore::SampledFunctional< T > | |
   casacore::ArraySampledFunctional< T > | Index into an array using the longest axis |
   casacore::ScalarSampledFunctional< T > | A unified interface for indexing into Vectors or Blocks |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< AutoDiff< T > >::ArgType >, AutoDiff< T > > | |
  casacore::Function< AutoDiff< T >, AutoDiff< T > > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< AutoDiff< T > >::ArgType >, U > | |
  casacore::Function< AutoDiff< T > > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< AutoDiffA< T > >::ArgType >, AutoDiffA< T > > | |
  casacore::Function< AutoDiffA< T >, AutoDiffA< T > > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > >::ArgType >, U > | |
  casacore::Function< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< Domain >::ArgType >, Range > | |
  casacore::Function< Domain, Range > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< Double >::ArgType >, Double > | |
  casacore::Function< Double, Double > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< T >::ArgType >, T > | |
  casacore::Function< T, T > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< T >::ArgType >, U > | |
  casacore::Function< T, U > | Numerical functional interface class |
  casacore::Function< T > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< Type >::ArgType >, U > | |
  casacore::Function< Type > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType >::ArgType >, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType > | |
  casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType >::ArgType >, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType > | |
  casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::Functional< Vector< FunctionTraits< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType >::ArgType >, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType > | |
  casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::FunctionalProxy | |
 casacore::FunctionFactory< T > | Class for creating Function objects from Records |
  casacore::EclecticFunctionFactory< T > | |
  casacore::SpecificFunctionFactory< T, F > | |
 casacore::FunctionMarshallable | Class for serializing/reconstituting Function objects to/from Records |
  casacore::MarshallableChebyshev< T > | A Chebyshev function class that supports serialization |
  casacore::MarshButterworthBandpass< T > | A Butterworth function class that supports serialization |
 casacore::FunctionOrder_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::FunctionParam< T > | Container of function parameters with masking flags |
 casacore::FunctionParam< AutoDiff< T > > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< AutoDiffA< T > > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< Domain > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< Double > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< Type > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType > | |
 casacore::FunctionParam_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::FunctionTraits< T > | Function data types for parameters and arguments |
 casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex > | |
 casacore::FunctionTraits< Double > | |
 casacore::FunctionTraits_P< AutoDiff< T > > | FunctionTraits specialization for AutoDiff |
 casacore::FunctionTraits_PA< AutoDiffA< T > > | FunctionTraits specialization for AutoDiffA |
 casacore::FunctionTraits_PX< AutoDiffX< T > > | FunctionTraits specialization for AutoDiffX |
 casacore::GaussianBeam | Represents a Gaussian restoring beam associated with an image |
 casacore::GaussianConvert | Converts Gaussian parameters between pixel and world |
 casacore::generic_global_functions_def | Generic gnu macros |
 casacore::GenSort< T > | General in-place sort functions |
 casacore::GenSortIndirect< T, INX > | General indirect sort functions |
 casacore::Geometry | Geometry related methods |
 casacore::Gridder< Domain, Range > | A base class for gridding |
  casacore::ConvolveGridder< Domain, Range > | Does convolutional gridding |
  casacore::NNGridder< Domain, Range > | A non-negative gridding class |
 casacore::HashClass< key > | Hash function with state |
 casacore::HashMap< key, val > | Associative Array with a hash table implementation |
 casacore::HashMap_global_functions_defaulthashvalue | Specify the default values for HashMap keys |
 casacore::HashMap_global_functions_hashfunc | Hash functions for standard types |
 casacore::HashMapIO_global_functions_hashmapio | HashMap/HashMapIter IO functions |
 casacore::HDF5DataType | A class representing an HDF5 data type |
 casacore::HDF5HidAttribute | A class representing an HDF5 attribute hid |
 casacore::HDF5HidDataSpace | A class representing an HDF5 dataspace hid |
 casacore::HDF5HidDataType | A class representing an HDF5 datatype hid |
 casacore::HDF5HidProperty | A class representing an HDF5 property hid |
 casacore::HDF5Object | An abstract base class representing an HDF5 object |
  casacore::HDF5DataSet | A class representing an HDF5 data set |
  casacore::HDF5File | A class representing an HDF5 file |
  casacore::HDF5Group | A class representing an HDF5 group |
 casacore::HDF5Record | A class to write/read a record into HDF5 |
 casacore::HeaderDataUnit | Base class that defines a HDU |
  casacore::ExtensionHeaderDataUnit | Base class for generalized exentensions HDU |
   casacore::BinaryTableExtension | BINTABLE extension |
    casacore::AsciiTableExtension | (ascii) TABLE extension |
    casacore::BinaryTable | BinaryTable is used to translate a FITS binary table to a Casacore Table |
    casacore::FITSIDItoMS1 | FITSIDItoMS converts a FITS-IDI file to a CASA Measurement Set |
  casacore::PrimaryArray< TYPE > | Templated primary array base class of given type |
   casacore::ImageExtension< TYPE > | IMAGE extension of given type |
   casacore::PrimaryGroup< TYPE > | Random Group datastructure |
   casacore::PrimaryTable< TYPE > | Primary Table structure |
  casacore::PrimaryArray< FitsLong > | |
   casacore::PrimaryGroup< FitsLong > | |
   casacore::PrimaryTable< FitsLong > | |
  casacore::PrimaryArray< Float > | |
   casacore::PrimaryGroup< Float > | |
   casacore::PrimaryTable< Float > | |
  casacore::PrimaryArray< Short > | |
   casacore::PrimaryGroup< Short > | |
   casacore::PrimaryTable< Short > | |
  casacore::PrimaryArray< uChar > | |
   casacore::PrimaryTable< uChar > | |
 casacore::HistAcc< T > | Makes a histogram from input values |
 casacore::HostInfo | Miscellaneous information about this host and process |
 casacore::IBMConversion | A class with static functions to convert IBM format |
 casacore::IComplex | Integer complex numbers |
 casacore::ImageAttrGroup | Abstract base class for an image attributes group |
  casacore::ImageAttrGroupCasa | Attribute group for a CASA image |
  casacore::ImageAttrGroupHDF5 | Attribute group for a HDF5 image |
 casacore::ImageAttrHandler | Abstract base class for an image attributes handler |
  casacore::ImageAttrHandlerCasa | Abstract base class for an image attributes handler |
  casacore::ImageAttrHandlerHDF5 | Abstract base class for an image attributes handler |
 casacore::ImageBeamSet | Represents a set of restoring beams associated with an image |
 casacore::ImageExprGram_global_functions_ImageExprGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for ImageExprGram |
 casacore::ImageExprParse | Class to hold values from image expression parser |
 casacore::ImageFITSConverter | Interconvert between Casacore Images and FITS files |
 casacore::ImageFITSConverterImpl< HDUType > | This class is an internal class for ImageFITSConverter |
 casacore::ImageFITSHeaderInfo | Struct holding information derived from the image and its header |
 casacore::ImageInfo_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::ImageOpener | Definition of image types and handlers |
 casacore::ImageProxy | |
 casacore::ImageRegrid< T > | This regrids one image to match the coordinate system of another |
 casacore::ImageSummary< T > | Provides and lists information about the header of an image |
 casacore::ImageUtilities | Utility functions for Image manipulation |
 casacore::Adios2StMan::impl | |
 casacore::Input | Input.h: A simple command-line argument method for applications |
 casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::InterFractileRangeFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::InterHexileRangeFunc< T, Alloc > | |
  casacore::ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations::InterQuartileRangeFunc< T, Alloc > | |
 casacore::Interpolate2D | A two dimension interpolator for Matrices or Arrays |
 casacore::InterpolateArray1D< Domain, Range > | Interpolate in one dimension |
 casacore::IPosition | A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array<T> objects |
 casacore::IPosition_global_functions_IPosition_Arithmetic | Arithmetic Operations for IPosition's Element by element arithmetic on IPositions |
 casacore::IPosition_global_functions_IPosition_Indexing | Indexing functions for IPosition's Convert between IPosition and offset in an array |
 casacore::IPosition_global_functions_IPosition_Logical | Logical operations for IPosition's Element by element boolean operations on IPositions |
 casacore::ISMBucket | A bucket in the Incremental Storage Manager |
 casacore::ISMIndex | The Index of the Incremental Storage Manager |
 iterator | |
  casacore::VectorSTLIterator< T, Alloc > | Casacore Vector iterator |
 casacore::JsonOut | Class to fill a file or stream in JSON format |
 casacore::JsonParser | Class for parsing Json-style key:value lines |
 casacore::JsonValue | Class to hold any JSON value |
 casacore::LatticeAddNoise | Add noise from specified distribution to a lattice |
 casacore::LatticeApply< T, U > | Optimally iterate through a Lattice and apply provided function object |
 casacore::LatticeBase | A non-templated, abstract base class for array-like objects |
  casacore::Lattice< T > | A templated, abstract base class for array-like objects |
   casacore::ArrayLattice< T > | A memory resident Lattice |
   casacore::HDF5Lattice< T > | A Lattice that is read from or written to an HDF5 dataset |
   casacore::MaskedLattice< T > | A templated, abstract base class for array-like objects with masks |
    casacore::CurvedLattice2D< T > | A lattice crosscut based on a curve in a plane |
    casacore::ExtendLattice< T > | An extension of a Lattice or MaskedLattice |
    casacore::ImageInterface< T > | A base class for astronomical images |
     casacore::CurvedImage2D< T > | An image crosscut based on a curve in a plane |
     casacore::ExtendImage< T > | An extension of an ImageInterface object |
     casacore::HDF5Image< T > | Read, store, and manipulate astronomical images in HDF5 format |
     casacore::ImageConcat< T > | Concatenates images along a specified axis |
     casacore::ImageExpr< T > | Hold mathematical expressions involving ImageInterface objects |
     casacore::PagedImage< T > | Read, store, and manipulate astronomical images |
     casacore::RebinImage< T > | Rebin an image |
     casacore::SubImage< T > | A (masked) subset of an ImageInterface object |
     casacore::TempImage< T > | Temporary astronomical images |
     casacore::ImageExpr< Bool > | |
    casacore::LatticeConcat< T > | Concatenates lattices along a specified axis |
    casacore::LatticeExpr< T > | Class to allow C++ expressions involving lattices |
    casacore::RebinLattice< T > | Rebin a masked lattice |
    casacore::SubLattice< T > | A subset of a Lattice or MaskedLattice |
    casacore::ImageInterface< Complex > | |
    casacore::ImageInterface< DComplex > | |
    casacore::ImageInterface< Double > | |
    casacore::ImageInterface< Float > | |
     casacore::FITSImage | Class providing native access to FITS images |
      casacore::FITSErrorImage | Class providing native access to FITS Error images |
     casacore::FITSQualityImage | Class providing native access to FITS Quality Images |
     casacore::MIRIADImage | Class providing native access to MIRIAD images |
    casacore::LatticeExpr< Bool > | |
   casacore::PagedArray< T > | A Lattice that is read from or written to disk |
   casacore::TempLattice< T > | A Lattice that can be used for temporary storage |
  casacore::Lattice< Bool > | |
   casacore::ArrayLattice< Bool > | |
   casacore::FITSMask | Provides an on-the-fly mask for FITS images |
   casacore::FITSQualityMask | Provides an on-the-fly mask for FITS quality images |
   casacore::LatticeRegion | An optionally strided region in a Lattice |
   casacore::LCRegion | Abstract base class to define a region of interest in lattice coordinates |
    casacore::LCRegionMulti | Make the intersection of 2 or more regions |
     casacore::LCComplement | Make the complement of a region |
     casacore::LCConcatenation | Combine multiple LCRegion's into a new dimension |
     casacore::LCDifference | Make the difference of 2 regions |
     casacore::LCExtension | Extend an LCRegion along straight lines to other dimensions |
     casacore::LCIntersection | Make the intersection of 2 or more regions |
     casacore::LCStretch | Stretch length 1 axes in an LCRegion along straight lines |
     casacore::LCUnion | Make the union of 2 or more regions |
    casacore::LCRegionSingle | Abstract base class to define a single region |
     casacore::LCHDF5Mask | Class to define a rectangular mask as a region |
     casacore::LCLELMask | Class to define a mask as a LEL expression |
     casacore::LCMask | Class to define a rectangular mask as a temporary region |
     casacore::LCPagedMask | Class to define a rectangular mask as a region |
     casacore::LCRegionFixed | Abstract base class to define a fixed region |
      casacore::LCBox | Class to define a rectangular box of interest |
      casacore::LCEllipsoid | Define an N-dimensional ellipsoidal region of interest |
      casacore::LCPixelSet | Class to define a rectangular mask as a region |
      casacore::LCPolygon | Define a 2-dimensional region by a polygon |
   casacore::HDF5Lattice< Bool > | |
   casacore::PagedArray< Bool > | |
  casacore::Lattice< Complex > | |
   casacore::TempLattice< Complex > | |
  casacore::Lattice< Float > | |
   casacore::TempLattice< Float > | |
  casacore::Lattice< typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::ConjugateType > | |
   casacore::TempLattice< typename casacore::NumericTraits< T >::ConjugateType > | |
 casacore::LatticeCache< T > | Class for caching image access via tiles |
 casacore::LatticeCleaner< T > | A class for doing multi-dimensional cleaning |
  casacore::MultiTermLatticeCleaner< T > | |
 casacore::LatticeCleanProgress | Abstract base class to monitor progress in lattice operations |
 casacore::LatticeConvolver< T > | A class for doing multi-dimensional convolution |
 casacore::LatticeExprNode | Bridging class to allow C++ expressions involving lattices |
 casacore::LatticeFFT | Functions for Fourier transforming Lattices |
 casacore::LatticeFit | Fit every line of pixels parallel to any axis in a Lattice |
 casacore::LatticeFractile< T > | Static functions to get median and fractiles of a lattice |
 casacore::LatticeHistograms< T > | Displays histograms of regions from a lattice |
 casacore::LatticeHistSpecialize | Specialized functions for LatticeHistograms |
 casacore::LatticeIndexer | A helper class for stepping through Lattices |
 casacore::LatticeIterInterface< T > | A base class for Lattice iterators |
  casacore::HDF5LattIter< T > | A read/write Lattice iterator for PagedArrays |
  casacore::PagedArrIter< T > | A read/write Lattice iterator for PagedArrays |
 casacore::LatticeLocker | Class to hold a (user) lock on a lattice |
 casacore::LatticeMathUtil | Static math functions for Lattices |
 casacore::LatticeMathUtil_global_functions_LatticeMathUtil | Global functions on Lattices |
 casacore::LatticeNavigator | Abstract base class to steer lattice iterators |
  casacore::LatticeStepper | Traverse a Lattice by cursor shape |
  casacore::TiledLineStepper | Step a Vector cursor optimally through a tiled Lattice |
  casacore::TileStepper | Traverse a tiled Lattice optimally with a tile cursor |
 casacore::LatticeProgress | Abstract base class to monitor progress in lattice operations |
  casacore::LatticeHistProgress | Provides a progress meter for the LatticeHistograms class |
  casacore::LattStatsProgress | Provides a progress meter for the LatticeStatistics class |
 casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T > | Extract a 1-D slice from a Lattice |
 casacore::LatticeStatsBase | Base class for LatticeStatistics class |
  casacore::LatticeStatistics< T > | Compute and display various statistics from a lattice |
   casacore::ImageStatistics< T > | Displays various statistics from an image |
 casacore::LatticeTwoPtCorr< T > | Compute two point auto-correlation functions from a lattice |
 casacore::LatticeUtilities | Static functions for Lattices |
 casacore::LattRegionHolder | Class to hold a region of interest in an image |
  casacore::ImageRegion | Class to hold a region of interest in an image |
 casacore::LattStatsSpecialize | |
 casacore::LCSlicer | Class to define a rectangular box of interest with strides |
 casacore::LECanonicalConversion | A class with static functions to convert little endian canonical format |
 casacore::LELArrayBase | Base class for LELArray holding the mask |
  casacore::LELArray< T > | This LEL class holds an array with a mask |
   casacore::LELArrayRef< T > | This LEL class holds a possible referenced array with a mask |
  casacore::LELArray< Bool > | |
 casacore::LELAttribute | Ancillary information for the LEL letter classes |
 casacore::LELBinaryEnums | Each LEL binary operation is described in this enum |
 casacore::LELCoordinates | Envelope class to handle Lattice Coordinates in LEL |
 casacore::LELFunctionEnums | Each LEL function is described in this enum |
 casacore::LELInterface< T > | This base class provides the interface for Lattice expressions |
  casacore::LELBinary< T > | This LEL class handles numerical binary operators |
  casacore::LELCondition< T > | Class to make a mask from a condition |
  casacore::LELConvert< T, F > | Class to convert a LEL node from one numerical type to another |
  casacore::LELFunction1D< T > | This LEL class handles numerical (real and complex) 1-argument functions |
  casacore::LELFunctionND< T > | This LEL class handles functions with a variable number of arguments |
  casacore::LELFunctionReal1D< T > | This LEL class handles numerical (real only) 1-argument functions |
  casacore::LELLattice< T > | This LEL class handles access to Lattices |
  casacore::LELSpectralIndex< T > | This LEL class handles calculation of the spectral index |
  casacore::LELUnary< T > | This LEL class handles numerical unary operators |
  casacore::LELUnaryConst< T > | This LEL class handles scalar (unary) constants |
 casacore::LELInterface< Bool > | |
  casacore::LELBinaryBool | This LEL class handles logical binary operators |
  casacore::LELBinaryCmp< T > | This LEL class handles relational binary numerical operators |
  casacore::LELFunctionBool | This LEL class handles logical functions |
  casacore::LELRegion | Class to hold a region as a LEL node |
  casacore::LELRegionAsBool | Class to convert a region to a boolean node |
  casacore::LELUnaryBool | This LEL class handles logical unary operators |
 casacore::LELInterface< Complex > | |
  casacore::LELFunctionComplex | This LEL class handles complex numerical functions |
 casacore::LELInterface< DComplex > | |
  casacore::LELFunctionDComplex | This LEL class handles double complex numerical functions |
 casacore::LELInterface< Double > | |
  casacore::LELFunctionDouble | This LEL class handles numerical functions whose return type is a Double |
 casacore::LELInterface< Float > | |
  casacore::LELFunctionFloat | This LEL class handles numerical functions whose return type is a Float |
 casacore::LELLattCoordBase | The base letter class for lattice coordinates in LEL |
  casacore::LELLattCoord | The base letter class for lattice coordinates in LEL |
   casacore::LELImageCoord | The letter class for image coordinates |
 casacore::LELScalar< T > | This LEL class holds a scalar with a mask |
 casacore::LELUnaryEnums | Each LEL unary operation is described in this enum |
 casacore::LinearSearch_global_functions_linearsearch | Linear search a linear data structure |
 casacore::LinearXform | Perform a linear transform between input and output vectors |
 casacore::LineCollapser< T, U > | Abstract base class for LatticeApply function signatures |
 casacore::Link< t > | Doubly linked list primitive |
 casacore::Link< casacore::NoticeTarget * > | |
 casacore::Link< casacore::OrderedPair< key, val > > | |
 casacore::Link< elem > | |
 casacore::ListIO_global_functions_List_IO | Input/output operators for Lists |
 casacore::LittleEndianConversion | A class with static functions to convert littleEndian format |
 casacore::LockFile | Class to handle file locking and synchronization |
 casacore::LogFilterInterface | Abstract base class for filtering LogMessages |
  casacore::LogFilter | Filter LogMessages on message priority |
  casacore::LogFilterTaql | Filter LogMessages using a TaQL expression |
 casacore::LoggerHolder | Class holding a hierarchy of loggers |
 casacore::LoggerHolderIterator | Class to iterate through an LoggerHolder |
 casacore::LoggerHolderRep | Representation of the class holding a hierarchy of loggers |
 casacore::LogHolderIter | Class doing the actual iteration through an LoggerHolder |
 casacore::LogHolderIterEntry | Class representing an entry in a LoggerHolder |
 casacore::LogiArray_global_functions_LogicalArray | Logical valued Arrays |
 casacore::LogiCube_global_functions_LogicalCube | Logical valued Cubes |
 casacore::LogiMatrix_global_functions_LogicalMatrix | Logical valued Matrices |
 casacore::LogIO | Ostream-like interface to creating log messages |
 casacore::LogIO_global_functions_command | Functions to send commands to a LogIO object |
 casacore::LogIO_global_functions_output | Functions to accumulate text in the output message |
 casacore::LogiVector_global_functions_LogicalVector | Logical valued Vectors |
 casacore::LogMessage | Informational log messages with with time, priority, and origin |
 casacore::LogMessage_global_functions_LogMessage_ostream | Write a LogMessage to an ostream |
 casacore::LogOrigin | LogOrigin: The source code location of the originator of a LogMessage |
 casacore::LogOrigin_global_functions_LogOrigin_ostream | Write a LogOrigin to an ostream |
 casacore::LogOrigin_global_functions_SourceLocation | Helper struct to get the source line |
 casacore::LogSinkInterface | Accepts LogMessages and posts them to some destination |
  casacore::LogSink | Distribute LogMessages to their destination(s) |
  casacore::MemoryLogSink | Save log messages in memory |
  casacore::NullLogSink | Throw away all messages |
  casacore::StreamLogSink | Send log messages to an ostream |
  casacore::TableLogSink | Save log messages in a Casacore Table |
 casacore::LogSink::LsiIntermediate | LsiIntermediate is a helper class to allow LogSinkInterface to implement semantics that allow causing all classes accessing the log sink to be aimed at a different sink object |
 casacore::LSQComplex | Type of complex numeric class indicator |
 casacore::LSQFit | Basic class for the least squares fitting |
  casacore::LSQaips | Interface for Casacore Vectors in least squares fitting |
   casacore::GenericL2Fit< T > | Generic base class for least-squares fit |
    casacore::LinearFit< T > | Class for linear least-squares fit |
     casacore::LinearFitSVD< T > | Linear least-squares fit using Singular Value Decomposition method |
    casacore::NonLinearFit< T > | Class for non-linear least-squares fit |
     casacore::NonLinearFitLM< T > | Solve non-linear fit with Levenberg-Marquardt method |
   casacore::GenericL2Fit< DComplex > | |
   casacore::GenericL2Fit< Double > | |
    casacore::NonLinearFit< Double > | |
     casacore::NonLinearFitLM< Double > | |
 casacore::LSQNull | Non relevant class indicator |
 casacore::LSQReal | Typing support classes for LSQ classes |
 casacore::LSQTraits< T > | Traits for numeric classes used |
 casacore::LSQTraits_CD< std::complex< Double > > | LSQTraits specialization for DComplex |
 casacore::LSQTraits_CF< std::complex< Float > > | LSQTraits specialization for Complex |
 casacore::LSQTraits_D< Double > | LSQTraits specialization for Double |
 casacore::LSQTraits_F< Float > | LSQTraits specialization for Float |
 casacore::LSQType< T > | Determine if pointer type |
 mallinfo | |
 map | |
  casacore::JsonKVMap | Class to hold a collection of JSON key:value pairs |
 casacore::Map< key, value > | Abstract base class for associative arrays |
  casacore::OrderedMap< t, v > | Map with keys ordered |
  casacore::OrderedMap< casacore::String, casacore::OrderedPair< casacore::FunctionFactory< T > *, Bool > > | |
  casacore::OrderedMap< key, value > | |
 map< casacore::String, casacore::FuncExprData::ExprOperator > | |
 map< casacore::String, casacore::UnitName > | |
 map< casacore::String, MakeUDFObject * > | |
 map< opTypes, casacore::FuncExprData::ExprOperator > | |
 map< string, int > | |
 casacore::MapIO_global_functions_Map_IO | Input/output operators for Maps |
 casacore::MapIterRep< key, value > | Abstract base class for associative array iterators |
  casacore::OrderedMapIterRep< t, v > | OrderedMap iterator "letter" |
 casacore::MapRep< key, value > | Map representation class |
  casacore::OrderedMapRep< t, v > | Representation class for an Ordered Map |
 casacore::MArrayBase | Base class for an array with an optional mask |
  casacore::MArray< T > | Class to handle an Array with an optional mask |
  casacore::MArray< Bool > | |
  casacore::MArray< casacore::MVTime > | |
  casacore::MArray< casacore::String > | |
  casacore::MArray< DComplex > | |
  casacore::MArray< Double > | |
  casacore::MArray< Int64 > | |
 MArrayFunctorBase | |
  casacore::MArrayLogical_global_functions_MArray_logical_operations::MAllFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayLogical_global_functions_MArray_logical_operations::MAnyFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayLogical_global_functions_MArray_logical_operations::MNFalseFunc< T, RES > | |
  casacore::MArrayLogical_global_functions_MArray_logical_operations::MNTrueFunc< T, RES > | Define functors to perform a reduction function on an MArray object |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MAvdevFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MFractileFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MMaxFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MMeanFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MMedianFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MMinFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MProductFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MRmsFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MStddevFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MSumFunc< T > | Define functors to perform a reduction function on an MArray object |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MSumSqrFunc< T > | |
  casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations::MVarianceFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MArrayMathBase_global_functions_Array_basic_functions::MArrayFunctorBase< T, RES > | Define the base class for functors to perform a reduction function on an MArray object |
 casacore::MArrayLogical_global_functions_MArray_logical_operations | Logical operations for MArray objects |
 casacore::MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for MArray objects |
 casacore::MArrayMathBase_global_functions_Array_basic_functions | Basic functions and classes for math on MArray objects |
 casacore::MArrayUtil_global_functions_reorderMArray | Reorder the axes of the data in an MArray object |
 casacore::MArrayUtil_global_functions_reverseMArray | Reverse the order of one or more axes of an MArray |
 casacore::MaskArrIO_global_functions_MaskedArray_IO | Ascii input/output operations for MaskedArrays |
 casacore::MaskArrLogi_global_functions_MaskedArray_logical_operations | Logical operations for MaskedArrays, and between MaskedArrays and Arrays |
 casacore::MaskArrMath_global_functions_MaskedArray_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for MaskedArrays (and with Arrays) |
 casacore::MaskLogiArrFwd_global_functions_MaskedLogicalArray_forwards::MaskedArray< T, ArrayAlloc, MaskAlloc > | |
 casacore::MaskedArray< T, ArrayAlloc, MaskAlloc > | Class for masking an Array for operations on that Array |
 casacore::MaskedArray_global_functions_MaskedArray_general_global_functions | General global functions for MaskedArrays, and MaskedArrays and Arrays |
 casacore::MaskedAvdevFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedMadfmFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedMaxFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedMeanFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedMedianFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedMinFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedProductFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedRmsFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedStddevFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedSumFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskedVarianceFunc< T > | |
 casacore::MaskLogiArr_global_functions_MaskedLogicalArray | Masked LogicalArrays |
 casacore::MaskLogiArrFwd_global_functions_MaskedLogicalArray_forwards | Forward declarations for MaskedLogicalArrays |
 casacore::MaskSpecifier | Class to specify which mask to use in an image |
 casacore::Math_global_functions_Math_interface_for_casacore | Casacore interface to math.h and other scalar math functions |
 casacore::MathFunc< T > | A class to generate values of mathematical functions |
  casacore::ExpSincConv< T > | Exponential times a Sinc |
  casacore::GaussianConv< T > | Gaussian |
  casacore::KB_Conv< T > | A Kaiser-Bessel function |
  casacore::Mod_KB_Conv< T > | A Kaiser-Bessel function multiplied by a Gaussian |
  casacore::Sinc_Conv< T > | Sine x / x function |
  casacore::Sph_Conv< T > | Spheroidal function |
  casacore::Unary< T > | Unary |
 casacore::MathFunc_global_functions_FUNCTYPE_enum | Enum used to identify function type for MathFunc class |
 casacore::MathFunc_global_functions_spheriodal_functions | Fred Schwab function to calculate spheriodal functions |
 casacore::MatrixMath_global_functions_Linear_Algebra | Linear algebra functions on Vectors and Matrices |
 casacore::MatrixMathLA_global_functions_Linear_Algebra | Linear algebra functions on Vectors and Matrices |
 casacore::MatrixSolver | MatrixSolver.h: the base class for solvers of linear equations AX=B |
  casacore::NNLSMatrixSolver | NNLSMatrixSolver.h: the base class for NNLS solvers of linear equations AX=B |
 casacore::MCBase | Base for specific measure conversions |
  casacore::MCBaseline | MBaseline conversion routines |
  casacore::MCDirection | MDirection conversion routines |
  casacore::MCDoppler | MDoppler conversion routines |
  casacore::MCEarthMagnetic | MEarthMagnetic conversion routines |
  casacore::MCEpoch | MEpoch conversion routines |
  casacore::MCFrequency | MFrequency conversion routines |
  casacore::MCPosition | MPosition conversion routines |
  casacore::MCRadialVelocity | MRadialVelocity conversion routines |
  casacore::MCuvw | Muvw conversion routines |
 casacore::MCFrame | Measure frame calculations proxy |
 casacore::MConvertBase | Conversion of Measures Base |
  casacore::MeasConvert< M > | Conversion of Measures |
  casacore::MeasConvert< MBaseline > | |
  casacore::MeasConvert< MDirection > | |
  casacore::MeasConvert< MDoppler > | |
  casacore::MeasConvert< MEarthMagnetic > | |
  casacore::MeasConvert< MEpoch > | |
  casacore::MeasConvert< MFrequency > | |
  casacore::MeasConvert< MRadialVelocity > | |
 casacore::MConvertBase_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::MeasComet | Position for comets and other solar system bodies |
 casacore::MeasData | MeasData provides Measure computing data |
 casacore::MeasFrame | Container for Measure frame |
 casacore::MeasFrame_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::MeasIERS | Interface to IERS tables |
 casacore::MeasJPL | Interface to JPL DE tables |
 casacore::MeasMath | Measure conversion aid routines |
 casacore::MeasTable | MeasTable provides Measure computing database data |
 casacore::MeasTableMul | MeasTableMul provides thread-safe access to time-dependent multiplier matrices |
  casacore::MeasTableMulAber | Class calculating the standard aberration multipliers |
  casacore::MeasTableMulAber1950 | Class calculating the B1950 aberration multipliers |
  casacore::MeasTableMulPosEarthXY | Class calculating the XY earth position multipliers |
  casacore::MeasTableMulPosEarthZ | Class calculating the Z earth position multipliers |
  casacore::MeasTableMulPosSunXY | Class calculating the XY solar position multipliers |
  casacore::MeasTableMulPosSunZ | Class calculating the Z solar position multipliers |
  casacore::MeasTableMulSC2000Base | Base class for J2000 nutation multipliers |
   casacore::MeasTableMulSC2000A | Class calculating the J2000A nutation multipliers |
   casacore::MeasTableMulSC2000B | Class calculating the J2000B nutation multipliers |
  casacore::MeasTableMulSCBase | Base class for standard and B1950 nutation multipliers |
   casacore::MeasTableMulSC | Class calculating the standard nutation multipliers |
   casacore::MeasTableMulSC1950 | Class calculating the B1950 nutation multipliers |
 casacore::Measure | Physical quantities within reference frame |
  casacore::MeasBase< Mv, Mr > | Base class for all measures |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVBaseline, MeasRef< MBaseline > > | |
   casacore::MBaseline | A Measure: Baseline on Earth |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVDirection, MeasRef< MDirection > > | |
   casacore::MDirection | A Measure: astronomical direction |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVDoppler, MeasRef< MDoppler > > | |
   casacore::MDoppler | A Measure: Doppler shift |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVEarthMagnetic, MeasRef< MEarthMagnetic > > | |
   casacore::MEarthMagnetic | A Measure: Magnetic field on Earth |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVEpoch, MeasRef< MEpoch > > | |
   casacore::MEpoch | A Measure: instant in time |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVFrequency, MeasRef< MFrequency > > | |
   casacore::MFrequency | A Measure: wave characteristics |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVPosition, MeasRef< MPosition > > | |
   casacore::MPosition | A Measure: position on Earth |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVRadialVelocity, MeasRef< MRadialVelocity > > | |
   casacore::MRadialVelocity | A Measure: radial velocity |
  casacore::MeasBase< MVuvw, MeasRef< Muvw > > | |
   casacore::Muvw | A Measure: uvw on Earth |
 casacore::Measure_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::MeasuresProxy | |
 casacore::MeasValue | Base class for values in a Measure |
  casacore::MVDoppler | Internal value for MDoppler |
  casacore::MVDouble | Class to distinguish external and Measure internal Double |
  casacore::MVEpoch | A class for high precision time |
  casacore::MVFrequency | Internal value for MFrequency |
  casacore::MVPosition | A 3D vector in space |
   casacore::MVBaseline | A 3D vector on Earth |
   casacore::MVDirection | Vector of three direction cosines |
   casacore::MVEarthMagnetic | A 3D Earth magnetic field vector |
   casacore::MVuvw | A 3D vector on Earth |
  casacore::MVRadialVelocity | Internal value for MRadialVelocity |
 casacore::MeasValue_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::MedianSlider | Class to compute sliding median |
 casacore::Memory | Memory related information and utilities. use visibility=export> |
 casacore::MemoryTrace | Memory usage tracing mechanism |
 casacore::MemoryTraceBlock | Class to write begin and end block message |
 casacore::Casarc::meta_entry_ | |
 casacore::ModcompConversion | Static functions to convert Modcomp numeric formats |
 casacore::MRBase | Base for Reference frame for physical measures |
  casacore::MeasRef< Ms > | Reference frame for physical measures |
  casacore::MeasRef< casacore::MDirection > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< casacore::MDoppler > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< casacore::MEpoch > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< casacore::MFrequency > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< casacore::MPosition > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< casacore::MRadialVelocity > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< casacore::Muvw > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< M > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MBaseline > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MDirection > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MDoppler > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MEarthMagnetic > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MEpoch > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MFrequency > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MPosition > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< MRadialVelocity > | |
  casacore::MeasRef< Muvw > | |
 casacore::MRBase_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::MrsEligibility | |
 casacore::MS1ToMS2Converter | Class to convert a MeasurementSet v1 to v2 |
 casacore::MSAntennaColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSAntenna columns |
 casacore::MSAntennaEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet ANTENNA table |
  casacore::MSAntenna | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet ANTENNA table |
 casacore::MSAntennaGram_global_functions_MSAntennaGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSAntennaGram |
 casacore::MSAntennaIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS ANTENNA subtable |
 casacore::MSArrayGram_global_functions_MSArrayGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSArrayGram |
 casacore::MSCalEngine | Engine to calculate derived MS values |
 casacore::MSCorrGram_global_functions_MSCorrGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSCorrGram |
 casacore::MSDataDescColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSDataDescription columns |
 casacore::MSDataDescIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS DATA_DESC subtable |
 casacore::MSDataDescriptionEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet DATA_DESCRIPTION table |
  casacore::MSDataDescription | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DATADESCRIPTION table |
 casacore::MSDerivedValues | MSDerivedValues calculates values derived from a MS |
 casacore::MSDopplerColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSDoppler columns |
 casacore::MSDopplerEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet DOPPLER table |
  casacore::MSDoppler | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DOPPLER table |
 casacore::MSDopplerUtil | A utility class for MS Doppler tracking information |
 casacore::MSFeedColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSFeed columns |
 casacore::MSFeedEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FEED table |
  casacore::MSFeed | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FEED table |
 casacore::MSFeedGram_global_functions_MSFeedGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSFeedGram |
 casacore::MSFieldColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSField columns |
 casacore::MSFieldEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FIELD table |
  casacore::MSField | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FIELD table |
 casacore::MSFieldGram_global_functions_MSFieldGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSFieldGram |
 casacore::MSFieldIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS FIELD subtable |
 casacore::MSFitsIDI | MSFitsIDI: Convert FITS-IDI data to MS format |
 casacore::MSFitsInput | UV FITS to MeasurementSet filler |
 casacore::MSFitsOutput | Write a MeasurementSet to a random group uvfits file |
 casacore::MSFitsOutputAstron | Write a MeasurementSet to a random group uvfits file |
 casacore::MSFlagCmdColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSFlagCmd columns |
 casacore::MSFlagCmdEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FLAG_CMD table |
  casacore::MSFlagCmd | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FLAG_CMD table |
 casacore::MSFlagger | MSFlagger specifies selections on a MeasurementSet |
 casacore::MSFreqOffsetColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSFreqOffset columns |
 casacore::MSFreqOffsetEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FREQ_OFFSET table |
  casacore::MSFreqOffset | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FREQ_OFFSET table |
 casacore::MSHistoryColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSHistory columns |
 casacore::MSHistoryEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet HISTORY table |
  casacore::MSHistory | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATIONLOG table |
 casacore::MSHistoryHandler | A class to provide a simple interface to history writing |
 casacore::MSIter | An iterator class for MeasurementSets |
 casacore::MSLister | List visibility records from a Measurement Set |
 casacore::MSMainColumns | A class for easy access to MeasurementSet main table columns |
  casacore::MSColumns | A class to provide easy access to MeasurementSet columns |
   casacore::MSConcat | A class with functions for concatenating MeasurementSets |
 casacore::MSMainEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet main table |
  casacore::MeasurementSet | A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements) |
 casacore::MSMetaData | Class to interrogate an MS for metadata. Interrogation happens on demand and resulting metadata are stored for use by subsequent queries if the cache has not exceeded the specified limit. Caching of MS main table columns has been removed because the cache can be swamped by columns for large MSes, meaning that smaller data structures, which are more computationally expensive to create, aren't cached. Also, the column data is usually only needed temporarily to compute smaller data structures, and the column data is not particularly expensive to recreate if necessary. Parallel processing is enabled using openmp |
 casacore::MSObservationColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSObservation columns |
 casacore::MSObservationEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet OBSERVATION table |
  casacore::MSObservation | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATION table |
 casacore::MSObservationGram_global_functions_MSObservationGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSObservationGram |
 casacore::MSObservationIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into an MS OBSERVATION subtable |
 casacore::MSParse | Class to hold values from an ms grammar parser |
  casacore::MSAntennaParse | Class to hold values from antenna grammar parser |
  casacore::MSArrayParse | Class to hold values from array grammar parser |
  casacore::MSCorrParse | Class to hold values from UV dist grammar parser |
  casacore::MSFeedParse | Class to hold values from feed grammar parser |
  casacore::MSFieldParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
  casacore::MSObservationParse | Class to hold values from scan grammar parser |
  casacore::MSPolnParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
  casacore::MSScanParse | Class to hold values from scan grammar parser |
  casacore::MSSpwParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
  casacore::MSStateParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
  casacore::MSTimeParse | Class to hold values from time grammar parser |
  casacore::MSUvDistParse | Class to hold values from UV dist grammar parser |
 casacore::MSPointingColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSPointing columns |
 casacore::MSPointingEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet POINTING table |
  casacore::MSPointing | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POINTING table |
 casacore::MSPolarizationColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSPolarization columns |
 casacore::MSPolarizationEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet POLARIZATION table |
  casacore::MSPolarization | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POLARIZATION table |
 casacore::MSPolarizationIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into an MS POLARIZATION subtable |
 casacore::MSPolnGram_global_functions_MSPolnGramFunctions | Global functions to drive the MSPolnParse class. These, for Polarization selection, need not be global functions, but are done this way to keep the interface uniform for the various selection expressions |
 casacore::MSPrimaryGroupHolder | A helper class for MSFitsInput |
 casacore::MSPrimaryTableHolder | A helper class for MSFitsInput |
 casacore::MSProcessorColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSProcessor columns |
 casacore::MSProcessorEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet PROCESSER table |
  casacore::MSProcessor | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet PROCESSOR table |
 casacore::MSRange | MSRange determines ranges of values in a MeasurementSet |
 casacore::MSReader | Read from an MS, coordinating all of the subtables in the process |
 casacore::MSScanGram_global_functions_MSScanGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSScanGram |
 casacore::MSSelectableMainColumn | |
  casacore::MSMainColInterface | |
 casacore::MSSelectableTable | MSSelectableTable: An interface class used by MSSelection module to access the sub-tables and main-table columns of MS-like tables |
  casacore::MSInterface | MSInterface: A specialization of MSSelectableTable for accessing MS |
 casacore::MSSelection | MSSelection: Class to represent a selection on an MS |
 casacore::MSSelectionErrorHandler | |
  casacore::MSSelectionLogError | |
  casacore::MSSSpwErrorHandler | |
  casacore::UDFMSCalErrorHandler | Error handler class for MSSel selection |
 casacore::MSSelectionKeywords | MSSelectionKeywords specifies selection keywords for the MeasurementSet |
 casacore::MSSelector | MSSelector specifies selections on a MeasurementSet |
 casacore::MSSelUtil< T > | Helper class for MSFlagger with templated static function |
 casacore::MSSelUtil2< T > | |
 casacore::MSSourceColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSSource columns |
 casacore::MSSourceEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet SOURCE table |
  casacore::MSSource | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SOURCE table |
 casacore::MSSpectralWindowEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet SPECTRAL_WINDOW table |
  casacore::MSSpectralWindow | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SPECTRAL_WINDOW table |
 casacore::MSSpwGram_global_functions_MSSpwGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSSpwGram |
 casacore::MSSpwIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS Data_Desc_ID and SpectralWindow subtables |
 casacore::MSSpWindowColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSSpectralWindow columns |
 casacore::MSSpWindowIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable |
 casacore::MSStateColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSState columns |
 casacore::MSStateEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet STATE table |
  casacore::MSState | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet STATE table |
 casacore::MSStateGram_global_functions_MSStateGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSStateGram |
 casacore::MSStateIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS FIELD subtable |
 casacore::MSSummary | Provides and lists information about the header of an image |
 casacore::MSSysCalColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSSysCal columns |
 casacore::MSSysCalEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet SYSCAL table |
  casacore::MSSysCal | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SYSCAL table |
 casacore::MSTableImpl | An implementation class for the MeasurementSet to share code |
 casacore::MSTableIndex | |
  casacore::MSDopplerIndex | |
  casacore::MSFeedIndex | |
  casacore::MSFreqOffIndex | |
  casacore::MSPointingIndex | |
  casacore::MSSourceIndex | |
  casacore::MSSysCalIndex | |
  casacore::MSWeatherIndex | |
 casacore::MSTableMaps | A struct holding the maps used in MSTable |
 casacore::MSTileLayout | An helper class for deciding on tile shapes in MeasurementSets |
 casacore::MSTimeGram_global_functions_MSTimeGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSTimeGram |
 casacore::MSUvDistGram_global_functions_MSUvDistGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSUvDistGram |
 casacore::MSValidIds | |
 casacore::MSWeatherColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSWeather columns |
 casacore::MSWeatherEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet WEATHER table |
  casacore::MSWeather | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet WEATHER table |
 casacore::MultiFileBase | Abstract base class to combine multiple files in a single one |
  casacore::MultiFile | Class to combine multiple files in a single one |
  casacore::MultiHDF5 | Class to combine multiple files in a single HDF5 file |
 casacore::MultiFileBuffer | Helper class for MultiFileInfo holding a data buffer |
 casacore::MultiFileInfo | Helper class for MultiFileBase containing info per internal file |
 casacore::MultiRecordFieldWriter | Multi field writer |
 casacore::MUString | Pointed String class to aid analysis of quantity strings |
 casacore::MUString_global_functions_output | Global functions |
 casacore::MVAngle | Class to handle angle type conversions and I/O |
 casacore::MVAngle_global_functions_output | Global functions |
 casacore::MVTime | Class to handle date/time type conversions and I/O |
 casacore::NewFile | Do checks for a new (non-existent) file |
 casacore::NewMSSimulator | Create an empty MeasurementSet from observation and telescope descriptions |
 casacore::NoConvert< TYPE > | FITS templated helper class |
 casacore::Notice | Abstract base class for notices |
  casacore::ListNotice< t > | Linked list update notice |
  casacore::OrderedMapNotice< t, v > | Message used for OrderedMap notification |
  casacore::RecordNotice | Helper class to notify class Record about changes |
 casacore::NoticeSource | Base class for notice originators |
  casacore::List< t > | Doubly linked list |
  casacore::OrderedMapRep< t, v > | Representation class for an Ordered Map |
  casacore::RecordInterface | Abstract base class for Record classes |
   casacore::Record | A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types |
   casacore::TableRecord | A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types |
  casacore::List< casacore::OrderedPair< key, val > > | |
 casacore::NoticeTarget | Abstract base class for notice receptors |
  casacore::ConstListIter< t > | Doubly linked constant list iterator |
   casacore::ListIter< t > | Doubly linked non-constant list iterator The List class above only provides for the list framework |
  casacore::OrderedMapIterRep< t, v > | OrderedMap iterator "letter" |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< T > | Access to an individual field in a record |
  casacore::ConstListIter< casacore::OrderedPair< key, val > > | |
   casacore::ListIter< casacore::OrderedPair< key, val > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Bool > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Bool > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Complex > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< DComplex > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Double > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Float > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Int > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< recordType > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Short > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< T > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< uChar > > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< casacore::String > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Complex > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< DComplex > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Double > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Float > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Int > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< inType > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< outType > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< recordType > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< Short > | |
  casacore::RecordFieldPtr< uChar > | |
 casacore::NumericTraits< T > | Relationships between numeric data types |
 casacore::NumericTraits< Complex > | A specialisation for T=Complex of the NumericTraits class |
 casacore::NumericTraits< DComplex > | A specialisation for T=DComplex of the NumericTraits class |
 casacore::NumericTraits< Double > | A specialisation for T=Double of the NumericTraits class |
 casacore::NumericTraits< Float > | A specialisation for T=Float of the NumericTraits class |
 casacore::NumericTraits< FType > | |
 casacore::NumericTraits_C< Complex > | NumericTraits specialization for Complex |
 casacore::NumericTraits_D< Double > | NumericTraits specialization for Double |
 casacore::NumericTraits_DC< DComplex > | NumericTraits specialization for DComplex |
 casacore::NumericTraits_F< Float > | NumericTraits specialization for Float |
 casacore::Nutation | Nutation class and calculations |
 casacore::ObjectID | ObjectID: A unique identifier for distributed and other objects |
 casacore::ObjectStack< T > | A stack of re-usable objects |
 casacore::OrderedPair< K, V > | Ordered pair class |
 casacore::OrderedPair< key, val > | |
 OrdMapIO_global_functions_OrderedMap_IO | Input/output operators for OrderedMaps |
 casacore::OrdPairIO_global_functions_inoutput | These need to be left out SUN BUG |
 casacore::Param | A simple keyword/value pair with internal help Strings |
 casacore::ParAngleMachine | Converts a direction into parallactic angle |
 casacore::Path | Path name of a file |
 casacore::PGPlotterInterface | Abstract base class for PGPLOT style plotting |
  casacore::PGPlotter | Standard plotting object for application programmers |
  casacore::PGPlotterNull | Plot to a PGPLOT device "local" to this process |
 casacore::PixelCurve1D | Arbitrary 1-dim curve in a lattice plane |
 casacore::FFTW::Plan | |
 casacore::LSQType< T >::PointerTraits< U > | |
 casacore::LSQType< T >::PointerTraits< U * > | |
 casacore::Precession | Precession class and calculations |
 casacore::PrecTimer | Precision timer to measure elapsed times in a cumulative way |
 casacore::Primes | Creates a reference table of prime numbers, and some functions |
 casacore::ProgressMeter | Visual indication of a tasks progress |
 casacore::Projection | Geometric parameters needed for a sky projection to a plane |
 casacore::PtrBlock< T > | A drop-in replacement for Block<T*> |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Adios2StManColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< Bool > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< casacore::String > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< Complex > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< DComplex > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< Double > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< Float > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< Int > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< Short > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ArrayColumn< uChar > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::BaseColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Block< Int > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Block< rownr_t > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Block< uInt > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Coordinate * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::FITSFieldCopier * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ForwardColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ForwardColumnIndexedRow * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Function< AutoDiff< T > > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Function< casacore::AutoDiff< Double > > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Function< T > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::DiffType > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::DiffType > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Function< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType, typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::DiffType > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ISMColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::LatticeIterator< Float > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::List< casacore::OrderedPair< key, val > > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::MaskedLattice< T > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Matrix< Double > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::MSMColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::OrderedPair< key, value > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::RecordDesc * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::RecordFieldWriter * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< Bool > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< casacore::String > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< Complex > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< DComplex > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< Double > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< Float > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< Int > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< Short > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::ScalarColumn< uChar > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::SortKey * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::SSMColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::SSMIndex * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TableIterator * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TempLattice< Complex > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TempLattice< Float > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TempLattice< T > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TSMColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TSMCube * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TSMDataColumn * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::TSMFile * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Vector< Bool > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Vector< Double > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::BaseType > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::BaseType > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< casacore::Vector< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::BaseType > * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< Char * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< char * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< const casacore::LCRegion * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< const casacore::WCRegion * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< DComplex >::BaseType * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< Double >::BaseType * > | |
 casacore::PtrBlock< typename casacore::FunctionTraits< T >::BaseType * > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< T > | Hold and delete pointers not deleted by object destructors |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::ExtendLattice< T > > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::Function< DComplex > > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::Function< Double > > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::Function< T > > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::ImageInterface< T > > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::Measure > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::QBase > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< casacore::RecordInterface > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< LatticeStatsAlgorithm > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< std::pair< DataRanges, Bool > > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< std::pair< MaskIterator, uInt > > | |
 casacore::PtrHolder< WeightsIterator > | |
 casacore::python::pyregistry | Prevent a converter from being registered multiple times |
 casacore::QBase | Base for Quantities (i.e. dimensioned values) |
  casacore::Quantum< Qtype > | Quantities (i.e. dimensioned values) |
  casacore::Quantum< casacore::Vector< Double > > | |
  casacore::Quantum< Double > | |
  casacore::Quantum< Vector< Double > > | |
   casacore::QVector< Double > | |
  casacore::Quantum< Vector< T > > | |
   casacore::QVector< T > | Specialization for Quantum<Vector<T> > |
 casacore::QBase_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
 casacore::QC | Physical constants (i.e. dimensioned values) |
 casacore::QLogical_global_functions_Quantum_logical_operations | Logical operations for the Quantum class |
 casacore::QMath_global_functions_Quantum_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for the Quantum class |
 casacore::Quality | Quality parameter definitions |
 casacore::Quantum_global_functions_output | Global functions |
 casacore::QuantumType_global_functions_QuantumType | Get an integer type for a Qunatum<T> |
 casacore::Queue< T > | A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure |
 casacore::Random | Base class for random number distributions |
  casacore::Binomial | Binomial distribution |
  casacore::DiscreteUniform | Discrete uniform distribution |
  casacore::Erlang | Erlang distribution |
  casacore::Geometric | Discrete geometric distribution |
  casacore::HyperGeometric | Hypergeometric distribution |
  casacore::NegativeExpntl | Negative exponential distribution |
  casacore::Normal | Normal or Gaussian distribution |
   casacore::LogNormal | Logarithmic normal distribution |
  casacore::Poisson | Poisson distribution |
  casacore::Uniform | Uniform distribution |
  casacore::Weibull | Weibull distribution |
 casacore::ReadAsciiTable | Helper class for readAsciiTable |
 casacore::ReadAsciiTable_global_functions_readAsciiTable | Filling a table from an Ascii file |
 casacore::ReadOnlyArrayIterator< T, Alloc > | Iterate a const Array cursor through a const Array |
 casacore::ReadOnlyMatrixIterator< T > | Iterate a Matrix cursor through a R/O Array |
 casacore::ReadOnlyVectorIterator< T, Alloc > | Iterate a Vector cursor through another Array |
 casacore::LSQFit::Real | Simple classes to overload templated memberfunctions |
 casacore::casacore_allocator< T, ALIGNMENT >::rebind< TOther > | |
 casacore::new_del_allocator< T >::rebind< TOther > | |
 casacore::RecordDesc | Description of the fields in a record object |
 casacore::RecordDescRep | Representation of a RecordDesc |
 casacore::RecordExpr_global_functions_RecordExpr | Global functions to make a expression node for a record field |
 casacore::RecordFieldId | The identification of a record field |
 casacore::RecordFieldWriter | Record field writer. Base class for the copiers |
  casacore::RecordFieldCopier< outType, inType > | Record field copier |
  casacore::UnequalShapeCopier< T > | Unequal shape copier |
 casacore::RecordGram | Select-class for flex/bison scanner/parser for RecordGram |
 casacore::RecordGram_global_functions_RecordGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for RecordGram |
 casacore::RecordGramVal | Helper class for values in RecordGram |
 casacore::RecordRep | The representation of a Record |
  casacore::TableRecordRep | The representation of a TableRecord |
 casacore::RecordTransformable | Interface class for converting to/from records |
  casacore::FunctionHolder< T > | A holder for Functions to enable record conversions |
  casacore::FunctionOrder< T > | Container of function description details |
  casacore::ImageInfo | Miscellaneous information related to an image |
  casacore::LSQMatrix | Support class for the LSQ package |
  casacore::MeasureHolder | A holder for Measures to enable record conversions |
  casacore::ObsInfo | Store miscellaneous information related to an observation |
  casacore::QuantumHolder | A holder for Quantums to enable record conversions |
  casacore::FunctionHolder< DComplex > | |
  casacore::FunctionHolder< Double > | |
 casacore::MeasRef< Ms >::RefRep | Representation class |
 casacore::RefRows | Class holding the row numbers in a RefTable |
 casacore::RefRowsSliceIter | Class to iterate through a RefRows object |
 regex | |
  casacore::Regex | Regular expression class (based on std::regex) |
 casacore::RegionHandler | Base class for handling regions in images |
  casacore::RegionHandlerHDF5 | Class for keeping regions in an HDF5 file |
  casacore::RegionHandlerMemory | Class for keeping regions in memory |
  casacore::RegionHandlerTable | Class for keeping regions in memory |
 casacore::RegionManager | |
 casacore::RegionType | Define the various region types |
 casacore::ReservedFitsKeyword | Reserved FITS keyword |
 casacore::ReservedFitsKeywordCollection | Collection of reserved FITS keywords |
 casacore::RetypedArraySetGet_global_functions_RetypedArrayEngineSetGet | Helper functions for users of RetypedArrayEngine |
 casacore::RFError | Convenience class for a String/bool pair |
 casacore::RFReaderWriter | Superclass for readers and writers containing common definitions and operations |
  casacore::RFReader | Abstract superclass for any class that reads a format that produces Regions from a file |
   casacore::AipsIOReaderWriter | Implementation of CASA region AipsIO file reader and writer |
  casacore::RFWriter | Abstract superclass for any class that writes Regions to a region file format |
   casacore::AipsIOReaderWriter | Implementation of CASA region AipsIO file reader and writer |
 casacore::RigidVector< T, n > | Fast Vector classes with fixed (templated) length |
 casacore::RigidVector< Double, 2 > | |
 casacore::RigidVector_global_functions_math | Mathematical operations involving RigidVectors |
 RMSMeasurement | |
 casacore::RNG | Base class for random number generators |
  casacore::ACG | Additive number generator |
  casacore::MLCG | Multiplicative linear congruential generator |
 casacore::RO_LatticeIterator< T > | A readonly iterator for Lattices |
  casacore::LatticeIterator< T > | A read/write lattice iterator |
  casacore::RO_MaskedLatticeIterator< T > | A readonly iterator for masked Lattices |
  casacore::LatticeIterator< Float > | |
 casacore::RODataManAccessor | Base class for the Data Manager Accessor classes |
  casacore::ROIncrementalStManAccessor | Give access to some IncrementalStMan functions |
  casacore::ROStandardStManAccessor | Give access to some StandardStMan functions |
  casacore::ROTiledStManAccessor | Give access to some TiledStMan functions |
   casacore::TiledDataStManAccessor | Give access to some TiledDataStMan functions |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< T > | Read-Only access to an individual field from a Record |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Bool > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Bool > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Complex > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< DComplex > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Double > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Float > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Int > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< recordType > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< Short > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< T > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::Array< uChar > > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< casacore::String > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Complex > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< DComplex > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Double > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Float > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Int > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< inType > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< recordType > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< Short > | |
 casacore::RORecordFieldPtr< uChar > | |
 casacore::ROTableRow | Readonly access to a table row |
  casacore::TableRow | Read/write access to a table row |
 casacore::RotMatrix | A 3x3 rotation matrix |
 casacore::RowCopier | RowCopier copies all or part of a row from one table to another |
 runtime_error | |
  casacore::ArrayError | The base class for all Array exception classes |
   casacore::ArrayConformanceError | An error thrown when two arrays do not conform |
    casacore::ArrayNDimError | Thrown when two arrays have different dimensionality |
    casacore::ArrayShapeError | An error thrown when two arrays have different shapes |
   casacore::ArrayIndexError | An error thrown when an index is out of range |
   casacore::ArrayIteratorError | An error thrown by an ArrayIterator |
   casacore::ArraySlicerError | An error thrown by an Slicer member function |
 casacore::ScalarQuantColumn< T > | Provides access to Scalar Quantum Columns in Tables |
 casacore::ScalarQuantColumn< Double > | |
 casacore::ScalarQuantColumn< Float > | |
 casacore::ScanKey | A scan is a unique combination of observation ID, array ID, and scan number Negative values are allowed to indicate all values of the particular ID are desired |
 casacore::MSMetaData::ScanProperties | |
 casacore::SCSL | C++ Interface to the Sgi/Cray Scientific Library (SCSL) |
 casacore::SDAntennaHandler | |
 casacore::SDDataDescHandler | |
 casacore::SDFeedHandler | |
 casacore::SDFieldHandler | |
 casacore::SDFITSHandler | |
 casacore::SDHistoryHandler | |
 casacore::SDMainHandler | |
 casacore::SDObservationHandler | |
 casacore::SDPointingHandler | |
 casacore::SDPolarizationHandler | |
 casacore::SDSourceHandler | |
 casacore::SDSpWindowHandler | |
 casacore::SDSysCalHandler | |
 casacore::SDWeatherHandler | |
 casacore::LSQFit::Separable | |
 casacore::Sequence< t > | Virtual templated base class for sequences |
 casacore::Sequence< uInt > | |
  casacore::uIntSequence | UInt sequence for general use |
 casacore::SerialHelper | |
 Serializable | |
  dyscostman::ThreadedDyscoColumn< DataType >::Header | |
 casacore::SetupNewTable | Create a new table - define shapes, data managers, etc |
 casacore::SetupNewTableRep | Representation for handle class SetupNewTable |
 casacore::SimOrdMapIO_global_functions_inoutput | Global IO functions |
 casacore::SimpleOrderedMap< K, V > | Simple map with keys ordered |
 casacore::Slice | Define a (start,length,increment) along an axis |
 casacore::Slicer | Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array |
 casacore::Slicer_global_functions_Slicer_IO | IO functions for Slicer's |
 casacore::Smooth< T > | Smooth a Vector or the rows of a 2D Array taking into account flags which are supplied in a Vector/Array of the same shape. Modify the flags as necessary to mark channels for which the smoothing could not be done because needed channels were flagged |
 casacore::SolarPos | Solar position class and calculations |
 casacore::Sort | Sort on one or more keys, ascending and/or descending |
 casacore::SortKey | Define a Sort key |
 casacore::SourceKey | Primary key in the SOURCE table |
 casacore::LogOrigin_global_functions_SourceLocation::SourceLocation | |
 casacore::MSMetaData::SourceProperties | Non-primary key data for a SOURCE table row |
 casacore::SparseDiff< T > | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
  casacore::SparseDiffA< T > | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
  casacore::SparseDiffX< T > | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
 casacore::SparseDiffIO_global_functions_SparseDiff_IO_operations | Implements all IO operators and functions for SparseDiff |
 casacore::SparseDiffMath_global_functions_SparseDiff_mathematical_operations | Implements all mathematical operators and functions for SparseDiff |
 casacore::SparseDiffRep< T > | Representation of data for the spare automatic differentiation calss |
 SPtrHolder< T > | Hold and delete pointers not deleted by object destructors |
 SPtrHolder< casacore::TabularCoordinate > | |
 casacore::MSMetaData::SpwProperties | |
 casacore::SquareMatrix< T, n > | Fast Square Matrix class with fixed (templated) size |
 casacore::SquareMatrix_global_functions_SqM_global_functions | Various global math and IO functions |
 casacore::SSMIndex | The bucket index for a group of columns in the Standard Storage Manager |
 casacore::SSMStringHandler | Store strings in the Standard Storage Manager |
 casacore::Stack< elem > | This class, Stack<t>, defines an implementation of a stack using the doubly linked list primitive, Link<t> |
 casacore::StatAcc< T > | A statistics accumulator |
 casacore::MeasTable::Statics_dUTC | Calculate time related conversion data |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithm< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Base class of statistics algorithm class hierarchy |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithm< CASA_STATP > | |
  casacore::ClassicalStatistics< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Class to calculate statistics in a "classical" sense, ie using accumulators with no special filtering beyond optional range filtering etc |
  casacore::ClassicalStatistics< CASA_STATP > | |
   casacore::BiweightStatistics< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | The biweight algorithm is a robust iterative algorithm that computes two quantities called the "location" and the "scale", which are analogous to the mean and the standard deviation |
   casacore::ConstrainedRangeStatistics< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Abstract base class for statistics algorithms which are characterized by a range of good values |
   casacore::ConstrainedRangeStatistics< CASA_STATP > | |
    casacore::ChauvenetCriterionStatistics< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Class to calculate statistics using the so-called Chauvenet criterion |
    casacore::FitToHalfStatistics< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Class to calculate statistics using the so-called fit to half algorithm |
    casacore::HingesFencesStatistics< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Class to calculate statistics using the so-called hinges and fences algorithm |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmFactory< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Provides a single interface for creation of stats algorithm objects |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmFactory< AccumType, const T *, const Bool * > | |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData | Define data structures used by tatisticsAlgorithmFactory |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmQuantileComputer< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | This is the virtual base class from which concrete QuantileComputer classes are derived |
 casacore::StatisticsAlgorithmQuantileComputer< CASA_STATP > | |
  casacore::ClassicalQuantileComputer< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | This class is used internally by ClassicalStatistics objects |
  casacore::ClassicalQuantileComputer< CASA_STATP > | |
   casacore::ConstrainedRangeQuantileComputer< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Basic concrete QuantileComputer class for data constrained to be in a specified range |
   casacore::ConstrainedRangeQuantileComputer< CASA_STATP > | |
    casacore::HingesFencesQuantileComputer< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | QuantileComputer used by HingesFencesStatistics for computing quantile-like statistics |
 casacore::StatisticsData | This class defines the enum of supported statistics types in the statistics framework |
 casacore::StatisticsDataset< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Representation of a statistics dataset used in statistics framework calculatations |
 casacore::StatisticsDataset< CASA_STATP > | |
 casacore::StatisticsIncrementer< DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Utility functions used for incrementing pointers in a data set used by the stats framework |
 casacore::StatisticsUtilities< AccumType > | Various statistics related methods for the statistics framework |
 casacore::StatsData< AccumType > | |
 casacore::StatsData< CASA_STATP > | |
 casacore::StatsDataProvider< AccumType, DataIterator, MaskIterator, WeightsIterator > | Abstract base class which defines interface for providing "datasets" to the statistics framework in cases where the data structure involved does not allow for a trivial means of doing so (eg, in the case of a Lattice) |
 casacore::StatsDataProvider< CASA_STATP > | |
 casacore::StatsDataProvider< NumericTraits< T >::PrecisionType, const T *, const Bool * > | |
  casacore::LatticeStatsDataProviderBase< T > | Abstract base class of data providers which allows stats framework to iterate through a lattice |
   casacore::LatticeStatsDataProvider< T > | Data provider which allows stats framework to iterate through an unmasked lattice |
   casacore::MaskedLatticeStatsDataProvider< T > | Data provider which allows stats framework to iterate through a masked lattice |
 casacore::StatsHistogram< AccumType > | Represents an unfilled histogram with equal width bins for binning used for quantile computations |
 std11_allocator | |
  casacore::casacore_allocator< T, ALIGNMENT > | |
  casacore::new_del_allocator< T > | |
 casacore::python::std_vector_to_list< T > | Converts an STL vector or casa Array of T objects to Python list |
 casacore::StIndArray | Read/write indirect arrays |
 casacore::STLIO_global_functions_Container_IO | Input/output operators for STL-like containers |
 casacore::STLMath_global_functions_Container_Math | Math operations on STL-like containers |
 casacore::StManArrayFile | Read/write array in external format for a storage manager |
 dyscostman::StochasticEncoder< ValueType > | Lossy encoder for stochastic values |
 casacore::Stokes | Stokes parameter definitions for interface to table data |
 casacore::StokesConverter | StokesConverter converts any set of polarizations into any other one |
 casacore::StorageOption | Options defining how table files are organized |
 casacore::String_global_functions_case | Casing and related functions Case conversion and rearrangement functions |
 casacore::String_global_functions_common | Some general functions Functions to find special patterns, join and replicate |
 casacore::String_global_functions_comparitor | Global comparison operators |
 casacore::String_global_functions_concatenator | Global concatenation operators |
 casacore::String_global_functions_io | IO |
 casacore::String_global_functions_split | Splitting Global function which splits the String into string array res at separator and returns the number of elements |
 casacore::StringDistance | Class to deal with Levensthein distance of strings |
 casacore::SubScanKey | A sub scan is a unique combination of observation ID, array ID, scan number, and field ID |
 casacore::MSMetaData::SubScanProperties | |
 casacore::SubString | SubString help class to be used in at, before,.. |
 casacore::arrays_internal::SumSqrDiff< T, Accum > | Functor to add squared diff of right and base value to left |
 casacore::arrays_internal::SumSqrDiff< std::complex< T > > | Specialize for complex values |
 casacore::Table | Main interface class to a read/write table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSEnum > | A Table intended to hold astronomical data |
  casacore::MSTable< MSAntennaEnums > | |
   casacore::MSAntenna | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet ANTENNA table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSDataDescriptionEnums > | |
   casacore::MSDataDescription | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DATADESCRIPTION table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSDopplerEnums > | |
   casacore::MSDoppler | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DOPPLER table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSFeedEnums > | |
   casacore::MSFeed | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FEED table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSFieldEnums > | |
   casacore::MSField | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FIELD table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSFlagCmdEnums > | |
   casacore::MSFlagCmd | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FLAG_CMD table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSFreqOffsetEnums > | |
   casacore::MSFreqOffset | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FREQ_OFFSET table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSHistoryEnums > | |
   casacore::MSHistory | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATIONLOG table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSMainEnums > | |
   casacore::MeasurementSet | A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements) |
  casacore::MSTable< MSObservationEnums > | |
   casacore::MSObservation | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATION table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSPointingEnums > | |
   casacore::MSPointing | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POINTING table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSPolarizationEnums > | |
   casacore::MSPolarization | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POLARIZATION table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSProcessorEnums > | |
   casacore::MSProcessor | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet PROCESSOR table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSSourceEnums > | |
   casacore::MSSource | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SOURCE table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSSpectralWindowEnums > | |
   casacore::MSSpectralWindow | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SPECTRAL_WINDOW table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSStateEnums > | |
   casacore::MSState | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet STATE table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSSysCalEnums > | |
   casacore::MSSysCal | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SYSCAL table |
  casacore::MSTable< MSWeatherEnums > | |
   casacore::MSWeather | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet WEATHER table |
 casacore::TableAttr | Some attributes of a table |
 casacore::TableCache | Cache of open tables |
 casacore::TableColumn | Read/write access to a table column |
  casacore::ArrayColumnBase | Read and write access to an array table column with arbitrary data type |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< Bool > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< casacore::String > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< Complex > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< DComplex > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< Double > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< Float > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< Int > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< Int64 > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< Short > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< StoredType > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< uChar > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< uInt > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< uShort > | |
   casacore::ArrayColumn< T > | Read and write access to an array table column with arbitrary data type |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< T > | Access to a scalar table column with arbitrary data type |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< Bool > | |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< casacore::String > | |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< casacore::TableRecord > | |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< Double > | |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< Float > | |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< Int > | |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< uInt > | |
  casacore::ScalarColumn< VirtualType > | |
 casacore::TableCopy | Class with static functions for copying a table |
 casacore::TableDesc | Define the structure of a Casacore table |
 casacore::TableExprData | Abstract base class for data object in a TaQL expression |
  casacore::LogFilterExpr | Class to deal with a TaQL expression to filter messages |
 casacore::TableExprGroupFuncBase | Abstract base class for classes calculating an aggregated group result |
  casacore::TableExprGroupAggr | Class collecting the arrays in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupExprId | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase collecting the ids in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFirst | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase for the first value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupLast | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase for the first value in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayBool | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a bool array |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayAlls | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group if all are true |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayAnys | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group if any is true |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayDate | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a date/time array |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayDComplex | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a dcomplex array |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMeansArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the mean of complex array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the product of complex array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of complex array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of complex array values in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayDouble | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a double array |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMaxsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the maximum double array value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMeansArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the mean of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMinsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the minimum double array value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the product of double array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupRmssArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the RMS of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of double array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of double array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupVariancesArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
    casacore::TableExprGroupStdDevsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupVariancesArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
    casacore::TableExprGroupStdDevsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayInt | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving an integer array |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayNFalses | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group the nr of false values |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayNTrues | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group the nr of true values |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMaxsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the maximum value |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMinsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the minimum value |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the product of values |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the sum of values |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the sum of value squares in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayString | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a string array |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncBool | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a bool scalar |
   casacore::TableExprGroupAll | Aggregate class counting if all values in a group are true |
   casacore::TableExprGroupAny | Aggregate class counting if any value in a group is true |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayAll | Aggregate class counting if all array values in a group are true |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayAny | Aggregate class counting if any array value in a group is true |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncDate | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a date/time scalar |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncDComplex | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a dcomplex scalar |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMeanArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the mean of complex array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMeanDComplex | Aggregate class determining the mean of complex values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the product of complex array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductDComplex | Aggregate class determining the product of complex values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of complex array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of complex values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of complex array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of complex values in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncDouble | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a double scalar |
   casacore::TableExprGroupFractileArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the fractile of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupFractileDouble | Aggregate class determining the fractile of values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMaxArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the maximum double array value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMaxDouble | Aggregate class determining the maximum double value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMeanArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the mean of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMeanDouble | Aggregate class determining the mean of values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMinArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the minimum double array value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMinDouble | Aggregate class determining the minimum double value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the product of double array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductDouble | Aggregate class determining the product of double values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupRmsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the RMS of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupRmsDouble | Aggregate class determining the RMS of values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of double array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of double values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of double array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of double values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupVarianceArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
    casacore::TableExprGroupStdDevArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupVarianceArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
    casacore::TableExprGroupStdDevArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupVarianceDComplex | Aggregate class determining the variance of values in a group |
    casacore::TableExprGroupStdDevDComplex | Aggregate class determining the standard deviation of values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupVarianceDouble | Aggregate class determining the variance of values in a group |
    casacore::TableExprGroupStdDevDouble | Aggregate class determining the standard deviation of values in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncInt | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving an integer scalar |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayNFalse | Aggregate class counting the number of false array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupArrayNTrue | Aggregate class counting the number of true array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupCount | Aggregate class counting number of rows in a group containing a value |
   casacore::TableExprGroupCountAll | Aggregate class counting number of rows in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMaxArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the maximum integer array value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMaxInt | Aggregate class determining the maximum integer value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMinArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the minimum integer array value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupMinInt | Aggregate class determining the minimum integer value in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupNFalse | Aggregate class counting the number of false values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupNTrue | Aggregate class counting the number of true values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the product of integer array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupProductInt | Aggregate class determining the product of integer values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of integer array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of integer values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of integer array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupSumSqrInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of integer values in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncString | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a string scalar |
  casacore::TableExprGroupHistBase | Base aggregate class determining the histogram of values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupHistDouble | Aggregate class determining the histogram of double array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupHistInt | Aggregate class determining the histogram of integer array values in a group |
   casacore::TableExprGroupHistScalar | Aggregate class determining the histogram of scalar values in a group |
  casacore::TableExprGroupNull | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase representing a no function |
  casacore::TableExprGroupRowid | Class collecting the rowids of entries in a group |
 casacore::TableExprGroupFuncSet | Class containing the results of aggregated values in a group |
 casacore::TableExprGroupKey | Class representing a key in the groupby clause |
 casacore::TableExprGroupKeySet | Class representing all keys in the groupby clause |
 casacore::TableExprGroupResult | Class holding the results of groupby and aggregation |
 casacore::TableExprId | The identification of a TaQL selection subject |
  casacore::TableExprIdAggr | The Table Expression Selection id used with aggregation |
 casacore::TableExprNode | Handle class for a table column expression tree |
 casacore::TableExprNodeRep | Abstract base class for a node in a table column expression tree |
  casacore::TableExprNodeBinary | Abstract base class for a node having 0, 1, or 2 child nodes |
   casacore::TableExprNodeAND | Logical and in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeArray | Base class for arrays in table select expression |
    casacore::TableExprFuncNodeArray | Class representing an array function in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprAggrNodeArray | TaQL node representing an array aggregate function |
     casacore::TableExprConeNodeArray | |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayAND | Logical and in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayBitAndInt | Int Array bitwise and in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayBitNegate | Bitwise negate in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayBitOrInt | Int Array bitwise or in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayBitXorInt | Int Array bitwise xor in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumn | Base class for Array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnBool | Bool array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnComplex | Complex array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnDComplex | DComplex array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnDouble | Double array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnFloat | Float array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnInt | Int array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnInt64 | Int64 array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnShort | Short array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnString | String array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnuChar | UChar array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnuInt | UInt array column in table select expression |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayColumnuShort | UShort array column in table select expression |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayConstBool | Bool Array constant in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayConstDate | Date Array constant in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayConstDComplex | DComplex Array constant in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayConstDouble | Double Array constant in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayConstInt | Int Array constant in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayConstString | String Array constant in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayDivide | Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayDivideDComplex | DComplex Array division in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayDivideDouble | Double Array division in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayEQBool | Bool Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayEQDate | Date Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayEQDComplex | DComplex Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayEQDouble | Double Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayEQInt | Int Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayEQRegex | Regex Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayEQString | String Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGEDate | Date Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGEDComplex | DComplex Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGEDouble | Double Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGEInt | Int Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGEString | String Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGTDate | Date Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGTDComplex | DComplex Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGTDouble | Double Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGTInt | Int Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayGTString | String Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayINDate | Date Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayINDComplex | DComplex Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayINDouble | Double Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayINInt | Int Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayINString | String Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayMIN | Unary minus in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayMinus | Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayMinusDate | Date Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayMinusDComplex | DComplex Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayMinusDouble | Double Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayMinusInt | Int Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayModulo | Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayModuloDouble | Double Array modulo in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayModuloInt | Int Array modulo in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNEBool | Bool Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNEDate | Date Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNEDComplex | DComplex Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNEDouble | Double Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNEInt | Int Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNERegex | Regex Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNEString | String Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayNOT | Logical not in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayOR | Logical or in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayPart | Array column part in table select expression |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayPlus | Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayPlusDate | Date Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayPlusDComplex | DComplex Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayPlusDouble | Double Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayPlusInt | Int Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayPlusString | String Array addition in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimes | Array addition in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex | DComplex Array multiplication in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDouble | Double Array multiplication in table select expression tree |
     casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesInt | Int Array multiplication in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeArrayUnit | Unit for array values in a table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeRecordFieldArray | Array field in record select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprUDFNodeArray | Class representing an array UDF in select expression |
   casacore::TableExprNodeBitAndInt | Bitwise and in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeBitNegate | Bitwise negate in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeBitOrInt | Bitwise or in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeBitXorInt | Bitwise xor in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeColumn | Scalar column in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeConstBool | Constant Bool in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeConstDate | Constant Date in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeConstDComplex | Constant DComplex in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeConstDouble | Constant Double in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeConstInt | Constant Int64 in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeConstRegex | Constant Regex or StringDistance in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeConstString | Constant String in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeDivide | Division in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeDivideDComplex | DComplex division in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeDivideDouble | Double division in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeEQBool | Bool comparison == in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeEQDate | Date comparison == in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeEQDComplex | DComplex comparison == in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeEQDouble | Double comparison == in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeEQInt | Int comparison == in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeEQRegex | Regex comparison == in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeEQString | String comparison == in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGEDate | Date comparison >= in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGEDComplex | DComplex comparison >= in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGEDouble | Double comparison >= in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGEInt | Int comparison >= in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGEString | String comparison >= in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGTDate | Date comparison > in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGTDComplex | DComplex comparison > in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGTDouble | Double comparison > in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGTInt | Int comparison > in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeGTString | String comparison > in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeINDate | Date comparison IN in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeINDComplex | DComplex comparison IN in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeINDouble | Double comparison IN in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeINInt | Int comparison IN in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeINString | String comparison IN in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeMIN | Unary minus in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeMinus | Subtraction in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeMinusDate | Date subtraction in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeMinusDComplex | DComplex subtraction in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeMinusDouble | Double subtraction in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeMinusInt | Int subtraction in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeModulo | Modulo in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeModuloDouble | Double modulo in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeModuloInt | Int modulo in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNEBool | Bool comparison != in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNEDate | Date comparison != in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNEDComplex | DComplex comparison != in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNEDouble | Double comparison != in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNEInt | Int comparison != in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNERegex | Regex comparison != in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNEString | String comparison != in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeNOT | Logical not in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeOR | Logical or in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodePlus | Addition in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodePlusDate | Date addition in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodePlusDComplex | DComplex addition in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodePlusDouble | Double addition in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodePlusInt | Int addition in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodePlusString | String addition in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeRandom | Random number in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeRecordField | Scalar field in record select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeRowid | Rowid in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeRownr | Rownumber in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeTimes | Multiplication in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeTimesDComplex | DComplex multiplication in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeTimesDouble | Double multiplication in table select expression tree |
    casacore::TableExprNodeTimesInt | Int multiplication in table select expression tree |
   casacore::TableExprNodeUnit | Unit for scalar values in a table select expression tree |
  casacore::TableExprNodeMulti | Abstract base class for a node having multiple child nodes |
   casacore::TableExprFuncNode | Class representing a function in table select expression |
    casacore::TableExprAggrNode | TaQL node representing a scalar aggregate function |
    casacore::TableExprConeNode | Class representing a cone search in table select expression |
   casacore::TableExprNodeIndex | The index of an array element in a table select expression |
   casacore::TableExprUDFNode | Class representing a scalar UDF in select expression |
  casacore::TableExprNodeSet | Class to hold multiple table expression nodes |
  casacore::TableExprNodeSetElem | Class to hold the table expression nodes for an element in a set |
 casacore::TableExprRange | Select range of a column in an select expression |
 casacore::TableGram_global_functions_TableGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for TableGram |
 casacore::TableIndexProxy | Proxy for table index access |
 casacore::TableInfo | Table type, subtype and further info |
 casacore::TableIterator | Iterate through a Table |
 casacore::TableIterProxy | Proxy for table iterator access |
 casacore::TableKeyword | Keyword value representing a table |
 casacore::TableLock | Class to hold table lock options |
  casacore::TableLockData | Class to hold table lock data |
 casacore::TableLocker | Class to hold a (user) lock on a table |
 casacore::TableMeasColumn | Read only access to table scalar Measure columns |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< casacore::MDirection > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< casacore::MEpoch > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< casacore::MFrequency > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< casacore::MRadialVelocity > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< MDirection > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< MDoppler > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< MEarthMagnetic > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< MEpoch > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< MFrequency > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< MPosition > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< MRadialVelocity > | |
  casacore::ArrayMeasColumn< M > | Access table array Measure columns |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< M > | Read only access to table scalar Measure columns |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< casacore::MDirection > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< casacore::MDoppler > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< casacore::MEpoch > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< casacore::MFrequency > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< casacore::MPosition > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< casacore::MRadialVelocity > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< casacore::Muvw > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< MDirection > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< MDoppler > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< MEarthMagnetic > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< MEpoch > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< MFrequency > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< MPosition > | |
  casacore::ScalarMeasColumn< MRadialVelocity > | |
 casacore::TableMeasDescBase | Definition of a Measure in a Table |
  casacore::TableMeasDesc< M > | Definition of a Measure column in a Table |
 casacore::TableMeasOffsetDesc | Definition of a Measure Offset in a Table |
 casacore::TableMeasRefDesc | Definition of a Measure Reference in a Table |
 casacore::TableMeasType | Definition of a Measure column in a Table |
 casacore::TableMeasValueDesc | Definition of a Measure Value in a Table |
 casacore::TableParse | Class to hold values from table grammar parser |
 casacore::TableParseSelect | Select-class for flex/bison scanner/parser for TableParse |
 casacore::TableParseSort | Helper class for sort keys in TableParse |
 casacore::TableParseUpdate | Helper class for updates in TableParse |
 casacore::TableProxy | High-level interface to tables |
 casacore::TableQuantumDesc | A class for defining Quantum columns in Tables |
 casacore::TableRowProxy | Proxy for table row access |
 casacore::TableSyncData | Class to hold table synchronization data |
 casacore::TableTrace | Class with static functions for tracing column IO |
 casacore::TableVector< T > | Templated readonly table column vectors |
 casacore::TableVectorHelper< T > | |
 casacore::TabPath | Search path for table files |
 casacore::TabVecLogic_global_functions_scalarComparison | Comparison between a table vector and a scalar |
 casacore::TabVecLogic_global_functions_vectorComparison | Comparison between two table vectors |
 casacore::TabVecMath_global_functions_advTransMath | Further transcendental math for table vectors |
 casacore::TabVecMath_global_functions_basicMath | Basic math for table vectors |
 casacore::TabVecMath_global_functions_basicTransMath | Transcendental math for table vectors |
 casacore::TabVecMath_global_functions_miscellaneous | Miscellaneous table vector operations |
 casacore::TabVecMath_global_functions_vectorMath | Vector operations on a table vector |
 casacore::TabVecRep< T > | Templated base class for table vectors |
  casacore::TabVecScaCol< T > | Templated table scalar column vectors |
  casacore::TabVecTemp< T > | Templated table vectors held in memory as a temporary |
 casacore::TaQLNode | Envelope class for a node in the raw TaQL parse tree |
  casacore::TaQLConstNode | Envelope class for a node containing a constant value |
  casacore::TaQLMultiNode | Envelope class for a node containing a list of nodes |
  casacore::TaQLQueryNode | Envelope class for a node containing a selection command |
  casacore::TaQLRegexNode | Envelope class for a node containing a constant regex value |
 casacore::TaQLNodeRep | Representation of a node in the raw TaQL parse tree |
  casacore::TaQLAddColNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table add column command |
  casacore::TaQLAddRowNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table add rows command |
  casacore::TaQLBinaryNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a binary operator |
  casacore::TaQLCalcNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a calc command |
  casacore::TaQLColNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select column expression |
  casacore::TaQLColSpecNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a create column specification |
  casacore::TaQLColumnsNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select column list |
  casacore::TaQLConstNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a constant value |
  casacore::TaQLCopyColNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table copy column command |
  casacore::TaQLDeleteNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a delete command |
  casacore::TaQLDropTabNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a DROP TABLE command |
  casacore::TaQLFuncNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a function |
  casacore::TaQLGivingNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a giving expression list |
  casacore::TaQLGroupNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a groupby list |
  casacore::TaQLIndexNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an index in a array |
  casacore::TaQLInsertNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an insert command |
  casacore::TaQLJoinNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a join operation |
  casacore::TaQLKeyColNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a keyword or column name |
  casacore::TaQLLimitOffNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a limit/offset expression |
  casacore::TaQLMultiNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a list of nodes |
  casacore::TaQLQueryNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a selection command |
   casacore::TaQLAltTabNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table command |
   casacore::TaQLConcTabNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table command |
   casacore::TaQLCountNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a count command |
   casacore::TaQLCreTabNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a create table command |
   casacore::TaQLSelectNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select command |
  casacore::TaQLRangeNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a range |
  casacore::TaQLRecFldNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a record field |
  casacore::TaQLRegexNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a constant regex value |
  casacore::TaQLRenDropNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table rename or drop command |
  casacore::TaQLSetKeyNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table set keyword command |
  casacore::TaQLShowNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a show command |
  casacore::TaQLSortKeyNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a sort key |
  casacore::TaQLSortNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a sort list |
  casacore::TaQLTableNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a table |
  casacore::TaQLUnaryNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a unary operator |
  casacore::TaQLUnitNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a unit |
  casacore::TaQLUpdateNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an update command |
  casacore::TaQLUpdExprNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a column update expression |
 casacore::TaQLNodeResult | Envelope class to hold the result of a visit to the node tree |
 casacore::TaQLNodeResultRep | Abstract base class to hold the result of a visit to the node tree |
  casacore::TaQLNodeHRValue | Class containing the result value of the handling of a TaQLNode |
 casacore::TaQLNodeVisitor | Class to visit the nodes in the raw TaQL parse tree |
  casacore::TaQLNodeHandler | Class to handle the nodes in the raw TaQL parse tree |
 casacore::TaqlRegex | Class to handle a Regex or StringDistance |
 casacore::TaQLResult | Class to hold the result of a TaQL command |
 casacore::TaQLShow | Class to show various TaQL-related info |
 casacore::TaQLStyle | Class with static members defining the TaQL style |
 casacore::Template | Canonicalise, format and other actions on Casacore template definitions |
 casacore::TempLatticeImpl< T > | The class implementing TempLattice |
 ThreadDataBase | |
  dyscostman::DyscoDataColumn::ThreadData | |
 dyscostman::ThreadedDyscoColumn< DataType >::ThreadDataBase | |
 dyscostman::threadgroup | Group of threads |
 casacore::TiledCollapser< T, U > | Abstract base class to collapse chunks for LatticeApply |
  casacore::StatsTiledCollapser< T, U > | Generate statistics, tile by tile, from a masked lattice NOTE this version was moved from LatticeStatistics (early Dec 2014 version) and slightly modified mostly for style issues (no significant semantic differences from that version). For a large number of statistics sets that need to be computed simultaneously, this version is more efficient than using the new stats framework, because creating large numbers of eg ClassicalStatistics objects is much less efficient than the direct manipulation of pointers to primitive types that this class does |
 casacore::TiledCollapser< T, T > | |
  casacore::HistTiledCollapser< T > | Generate histograms, tile by tile, from a masked lattice |
 casacore::TiledFileAccess | Tiled access to an array in a file |
 casacore::TiledShape | Define the shape and tile shape |
 casacore::Time | Date and time enquiry functions, with some operations |
 TimeBlockBuffer< data_t > | |
 TimeBlockEncoder | |
  AFTimeBlockEncoder | |
  RFTimeBlockEncoder | |
  RowTimeBlockEncoder | |
 casacore::TimeFields | |
 casacore::Timer | Measure the time it takes to execute parts of a program |
 casacore::MSMetaData::TimeStampProperties | |
 casacore::PrecTimer::TimeStruct | |
 casacore::python::to_list< ContainerType > | A wrapper of a conversion function to convert a STL vector to a Python list |
 casacore::python::to_list< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > | |
 casacore::python::to_list< casacore::IPosition > | |
 casacore::python::to_list< casacore::Vector< casacore::String > > | |
 casacore::python::to_list< std::vector< bool > > | |
 casacore::python::to_list< std::vector< casacore::String > > | |
 true_type | |
  casacore::arrays_internal::Storage< T, Alloc >::conjunction<> | |
 casacore::TSMCube | Tiled hypercube in a table |
  casacore::TSMCubeBuff | Tiled hypercube in a table |
  casacore::TSMCubeMMap | Tiled hypercube in a table |
 casacore::TSMFile | File object for Tiled Storage Manager |
 casacore::TSMOption | Options for the Tiled Storage Manager Access |
 casacore::TSMShape | Expanded IPosition for shapes |
 casacore::TVec_global_functions_enum | Enumeration of possible table vectors |
 casacore::TVecLogic_global_functions_scalarComparison | Comparison between a table vector and a scalar |
 casacore::TVecLogic_global_functions_vectorComparison | Comparison between two table vectors |
 casacore::TVecMath_global_functions_advTransMath | Further transcendental math for table vectors |
 casacore::TVecMath_global_functions_basicMath | Basic math for table vectors |
 casacore::TVecMath_global_functions_basicTransMath | Transcendental math for table vectors |
 casacore::TVecMath_global_functions_miscellaneous | Miscellaneous table vector operations |
 casacore::TVecMath_global_functions_vectorMath | Vector operations on a table vector |
 type | |
  casacore::arrays_internal::Storage< T, Alloc >::conjunction< B1, Bn...> | |
  casacore::arrays_internal::Storage< T, Alloc >::disjunction< B1, Bn...> | |
 TypeConvTraits< T > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Bool > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Char > | This one is only used to convert numpy BYTE and SBYTE to casa short |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Complex > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::DComplex > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Double > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Float > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Int > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Int64 > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::Short > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::String > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::uChar > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::uInt > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::uInt64 > | |
 TypeConvTraits< casacore::uShort > | |
 casacore::TypeIO | Abstract base class for IO of data in a type-dependent format |
  casacore::CanonicalIO | Class for IO in canonical format |
  casacore::ConversionIO | Class for IO in a converted format |
  casacore::LECanonicalIO | Class for IO in little endian canonical format |
  casacore::RawIO | Class for IO in local format |
 casacore::UDFBase | Abstract base class for a user-defined TaQL function |
  casacore::DirectionUDF | TaQL UDFs for Direction conversions |
  casacore::DopplerUDF | TaQL UDFs for Doppler conversions |
  casacore::EarthMagneticUDF | TaQL UDFs for EarthMagnetic conversions |
  casacore::EpochUDF | TaQL UDFs for Epoch conversions |
  casacore::FrequencyUDF | TaQL UDFs for Frequency conversions |
  casacore::HelpMeasUDF | |
  casacore::HelpMsCalUDF | |
  casacore::PositionUDF | TaQL UDFs for Position conversions |
  casacore::RadialVelocityUDF | TaQL UDFs for RadialVelocity conversions |
  casacore::UDFMSCal | TaQL UDFs to calculate derived MS values |
 casacore::UMaps | Define a struct containing the static data members |
 unary_function | |
  casacore::Abs< T, RES > | Functor to apply abs |
  casacore::Acos< T, RES > | Functor to apply acos |
  casacore::Asin< T, RES > | Functor to apply asin |
  casacore::Atan< T, RES > | Functor to apply atan |
  casacore::BitFlagsEngine< StoredType >::FlagsToBool | Functor to and an array and mask and convert to Bool |
  casacore::BitNegate< T > | Functor for bitwise negate of (integer) values |
  casacore::CAbs< T, RES > | Functor to apply complex function fabs |
  casacore::Capitalize | Functor to capitalize a std::string |
  casacore::CArg< T, RES > | Functor to apply complex function arg |
  casacore::Ceil< T, RES > | Functor to apply ceil |
  casacore::Conj< T, RES > | Functor to apply complex function conj |
  casacore::Cos< T, RES > | Functor to apply cos |
  casacore::Cosh< T, RES > | Functor to apply cosh |
  casacore::Downcase | Functor to downcase a std::string |
  casacore::Exp< T, RES > | Functor to apply exp |
  casacore::Floor< T, RES > | Functor to apply floor |
  casacore::Imag< T, RES > | Functor to apply complex function imag |
  casacore::IsFinite< T > | Functor to test for finiteness |
  casacore::IsInf< T > | Functor to test for infinity |
  casacore::IsNaN< T > | Functor to test for NaN |
  casacore::Log< T, RES > | Functor to apply log |
  casacore::Log10< T, RES > | Functor to apply log10 |
  casacore::Pow3< T, RES > | Functor to apply a power of 3 |
  casacore::Real< T, RES > | Functor to apply complex function real |
  casacore::Round< T, RES > | Functor to apply round (e.g |
  casacore::Sign< T, RES > | Functor to apply sign (result is -1, 0, or 1) |
  casacore::Sin< T, RES > | Functor to apply sin |
  casacore::Sinh< T, RES > | Functor to apply sinh |
  casacore::Sqr< T, RES > | Functor to apply sqr (power of 2) |
  casacore::Sqrt< T, RES > | Functor to apply sqrt |
  casacore::Tan< T, RES > | Functor to apply tan |
  casacore::Tanh< T, RES > | Functor to apply tanh |
  casacore::Trim | Functor to trim a std::string |
  casacore::Upcase | Functor to upcase a std::string |
 casacore::Array< T, Alloc >::uninitializedType | This is a tag for the constructor that may be used to construct an uninitialized Array |
 casacore::PrecTimer::Union1 | |
 casacore::PrecTimer::Union2 | |
 casacore::Unit | Defines physical units |
 casacore::UnitDim | Describes a unit in basic SI unit dimensions |
 casacore::UnitMap | All simple known physical units |
 casacore::UnitName | Handles physical units |
 casacore::UnitVal | Describes any valid unit as a factor and a dimenion of SI units |
 casacore::UnitVal_global_functions_output | Global output function |
 casacore::UnitVal_static_initializer | Static initialisation of UnitVal constants |
 casacore::UVWMachine | Converts UVW coordinates between coordinate systems |
 casacore::ValType | Data types and their undefined values |
 casacore::ValTypeId_global_functions_typeid | The id-string of a value type |
 casacore::ValueHolder | A holder for a value of any basic Casacore data type |
 casacore::ValueHolderRep | A holder for a value of any basic type |
 casacore::VanVleck | A class of static functions to aid with vanVleck corrections of lag data |
 casacore::VAXConversion | A class with static functions to convert VAX format |
 vector< Bool > | |
 vector< casacore::Array< Int > > | |
 vector< casacore::Block< bool > > | |
 vector< casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TableExprGroupFuncBase > > | |
 vector< casacore::CountedPtr< casacore::TableExprGroupFuncSet > > | |
 vector< casacore::CountedPtr< vector< casacore::TableExprId > > > | |
 vector< casacore::DataManagerColumn * > | |
 vector< casacore::FuncExprData::ExprOperator > | |
 vector< casacore::MDirection > | |
 vector< casacore::MPosition > | |
 vector< casacore::MSMetaData::SpwProperties > | |
 vector< casacore::MultiFileInfo > | |
 vector< casacore::QVector > | |
 vector< casacore::String > | |
 vector< casacore::TableExprGroupKey > | |
 vector< casacore::Vector< Double > > | |
 vector< const casacore::Table * > | |
 vector< Double > | |
 vector< Int > | |
 vector< Int64 > | |
 vector< pair< uInt, T > > | |
 vector< std::map< Int, casacore::Quantum > > | |
 vector< std::pair< casacore::MEpoch, casacore::MEpoch > > | |
 vector< std::pair< casacore::Quantum, casacore::Quantum > > | |
 vector< std::set< casacore::ScanKey > > | |
 vector< std::set< casacore::String > > | |
 vector< std::set< Int > > | |
 vector< uInt > | |
 vector< vector< casacore::MBaseline > > | |
 vector< vector< casacore::MDirection > > | |
 vector< vector< casacore::MPosition > > | |
 vector< vector< casacore::String > > | |
 vector< vector< casacore::Vector< double > > > | |
 vector< vector< Int > > | |
 casacore::VectorKernel | Make a Vector smoothing kernel from a kernel specification |
 casacore::VelocityMachine | Converts between velocities and frequencies |
 casacore::VirtScaCol_global_functions_get_putVirtualScalar | Global functions to get or put data of a virtual column |
 casacore::WCRegion | Base class to define world coordinate regions of interest in an image |
  casacore::WCBox | Class to define a world coordinate box region of interest in an image |
  casacore::WCCompound | Base class for compound WCRegion objects |
   casacore::WCComplement | Make the complement of an image region |
   casacore::WCConcatenation | Combine multiple ImageRegion's into a new dimension |
   casacore::WCDifference | Make the difference of 2 image regions |
   casacore::WCExtension | Make the extension of an image region |
   casacore::WCIntersection | Make the intersection of 2 or more image regions |
   casacore::WCUnion | Make the union of 2 or more image regions |
  casacore::WCEllipsoid | Class to define an n-dimensional ellipsoid in world coordinates |
  casacore::WCLELMask | Class to define a mask as a LEL expression |
  casacore::WCPolygon | Class to define a 2-D polygonal world coordinate region in an image |
 WeightBlockEncoder | |
 dyscostman::WeightEncoder< T > | Encoder for visibility weights |
 casacore::WrapperBase< T > | Aid in constructing function objects from C++ functions |
  casacore::WrapperData< T, U, V, hasX, hasParam > | Aid in constructing function objects from C++ functions |
  casacore::WrapperData_FF< T, T, T, False, False > | Specialization for calls with no arguments and no parameters |
  casacore::WrapperData_FT< T, T, T, False, True > | Specialization for calls with no arguments and parameter |
  casacore::WrapperData_FV< T, T, Vector< T >, False, True > | Specialization for calls with no arguments and parameters |
  casacore::WrapperData_TF< T, T, T, True, False > | Specialization for calls with argument and no parameters |
  casacore::WrapperData_TT< T, T, T, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameter |
  casacore::WrapperData_TV< T, T, Vector< T >, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameters |
  casacore::WrapperData_VF< T, Vector< T >, T, True, False > | Specialization for calls with argument and no parameters |
  casacore::WrapperData_VT< T, Vector< T >, T, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameter |
  casacore::WrapperData_VV< T, Vector< T >, Vector< T >, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameters |
 casacore::ZScoreCalculator | This class contains static methods related to z-scores |
 abs | |
 AccumType | |
 acos | |
 allocator | |
 arg | |
 asin | |
 atan | |
 atan2 | |
 available | |
 be | |
 boolalpha | |
 calls | |
 can | |
 cannot | |
 ceil | |
 cerr | |
 chunks | |
 cin | |
 cos | |
 cosh | |
 cout | |
 dec | |
 detect | |
 difference | |
 dlindependent_comalloc | |
 domain_error | |
 elements | |
 endl | |
 ends | |
 enough | |
 exception | |
 existing | |
 exp | |
 fabs | |
 filebuf | |
 fixed | |
 floor | |
 flush | |
 fmod | |
 for | |
 For | |
 fpos | |
 from | |
 fstream | |
 hex | |
 ifstream | |
 imag | |
 increase | |
 independent_comalloc | |
 internal | |
 invalid_argument | |
 ios | |
 iostream | |
 istream | |
 istringstream | |
 it | |
 larger | |
 left | |
 length_error | |
 less | |
 log | |
 log10 | |
 logic_error | |
 M | |
 malloc | |
 map | |
 memory | |
 might | |
 Mr | |
 multimap | |
 Mv | |
 noboolalpha | |
 noncontiguous | |
 norm | |
 noshowbase | |
 noshowpoint | |
 noshowpos | |
 noskipws | |
 nouppercase | |
 oct | |
 of | |
 ofstream | |
 only | |
 operator< | |
 operator<= | |
 operator> | |
 operator>= | |
 ostream | |
 ostringstream | |
 out_of_range | |
 overall | |
 overflow_error | |
 Overuse | |
 pair | |
 polar | |
 pow | |
 probably | |
 Qtype | |
 range_error | |
 real | |
 resetiosflags | |
 reuse | |
 right | |
 runtime_error | |
 scientific | |
 series | |
 setbase | |
 setfill | |
 setiosflags | |
 setprecision | |
 setw | |
 showbase | |
 showpoint | |
 showpos | |
 sin | |
 since | |
 sinh | |
 size_t | |
 skipws | |
 small | |
 some | |
 sqrt | |
 streambuf | |
 streamoff | |
 streampos | |
 streamsize | |
 string | |
  casacore::String | String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters |
 stringstream | |
 t | |
 T | |
 tan | |
 tanh | |
 that | |
 the | |
 to | |
 Tp | |
 TYPE | |
 Type | |
 underflow_error | |
 uppercase | |
 usage | |
 values | |
 vector | |
 void | |
 won | |
 ws | |
 you | |